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Whole pig and lamb

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Hmmm... that rib orgy couldn't have anything to do with it' date=' could it?[/quote']Ahem... I did NOT partake in the rib orgy! I just incited it. ;)

Ahem! Cough, Cough!


The ribs are tasty. Not as strong a flavor of marinade in them as I'd have liked, but I spose I could have slathered them during the cook.

Ok, so I snagged a barky piece at the end. :::swoon:::

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Man, that looks great! Think you could get us some recipes? I love experimenting with new things - er- ah - food's that is. :shock: Culy and Gerard, step away from the keyboard - now!



I can give you the recipe for everything except the morel beef terrine. Just tell me what you want.

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Man, that looks great! Think you could get us some recipes? I love experimenting with new things - er- ah - food's that is. :shock: Culy and Gerard, step away from the keyboard - now!



I can give you the recipe for everything except the morel beef terrine. Just tell me what you want.

How about the pork patee and pick out two of your favorite cookie recipes! Thanks a bunch. Could you tell me what the morel beef terrine is? A spead of some sort? Maybe something it is simular too?

Thank You,


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Hmmm... that rib orgy couldn't have anything to do with it' date=' could it?[/quote']Ahem... I did NOT partake in the rib orgy! I just incited it. ;)

Ahem! Cough, Cough!


The ribs are tasty. Not as strong a flavor of marinade in them as I'd have liked, but I spose I could have slathered them during the cook.

Ok, so I snagged a barky piece at the end. :::swoon:::

I've been misquoted! I did snag some bark from the ribs as they came off the grill, but the next day I took the ribs to the office and let the guys work themselves into their own frenzy. Two completely separate events. The prosecution may call its next witness... :P
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I can give you the recipe for everything except the morel beef terrine. Just tell me what you want.
That seems fine. These guys are all "im-morel" anyway. They'd never be able to make that recipe. ;)

Some of each, please. :) Then we can just sniff at the monitor and imagine the amazing scent. :::dream:::

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deej- ask for the recipe for spitzbuben and sable cookies if you like butter cookies. spitzbuben (naughty boys) are thin, crispy butter cookies with a layer of raspberry jam sandwiched between (apricot is good too!), and the tops are dusted with powdered sugar! sables (way i make them) are big soft butter cookies that melt in your mouth. honestly tho, i think i'd be happy with any of the cookie recipes coming forth from that table! i bet she makes great shortbread...

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Hmmm... that rib orgy couldn't have anything to do with it' date=' could it?[/quote']Ahem... I did NOT partake in the rib orgy! I just incited it. ;)

Ahem! Cough, Cough!


The ribs are tasty. Not as strong a flavor of marinade in them as I'd have liked, but I spose I could have slathered them during the cook.

Ok, so I snagged a barky piece at the end. :::swoon:::

I've been misquoted! I did snag some bark from the ribs as they came off the grill, but the next day I took the ribs to the office and let the guys work themselves into their own frenzy. Two completely separate events. The prosecution may call its next witness... :P

Oh yeah, then - deny this one!! And I rest my case! 8)



I'm having a private babyback rib orgy.

The second round came off the grill about half an hour ago. Cooker stayed at 250 for an ENTIRE day!! I'm so proud. Today, though, unlike last time, it took the top damper open considerably wider.

I used white out to mark closed, eighth, quarter, half turns of the cap. One mark on center front of cooker, too. Marked on tile, so easy to thumbnail off if i want. I wanted just chalk, but couldn't find it quickly at the grocery. White out was on sale.

Ribs... must eat more ribs... NOW!!! AAAaaaaah! ;)

Ok ok, I stopped at three bones. Admirable restraint, I think.

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There were TWO orgies, I'll have you know! The orgy I was involved in was a private one! No one else there but me and ribs. :) I surely didn't participate in one with the mail room guys! :shock: Wouldn't have been ladylike. No no no. And I ALWAYS have my pinkies extended when I have a rib orgy, I'll have you know. hrumph!! Manners! :D

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people, PLEASE..

this should be a place of support and encouragement, not accusation and judgement! we shouldn't make sanny want to hide her *ahem* rib-lust any longer, but should empower her to face facts.

pork fat rules!!! welcome to the dark side, sanny! anytime you're in my neck of the woods, let me know; i'll have rib tips and rasp/chip sauce at the ready. no one needs to know...

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Could you tell me what the morel beef terrine is? A spead of some sort? Maybe something it is simular too?

Thank You,


Normally a terrine is something like a very luxury version of a spread. You only use best products like fillet and for example truffles or morel for the meat part, bake it in the oven at low temperature and cover the whole thing with aspic.

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deej- ask for the recipe for spitzbuben and sable cookies if you like butter cookies. spitzbuben (naughty boys) are thin' date=' crispy butter cookies with a layer of raspberry jam sandwiched between (apricot is good too!), and the tops are dusted with powdered sugar! sables (way i make them) are big soft butter cookies that melt in your mouth. honestly tho, i think i'd be happy with any of the cookie recipes coming forth from that table! i bet she makes great shortbread...[/quote']

For spitzbuben and sable my wife just uses a normal recipe you can find on google. She just uses for the spitzbuben her homemade dogrose jam instaed of the rasperry jam.

Her shortbread is delicious too. She really is a domestic goddess.

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tlinder - does your wife make pfeffernusse??? recipe maybe? i'm making the zimtsterne! prost!

Pfeffernuesse are a German thing and not really a Swiss favorite, because we have our own specialities. You should really try the zimtsterne. This ones are delicious if you love cinnamon.

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