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Pork Chops

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These chops are nice and large :)




Seasoned with granulated garlic and black pepper.




Vacuumed sealed and ready for  4-5 hours in the 139.5F water bath depending upon when the rest of the dinner is ready:)




Dinner is served-




Interior of chop-



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MacKenzie - first off, Welcome to the KK Club! Always like seeing a new KK go to a wonderful home! Congrats!

Second, those are some really nice chops! Here's to a great meal.

Ok, I'll admit, I'm an infidel. What the Sam Billie Heck is a De Buyer pan? I've never heard of such a thing. But then I have lived in Oklahoma and Texas most of my life .... LOL!

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Thanks, CC:) de Buyer pan are steel pans that heat quickly and evenly and once seasoned are stick free. They are made from 99% iron, de Buyer Mineral pots and pans don't have any chemicals or coatings. Do a web search and you will quickly see what all the fuss is about:) They are beautiful and easily seasoned. :)

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ckreef, sounds delicious:) I hope you are able to post pixs:)

Not the best pictures but here goes (I hope you don't mind I post them in your thread)

Low-n-slow phase.


Sear phase.


At a full 2" it really is a monster chop. Sweet Potato and spiced apple rings. Nice simple cook after a long day.


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Nice pork gents. Well done. Does it feel like you are waiting for Christmas that will never come? After the order is the hardest part. Ck is going to get a quicker resolution due to ordering from stateside stock.

To make you feel better, Wilbur's got all the way to the LA port and a fire delayed his delivery. When mine arrived at the house, sigh, wrong color. Had to go back and the replacement took a couple of weeks. Dennis fixed it, as always, but man was that painful to stare at a 23" in the driveway and know you can't open it.

Soon boys. Soon.

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Those apples sure are eye catchers also:-)

Funny story - I was going to go with sweet potatoes and carrots. Mrs skreef informed me that orange and orange would not look right for a plated picture. She is the one who picked the spiced apple rings.

I guess I have the family won over when they are composing the plated picture and we haven't even left the grocery store yet - LOL

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We call those "Iowa Chops" here. They are at least 1 1/2" thick, often thicker. Regular item at the butcher's counter. I pick'em up when they go on sale, usually once/month. Like I've said before, "It's great to live where the pigs are!" 








Hey CC, I can't say enough great things about De Buyer pans. You should get one and check it out. I got all mine at Cooks Catalog. 



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Your wife picked it just right:)

I have a question for you how do you get the pixs that size to show on this page? What size are you uploading? Thanks:)

For most pictures I crop them down to what I want to see then resize them to 1024 x ???

For the money shot I do the same but resize to 2048 x ??? - just so I loose no detail if somebody looks at the money shot on a large high end monitor.

Also by keeping those standard width dimensions all the pictures space the same left to right when viewed through a forum.

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