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Who's going to be mr of mrs 10,000?

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It looks like the counter is going mad will all the new posts!

Deej, you don't reckon this post:


was the "official" no 10.000???

Anyway when you're down in Sydney i'll buy you a beer!

Man, I am drawing a blank on that link you posted? Am I missing something?

Ok, ok now I gotta come to Sydney - hehe.


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It looks like the counter is going mad will all the new posts!

Deej, you don't reckon this post:


was the "official" no 10.000???

Anyway when you're down in Sydney i'll buy you a beer!

Man, I am drawing a blank on that link you posted? Am I missing something?

Ok, ok now I gotta come to Sydney - hehe.


Yeah, me too DJ...unless the name of the link has anything to do with the number of posts.


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Ok, trying a test post here to check Pauls method.


edit - Paul is correct, the number is increasing and this post is now viewtopic.php?p=10642#10642 . So we are at 10642. I guess the post count got reset somewhere in the forgotten past but since the forum has stayed in tact the actual number has remained in the html links.

HAHAHA, just for info I did go back and check on the 10K post. His link does contain the 10k post but it is not the first one on the the thread. The only way I figured out who made the 10k post was to go back and hit edit on every post till it showed 10K. Then I noticed the message that appeared in the window first when I clicked on Paul's link was the same - duh. Anyway, you can hit quote which will also tell you the post number too. So good catch mate - beer is on me!

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I reckon this means that Deej was the "silent" winner..

What R U going to do with your price??? I'll definitely will have a crownie if you're buying!

But the counter one (on the main page) is still up for grabs albeit a bit hard to actually determine who'll get that one!

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I reckon this means that Deej was the "silent" winner..

What R U going to do with your price??? I'll definitely will have a crownie if you're buying!

But the counter one (on the main page) is still up for grabs albeit a bit hard to actually determine who'll get that one!

Well, this is post 10643 and the counter is 9586 with this post. So 11057 would be the 10K post with the post counter right? My math might be off - after all it is 4:30am.


damnit, you posted while I was posting - hahaha - oh well - still should work out the same - 11057 is my guess for the official 10K post.

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D@mn, I thought you had to work this weekend? shouldn't you get some sleep (um it's friday nigth here but probbly friday morning where U R).

We'll keep an eye out on the 11057 number ..does the counter go screwy when an admin (or anyone else) deletes a message??

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Ok, trying a test post here to check Pauls method.


edit - Paul is correct, the number is increasing and this post is now viewtopic.php?p=10642#10642 . So we are at 10642. I guess the post count got reset somewhere in the forgotten past but since the forum has stayed in tact the actual number has remained in the html links.

HAHAHA, just for info I did go back and check on the 10K post. His link does contain the 10k post but it is not the first one on the the thread. The only way I figured out who made the 10k post was to go back and hit edit on every post till it showed 10K. Then I noticed the message that appeared in the window first when I clicked on Paul's link was the same - duh. Anyway, you can hit quote which will also tell you the post number too. So good catch mate - beer is on me!

Yeah, back when DJ was on drugs a lot he delete posts that ticked him off, about 800 or so I guess, though I'm not counting :D

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