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Seriously BadAss Coffee Roaster

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Great new toy ordered!  Love new toys..

IKAWA Pro Sample Roaster



This page has lots of cool info too

The site still has them as preorder at    £850 /$1,090   but if you sign up for info they send you an email  saying it's going to be  £2,500 (or USD 3,100)  YIKES..

I did get the £850 /$1,090 price earlier today..

Roasting is controlled thru an Ipad app


  • Roast Time: 0 - 20 minutes: sample roasts typically take 3 minutes
  • Operating System: iOS. 
  • Roast Points: up to 20 temperature and 10 airflow points.
  • Updatable Roast Profile: roast profiles can be updated during a roast.
  •  Data export via to excel or csv file for data analysis
  • Share Roast Profiles: profiles can be shared using e-mail, text message or twitter.

  • Mark 1st (or 2nd) Crack: Record the time of First Crack as you roast. If you’re taking the coffee to Second Crack, you can add a marker for this too. 
  • Development Time Ratio: After marking First Crack, the app will automatically calculate and display the Development Time Ratio (DTR). 
  • Rate of Rise data: Interchangeable view of Temp and RoR before, during and after roast. This is displayed in 15 second intervals. 
  • Roast Log: Use this to save unique data and notes on each roast you do. It will automatically show Date and Time, End Temperature, End Time (ie duration), Time of First Crack, DTR and the roast graphs for both Temperature and RoR. 
    Additionally, you can record coffee sample roasted, notes and a photo for each roast you do. 
  • Edit Profile using Data Table: for those of you who like tables not graphs, this is for you – it enables you to edit the profiles via a table view. 
  • These features transform the IKAWA Pro App from a simple device to control the roaster, to be the hub for recording all your sample roasting; storing your history, recording notes and reviewing historical roast data.  

  • Can't wait to get it ;-)

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Dennis, I have to ask why you are going with the small fluid bed roaster instead of a small drum roaster?  You can put probes and a computer on the drum to see what you are doing or you can buy a drum roaster with all that stuff on it.  I added insulation to this drum shell but it is not necessary to get this roaster going.  It is a Quest M3 made in Taiwan, comes in either 120V or 240V models.

Then there are these:  http://www.x-coffeeroasters.com/r500-shop-coffee-roaster-machine/

Or these, which are made in Tiawain I think and imported to the USA for this distributor.  https://millcityroasters.com/shop/coffee-roasters/500g-1lb-gas-coffee-roaster/







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Because there is a much lower learning curve and more difficult to repeat results.  I had no problem with the 60grams because I could run multiple batches without any effort or even being in the room.
My new concern is that I won't be able to produce the same quality with the air as a drum.. Especially because I like full bodied coffees.  I read that fluid bed coffees are brighter and have less body than coffee from a drum roaster

LOL  That being said.. I canceled my order.. and am now looking at the Hottop drum Roasters..

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  On 4/21/2017 at 3:04 PM, SmallBBQr said:

There is some additional information (mostly comments, discussion) on the Ikawa over at http://www.home-barista.com/  in the coffee roasting forum.

I just wish it did a little more than 60g at a time.



Then there is this that is a fairly simple fluid bed roaster.




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