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Rockwood Charcoal

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   Here's a new charcoal to me, now I haven't used it yet but, upon opening the bag I noticed a quality in my hand that felt very light and appeared unusally dry. The coal itself was of good size and it had a odd clanking sound or better yet a hollow sound when dropping it into the basket or moving it about in my hands. The only other charcoal I remember having these characteristics was CoCo Char and that burned extremely well. I purchased this bag, the last one standing alone on the shelf because my general standby (B+B) has been letting me down with an abundance of smalls in the bottom of the bags. The packaging of this product was excellent, a good quality brown thick paper, it was squarely shaped, layed flat without any bulges..I thought that odd, it was too perfect. I expect to use it tomorrow on a couple of racks of pork ribs, then I will comment further. On line a 20# bag would cost $37.00 dollars however I purchased this bag for $28.00 at True Value Hardware. So the same bag of B+B is $19.00 and an adequate charcoal as it is, but I'm hoping for South American hardwood quality in an American hardwood blend from Missouri. We'll see tomorrow.


DSCF4276 - Copy.JPG

Edited by Tyrus
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Rockwood used to be my go-to charcoal, but they had a major fire in their production facility and when they returned to operation, they stopped shipping here. I used to get it at the local BBQ store. I tried to order it from Ace, but they canceled the order, say it was unavailable at my location. My go-to now is Jealous Devil, which the BBQ store carries. 

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