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Sent Box vs. Out Box

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What is the differrence?

I've responded to two messages about covers in my inbox . Responses are now sitting in my out box (not sent box) so I'm not sure they've delivered, but I don't know.

Is something wrong with the server this morning? I can't see what I'm typing and it's painfully slow. Scrolling looks like I'm smearing paint.



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Re: Sent Box vs. Out Box

What is the differrence?

I've responded to two messages about covers in my inbox . Responses are now sitting in my out box (not sent box) so I'm not sure they've delivered, but I don't know.

Is something wrong with the server this morning? I can't see what I'm typing and it's painfully slow. Scrolling looks like I'm smearing paint.



The message will sit in your outbox until the person actually reads the message, well ok, at least clicks on their PM area and receives the message. It is not like email were it is sent to someones ISP server, though an email is sent out to the address they have listed if they chose that option in their profile. So you will know when they get the message when it moves from your out box to your sent box.

And if the scrolling just started looking that way for you, consider yourself lucky as it has been that way for me for the last 2 months. I would be curious, since the service is based in Ca, what does it look like for folks on that side of the US?


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Jasen, actually the scrolling/paint smearing didn't start today. It's been happening, some moments are better than others.

I imagine folks on the west coast are fine; unless of course their routing goes East first then West for some crazy reason.

Well, maybe we will hear in from some of our West coast brethren on this slow scrolling/looking like the page is smeared issue.


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Mine has done it on occasion as well, and is intermittent. I have noticed it with the same frequency from all points in the US (San Diego as I type this).

I'm not sure the smearing of the page when scrolling is a symptom of the service, and not the local client. I have always assumed it to be screen artifacts created by my browser, and computer which has gone days or weeks without a restart.

Its a static page, which has already been loaded to my browser. When it smears, its not any sort of communication lag thats doing it. Possibly bad markup sent from the server, but nothing to do with the connection itself once the page has finished loading.

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Re: Smearing/Scrolling

Mine has done it on occasion as well, and is intermittent. I have noticed it with the same frequency from all points in the US (San Diego as I type this).

I'm not sure the smearing of the page when scrolling is a symptom of the service, and not the local client. I have always assumed it to be screen artifacts created by my browser, and computer which has gone days or weeks without a restart.

Its a static page, which has already been loaded to my browser. When it smears, its not any sort of communication lag thats doing it. Possibly bad markup sent from the server, but nothing to do with the connection itself once the page has finished loading.

Not really sure here, but while the browser holds it in cache from the previous load, being it is a forum, I would have thought it gets refreshed from the server every page load? I have been meaning to research this in the phpbb forum to see if it is the forums growing size that causes this and if there is a way to reduce it.


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I can see all of your mouths moving....but all I hear is


And I'm happy that I can't understand it :shock:

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I can see all of your mouths moving....but all I hear is


And I'm happy that I can't understand it :shock:

yah, Curly. At least they coulda tossed in a "Sanny" or "biscuit" or something, so I woulda understood a word or two. :roll:
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Well, maybe we will hear in from some of our West coast brethren on this slow scrolling/looking like the page is smeared issue.


It never smears on my Mac. When I'm at work on Windows XP Internet Exploder then I get the smears. The smears stop for me after the page has completely loaded but if I scroll while the page is loading I get the smears.

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Well, maybe we will hear in from some of our West coast brethren on this slow scrolling/looking like the page is smeared issue.


It never smears on my Mac. When I'm at work on Windows XP Internet Exploder then I get the smears. The smears stop for me after the page has completely loaded but if I scroll while the page is loading I get the smears.

Well I imagine it doesn't; I mean how hard is it for that mac to show stick figures? :smt064


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