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Question for the group (and for Dennis)

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Re: Good question..

I'll e back in Indonesia later this week.. I have a few #7's out back in the dump.. I'll have the guys pull one out and check for you. Maybe I'll start making up some accessories for K7 owners that can't get them via regular channels.


You sure I can't convince you to do a trade? :-D

And if you would make some accessories for those of us who are stuck, we would be MOST grateful in the form of referrals and purchases when ours finally craps out.

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Re: Question for the group (and for Dennis)

Will the metal charcoal basket in a KK fit in a MexiK #7? I need a new one but can't seem to get info on actually getting one from Kamado...

Are you talking about the lump holder?

Yes... Kamado calls it the "lump saver"... Mine is pretty much dead (or will be soon)...

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Sominus...maybe you should get some help from a couple of the guys on the kamado forum who say that Kamado always answers or calls them back and emails them. :lol: Clearly they are the real kamado 'family' and most of us are the 'in-laws' or 'step-children'.

I actually used to be one of those folks who got calls back and emails returned promptly. Then one day my deodorant stopped working (I think that's what did it, anyway) and I became someone who was persona non grata. I complained about a service issue, and that was my "mistake". Now no calls will be answered or returned. I've now been banned from the forum, too... So I guess I've joined that club along with many of the other folks here.

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I think their 2008 model has eliminated the firebox and is just using the 'lumpsayer' isn't it?

I think so, but mine isn't a 2008 model. I still have a firebox/concrete ring.

There are/were multiple versions of the lumpsaver... One was made with 'straight' sides out of 3/8" stainless. That's what I have (and it is wearing out). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it wore out prematurely.. It just plain wore out and the metal is getting ready to crumble around the 'hot' areas. Later, there was a modification where they used 'sloped' sides... The latest/greatest is the "firebox lumpsaver all in one" thingie...

I just want the one that sets into the firebox that I have, whether it has sloped or straight sides...

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I think their 2008 model has eliminated the firebox and is just using the 'lumpsayer' isn't it?

I think so, but mine isn't a 2008 model. I still have a firebox/concrete ring.

There are/were multiple versions of the lumpsaver... One was made with 'straight' sides out of 3/8" stainless. That's what I have (and it is wearing out). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it wore out prematurely.. It just plain wore out and the metal is getting ready to crumble around the 'hot' areas. Later, there was a modification where they used 'sloped' sides... The latest/greatest is the "firebox lumpsaver all in one" thingie...

I just want the one that sets into the firebox that I have, whether it has sloped or straight sides...

OK, I'll see if my (you have an OTB right) OTB lump saver will fit properly in my #7. I'll try to get to it tonight but I have to work on my tractor...if not then tomorrow night.

The OTB and the round may have the same lump saver...not sure.


I actually used to be one of those folks who got calls back and emails returned promptly.

Get outta here :eek: Did you buy 25 K's?

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I think their 2008 model has eliminated the firebox and is just using the 'lumpsayer' isn't it?

I think so, but mine isn't a 2008 model. I still have a firebox/concrete ring.

There are/were multiple versions of the lumpsaver... One was made with 'straight' sides out of 3/8" stainless. That's what I have (and it is wearing out). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it wore out prematurely.. It just plain wore out and the metal is getting ready to crumble around the 'hot' areas. Later, there was a modification where they used 'sloped' sides... The latest/greatest is the "firebox lumpsaver all in one" thingie...

I just want the one that sets into the firebox that I have, whether it has sloped or straight sides...

OK, I'll see if my (you have an OTB right) OTB lump saver will fit properly in my #7. I'll try to get to it tonight but I have to work on my tractor...if not then tomorrow night.

The OTB and the round may have the same lump saver...not sure.


I actually used to be one of those folks who got calls back and emails returned promptly.

Get outta here :eek: Did you buy 25 K's?

No, I didn't! :-D I bought one... Just one! But people several people bought because of me...

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I'll try to get to it tonight but I have to work on my tractor...

Dude, you just bought that thing and already tore it up?? Jeez! :eek:


Yeah, I been pretty rough on it driving over trees and stuff. Snatched a coupla hydralic hoses off...a couple differnt times. I had a few times where I heard this weird noise as I was holding a tree up in the air and suddenly hydralic fluid was spraying me down. Man it's fun driving over trees :D

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