ThreeDJ16 Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 Well, from the usage so far, I can at least say it is a very nice product for the price point. Very compact, weather resistant and easy to use. It may not offer remote monitoring or control, but you could easily add a Maverick for short range monitoring. The controller was placed in service immediately after starting a small fire and used to bring pit temps up to setpoint. Temps came up at a very reasonable rate and had no overshoot. While the snap feature (automatically snaps to the setpoint when pit temp is within a few degrees to have a steady display) keeps you from seeing exactly how accurate the controller maybe, it held within the snap zone perfectly. This is all that really counts as a few degrees in either direction will not matter. The open lid detect feature seemed very responsive to the lid being open and almost immediately shut down the fan. While I had around 10-11 degrees of overshoot after opening (would have been worse without lid open detect), it was probably due to the 30 seconds of being opening (which should rarely if ever happen under normal cooking). Regardless the temp did return to proper setpoint without an out of control fire. I like the highly visible display on the unit; makes it easy to read from the porch. Though a little disappointed that I see no feature to scroll between pit and meat temps without pushing the button. Probably should add that while new SS sleeved probes are now rated at 700 degree, they still offer no flame protection. So I decided to use my fiberglass over braid sleeving as with my old probes. Would easily recommend the DigiQ II to someone in the market. For all the features and detailed info, see The Naked Whiz's review (link a couple of posts down). -=Jasen=- To access the menu you press and hold the up and down buttons for a few seconds. Also the move through the menu you do the same thing. Use the pit and food temp buttons to power on or off. Initially mounted the controller to the fan, but after realizing you do have to push buttons to change monitoring between pit or food temp, I moved the mount to the KK rotis mount. When I get around to it, I plan to make a better and smaller mount for the device. Or maybe just place it on side tables when I finally get them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawaiian Pirate Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 I just got 2 DigiQ II With shipping cost me $546.89, why did i not get the little bags. Did you pay extra for those or is it did they think don't i need no stinking baggis Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 14, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 Quote I just got 2 DigiQ II With shipping cost me $546.89' date=' why did i not get the little bags. Did you pay extra for those or is it did they think don't i need on stinking baggis[/quote'] No idea. Bob just sent mine at the end of last week, maybe they just added it? The DigiQ black box was inside the bag when I received it. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawaiian Pirate Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 You may be right, a day late and a dollar short i got mine about 2 weeks ago. The up side is my KK's will be here tomorrow, they lost them today because the crates only had Dennis's name on them. I will go and pick them up myself tomorrow morning and i have a turkey brineing and ready to go. i plan on using the DigiQ II. I will take a lot of pictures as soon as i figure out how to send them i will. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheNakedWhiz Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 I have posted a review of the DigiQ II on my website, FWIW: ... digiq1.htm I still have some work to do on observing the performance at low and slow temps, and I want to do some more playing with Open Lid Detect feature, but most of the work is done. I hope this helps. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 14, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 Quote I have posted a review of the DigiQ II on my website, FWIW: I still have some work to do on observing the performance at low and slow temps, and I want to do some more playing with Open Lid Detect feature, but most of the work is done. I hope this helps. Speaking of a day late and a dollar short, Whizzy, look a couple of threads down in this same section!! I believe there is a big header saying "Naked Whiz Review of DigiQ II"!! But I created this section for everyone to give feedback on products so we could get different viewpoints. Hopefully it will work out as so far very slow section. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheNakedWhiz Posted November 14, 2007 Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 I have sort of a short memory, LOL! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 14, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2007 Quote I have sort of a short memory' date=' LOL![/quote'] And eye sight too apparently - hehehe. But we forgive you. As far as the DigiQ goes, my first impressions are very positive. Started up my grill as usual, hooked up the DigiQ and allowed it to start bringing the grill up to 240 degrees. During that time, I seasoned my boston butt (trying a Mexican blend I made up as this small butt is for carnitas) and tossed it on during the ramp usual set it and forget it method. Came back as it was approaching 240, so I sat on the back porch and watched it (nice big bright LED display). It stopped dead on 240 and has not moved in 2 hours. About to go start testing the lid open feature in a few. -=Jasen=- Well, I forgot about the "snap" feature that snaps the display temp to the setpoint temp when it is close (seems like about 4 degrees to me). So while it is holding very steady per indication, it actually could be fluctuating 4 degrees in either direction and you would not see it. But that is fine since even bigger changes would hardly effect the outcome. I also tried out the lid open feature for the first time. Not quite as tight as the Whiz's results, but not bad. With my 30 second lid open starting at 240, I saw a drop to 210 and the fan did shut down. I need to try it a few more times as mine seems to turn the fan on more than what the Whiz's test stated. It over shot to 251, then back to 235, then settled back to my set point of 240. Not bad or anything, just somewhat different (but he was using s different setpoint too). Anyway, very pleased so far.....still testing. Still love my Procom more too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheNakedWhiz Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 According to Fred, Snap = 3 degrees. