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tony b

Holiday Leftovers

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Had a craving this morning for a late breakfast to use up some of the holiday leftovers of the NYE prime rib and Christmas duck. What better accompaniment than a couple of perfectly poached eggs done SV.


MacKenzie and I have both raved about eggs being one of our favorite SV cooks. So for those of you that got an Anova from Santa, here's the skinny - 142F bath for 45 minutes for PERFECT poached eggs. Just drop them into the bath in the shell. They slide right out when they are done; just crack open the egg like it was raw. 


Of course there's pictures!






Money Shot. Trust me, it was every bit as tasty as it looks!! 



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I just wish they didn't take so long. I was major league hungry by the time they finished this morning!

I think I could wait if waiting meant that gooey runny yolk. Fantastic. You all are going to talk me into a SV if for nothing more than the gooey runny yolk.

I'd like to try the shaved yolk too.

Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT

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Charles, give in to the Dark Side! You know you want an Anova, just like you knew you wanted the KK. Another major tool in the cooking arsenal. You won't regret it either! 


MacKenzie, we need to play with this a bit more. I think there's a happy median in here.




According to this, I should cook mine @  70C (158F) for 16 m, 49 s. I'm thinking 17 minutes is close enough for government work!

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Looks awesome!

I received an Inova for Christmas and have done eggs and chicken breasts so far. Too cool!

I individually portioned several chicken breasts and pork chops yesterday and froze them. I red about pulling direct from the freezer to SV. Sounds like a nice solution when I don't want to go to the store.


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GoFrogs, if you cook extras they can be frozen and then reheated in the SV bath, just heat them at a lower temp. so that they don't continue to cook. That's my 2 cents. :)


One more bit of info, that bag juice is awesome, make soup with it, it is delicious. :)


I often take my stuff out of the freezer, season it, and into the vacuum bag; then straight into the SV bath.


Big second on MacKenzie's suggestion to save the SV juices. They also make a great addition to sauces or if I'm doing a steak, to some sauteed mushrooms. A touch of Dijon mustard helps to break up the coagulated material when added to the mushrooms (more visual appeal than flavor issue).

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Awesome, Ken!  You will have almost as much fun playing with the Anova as you do with your KK. It is amazing what you can do with it. While doing steaks, short ribs, briskets, etc. has been outstanding, it's the seafood and eggs that have totally blown me away! I won't cook shrimp or poach an egg any other way now! 

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