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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Rub? Hey, Deej, what did you rub the shoulder with? It's a long "mother" story (you've heard some of them), but suffice it to say that I'm cookin pulled pork for a bunch of neighborhood guys who are helping her put up a fence. I'm thinkin 2 or 3 butts or shoulders (rather find bone in, but you get the idea). What's good, do you think? Chime in, anyone. Yes, I know I could look in recipes or techniques, but Deej's shoulder looks so good on the Ninja!
  2. Mine has elastic. Maybe because it's nice and loose I have no trouble at all. But you're right - nice snug fit.
  3. Doctors mess up a good story You read they did studies, and found out the feud was prolly because of a genetic condition that the McCoys had? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17967965/
  4. YAY!!! Most excellent, Deej!! What do you have marinating for your first cook?
  5. Doesn't your CPU have a cup holder? There's a little button in front, and when you push it, the little cup holder slides out for you to put your coffee in. I must say, it's way more inconvenient in the tower types. When the CPU was left on the desk, under the monitor, it was much more conveniently located, put coffee right there on the desk. Now I keep having to reach down next to my chair each time I want a drink of coffee.
  6. That's the same lady who called to say her cup holder broke, right? The one that opens when she hit that little button in front?
  7. Envy I'm all aquiver!! Those is some FABULOUS grill parts!! YAY!!
  8. There was a review of 25 commercially available sauces in the Inquirer today. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/columnis ... cting.html Ok, they're not DizzyDust, but what is?
  9. That's a parachute. See the blue harness attached? Din't you see how high in the mountains he is? What if Cat fell off patio! PULL THE CORD!!!
  10. Sanny

    left over

    Happy Birthday! Two days late. But we love you anyway. It is good to be King, even for a day.
  11. Nice try, PC, but when I took it off the grill the internal temp was too high. Yes, I napped through brisket prime-time. Bacon is the answer.
  12. The Next Day... Brisket is WAY more moist. Reheated in the 'wave, with some broc, and it's moist and yummy. YAY! I'm not a brisket failure, after all.
  13. I cannot think of anything that is NOT improved by bacon!
  14. Now you need Jammies from Johnnyboy to keep it clean and un-birded. Bet a pretty grey would be just the thing.
  15. Here's the brisket. Looks good, doesn't taste nasty. Just quite dry. Roasty potatoes in rosemary garlic olive oil are good. Put lots of chopped garlic and a tsp of chopped fresh rosemary in the little skillet with 4 tblsp of olive oil. Sizzle until garlic is dark blonde. Strain the garlic and rosemary out, and drizzle the oil on the little red potatoes. Cookem on the grill. Toss with a tablespoon of the strained garlic and rosemary.
  16. successes, and less than successes On the plus side, the salmon is amazingly delicious. Grill stayed at 300 for 7 hours - another success. Nuthin but me and my spinning damper. No guru or stoker. Brisket tastes ok, but overcooked, and, sad to say, dry. Too little fat cap, and a napping cook, who believed the recipe, when it said "6 hours." Should have come off at 5 or so. Din't pay attention and stick it with trutemp, until it was too late. Garlic rosemary roasty potatoes are good, too. Live and learn.
  17. Two things - First, Dennis, you didn't sleep long enough!! You were posting when it was night time there, and now you are posting again, and there hasn't been time for bedtime. Second, how many square feet of tile for a KK? Just lookin a tile and dreaming of covering a KK with them.
  18. OH my, that's so funny! It looks like a little person in jammies! See the eyes, button nose and big smiling mouth (the handle)? Wonderful!! Johnnyboy never ceases to amaze me.
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