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Quote According to Fred' date=' Snap = 3 degrees.[/quote'] Maybe he changed it as with a setpoint of 240, the last number I see is 235 before it snaps to 240. This has happened several times tonight. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaulR Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Hi Deej, I thought you would have waited for the remote controlled version??? maybe that version is wishful thinking on my part So you have two now (I'm thinking of asking one from Santa) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Quote Hi Deej, I thought you would have waited for the remote controlled version??? maybe that version is wishful thinking on my part So you have two now (I'm thinking of asking one from Santa) I am hoping for a new Procom version with some new and exciting features. We will see. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaulR Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 That's the one I'm hoping for, however just read the stoker thread and monitoring my KK remotely via my laptop sounds great too!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firemonkey Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 I was holding out for an updated procom, too. But after giving a closer look to the stoker software thread that TKline posted, I think I may be leaning back toward the stoker, for a third of the cost. And maybe its just me, but I find Shotgun Freds likeness, staring me down from the front of the guru, to be off the scale in cheesiness. Looks like he is trying to pitch me a used car or something So the procomm has wireless, and thats a big plus, but the guru in general loses points for the cheesy pic on the front, and much bigger points for requiring you to send in the unit for firmware updates. Stoker lacks true wireless, but allows homebrewed apps to interface with it. I may never decide Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trish Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 firemonkey wrote: Quote I find Shotgun Freds likeness, staring me down from the front of the guru, to be off the scale in cheesiness Geez firemonkey....don't hold back! I thought you'd be tougher than that after owning the pink POSK. Do you think you would notice the image of Shotgun Fred if the pink POSK is still next to the KK? Of course Shotgun Fred may not be all that comfortable close to South Beach and all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Quote I was holding out for an updated procom, too. But after giving a closer look to the stoker software thread that TKline posted, I think I may be leaning back toward the stoker, for a third of the cost. And maybe its just me, but I find Shotgun Freds likeness, staring me down from the front of the guru, to be off the scale in cheesiness. Looks like he is trying to pitch me a used car or something So the procomm has wireless, and thats a big plus, but the guru in general loses points for the cheesy pic on the front, and much bigger points for requiring you to send in the unit for firmware updates. Stoker lacks true wireless, but allows homebrewed apps to interface with it. I may never decide Hahaha, that is too funny. But if you notice mine is clipped to the fan. I know you are short, but do not think that would be staring you in the face! Seriously though, later I found clipping the control to the rotis bracket to be more user friendly as unlike the Procom, you have to mess with buttons on the DigiQ II. Anyway, would love for some hackability in the Procom too. But fact is, it works great and has never needed a firmware upgrade. There are several new features I am suggesting to them in hopes they include them. It is possible they could be software implemented (most of them). Fact is, my wireless is sketchy near my grill and rather not clip a laptop on my belt. Would be nice if Guru did add internet connectivity, but frankly, I only cook while at home for the day and will not be carrying my laptop to the store with me. Love the little belt clip remote which picks up the signal anyway in or around my house. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firemonkey Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Quote Fact is, my wireless is sketchy near my grill and rather not clip a laptop on my belt. Cat 5 allows a 100 meter span Quote Would be nice if Guru did add internet connectivity, but frankly, I only cook while at home for the day and will not be carrying my laptop to the store with me. Love the little belt clip remote which picks up the signal anyway in or around my house. Ever hear of a Palm, Blackberry, or other web enabled phone? Quote I thought you'd be tougher than that after owning the pink POSK. Actually, the guy looks like our local Sheriff...who happens to resmemble Boss Hogg with a mustache, and runs his department in much the same way! Maybe thats why it bugs me so much I can feel the flying fish hooks headed in my direction - I'll probably get tazed (one of his favorite activities) as I step off the plane in the morning! ::sorry for hijacking your thread, I just felt the urge to challenge some authoriti-ey, and he is just such a worthless...errr worthy target. Feel free to move this if you want Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Quote Cat 5 allows a 100 meter span Oh yes, that would be so much fun running wire in an older 2 story home from upstairs to outside in my yard. Quote Ever hear of a Palm, Blackberry, or other web enabled phone? I don't have a Palm or Blackberry, and from what I experienced with the web phone, it would be like pulling teeth. Not to mention factoring those costs (equipment + services), might as well have purchased the Procom. Haven't we been down this road before?? I am sorry, but having a direct connected remote, instant access/readout, no logging in, and not dependant on another service are all big plus marks over the alternative in my book. If you are going to cook while at work or something, then maybe the Stoker might be attractive (unless you often have network outages - hehe). But this is why I wanted a review section, so people have a right to choose which pros or cons they wish to go with. -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trish Posted November 15, 2007 Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 make me laugh almost as much as Curly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeDJ16 Posted November 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted November 15, 2007 Back to DigiQ II review / discussion please. You can select the quote function, copy and then paste into a new topic at anytime to start a new thread in the appropriate section. Thanks! -=Jasen=- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...