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T Rex

EZ Que rotisserie

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The basket lengths are the same (17.5"), Dennis supplies short rods along with the grill so you can mount the basket inside the grill, and mate to the motor on the outside.

Good luck finding them though, they have been hard to come by for the last year or longer. You can try googling for a Viking brand basket, as it is the exact same item.


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EZ Que assigns dealer areas. They will not sell outside their area. Suggest you try to find in an area where you know someone who will make purchase and send to you. You might luck out and find them in your area.

These are not needed with the KK. Given that some of us bought both baskets. (nothing like first class) Toys, toys, toys. They sound good when being used.

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The EZQue is a waste of money! That is unless you enjoy juicy and delicously crisp skin on your chicken. It also doesn't do any good for large hunks of beast like prime rib. Seeing that huge chunk of meat spinning around like some medieval ride at an amusement park with juices basting it is a waste of $100.

Now if after that explanation you still HAVE to have one then go ahead and waste your money. I will suggest the rotisserie motor from onegrill.com. Its a great motor and an even better value.


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E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankrupted

I just received this from one of the Ebay guys, savemoreonbbqfireplace

E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankrupted the company. The original owner of the company is negotiating to reacquire the company from the bank. We acquired all of the Viking Stock, and much more. We have 6 & 8 models. They are on our eBay store. Matt

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Re: E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankru

I just received this from one of the Ebay guys, savemoreonbbqfireplace

E-Z Que changed owners a while ago. The new owner bankrupted the company. The original owner of the company is negotiating to reacquire the company from the bank. We acquired all of the Viking Stock, and much more. We have 6 & 8 models. They are on our eBay store. Matt

Thanks for posting this, Dennis. I needed something like the threat of having waited too long for something with the company going out of business in the interim to get me off my #%& and get the rotisserie. Anyway, from what I can see, these guys don't have an auction or store listing for the 8" basket at the 17.5 length. That's what we need in length, right? Anyway, I bought the 6" and told him I want the 8" as well if he has it and I'll post the response.


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Well, I was sitting on the fence yesterday after finding these on eBay however, after Dennis' post I went ahead and bought one in case revival of the company takes longer than anticipated, if at all.

Given the size of our family (2) I went with the 6" which I thought was well priced at $79. Very thoughtful of Dennis to include the E-Z Que parts with the KK, maybe the baskets will be manufactured in Indonesia one day.....

T Rex

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....... I went with the 6" which I thought was well priced at $79. Very thoughtful of Dennis to include the E-Z Que parts with the KK, maybe the baskets will be manufactured in Indonesia one day.....

T Rex

Does the generic one fit too, T Rex? I bought the one for the 30" Viking which I knows fits. But the Viking 6" is $99.00 instead of $79.00 for the generic 6". I'd love to use that $20 toward shipping!!


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I have no idea if the "generic" one will work, this is the one that I purchased yesterday:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

This is not intended as spam so I hope I haven't broken any forum rules..... as you can tell I am very new to this forum. It was my understanding that the only piece one would use was the basket as Dennis so kindly includes the other parts with the KK. The motors are pretty easy to come by.

T Rex

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I have no idea if the "generic" one will work, this is the one that I purchased yesterday:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

T Rex

T-Rex - the $79 6x17.5" basket you purchased is described in the Ebay description as generic. I will write the seller and find out if it is the exact same basket as the Viking 6 x17.5 model. It most likely is. I'll let you know what I hear. I haven't paid for my basket yet because I had inquiries in about getting the 8" as well and combining shipping. But it doesn't look like he has the 8".


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E_Z Que and Stoker


Can I use the Stoker with the rotisserie? I'm thinking I wouldn't be able to use the food temp probes but maybe I could use the pit probe if there was a way to attach it to something that wouldn't be rotating. I've been assigned the Easter ham and would be using the 8" basket.


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You can clip your pit probe to the stem of your dome thermometer, routing the wire clear of the rotating basket. So you can use your Guru or Stoker to control the fire. Monitoring the meat temp can't be done on a roti on a KK. There is a meat probe for roti use, but requires open lid. Maverick makes it, the transmitter can't be closed up in the fire, it sits on the spit rod outside of the fire and rotates with the rod.

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