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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Made some crispy potato latkes while the scallops were in the bath at 140F for 20 mins. Seared the scallops in ghee to add some colour. Interior view of the scallops, moist and tender:)
    1 point
  2. Last night it was dark and stormy. Severe Weather Warnings all over the great State of Oklahoma. And once again, the City of Moore, OK was hit by a tornado. I'm convinced there is a fundamental force in the universe unknown to physicists that exists in Moore and trailer parks that just attracts tornados. Moore has been hit by tornados more times in the past 10 years than I can count. In any event, my soon-to-be-Granddaughters were over last night and wanted me to cook for them. You know the outcome on that deal. They wanted hamburger steaks and roasted potatoes with a tossed salad. Nothing else would suffice. And the weather was no excuse. Just pull Beauty! under the covered part of the patio and get cooking! SWMBOI just looked and laughed. Here are the potatoes going on Beauty! I just toss the small golden potatoes in some olive oil, melted butter, S&P, crushed Rosemary and Thyme, and a dash of Cajun seasoning A buddy of mine makes. It only takes about 20-25 minutes in a 400F kamado. The spuds are placed in the back to get them away from the direct heat. I was too dadgummed lazy to use my heat deflector. I also wanted just a wee bit of color on the taters. Here is the end product of that tater roast. Just as I took the taters off, here come the screaming tornado sirens. I know that the danger is 15 miles south in Moore. We have the best severe weather meteorologists in the world here in OKC. It's Moore getting hit and where I live all we have are strong straight line winds and BUCKETS of rain. Thankfully no hail. So, I sally forth back outside to put the hamburger steaks on Beauty! I get drenched in the process because I don't want to walk through the garage and dodge the cars hiding from the hail that never showed. Here are the hamburger steaks sitting pretty on Beauty! And here they are as they look when they are pulled off the grate. Finally, here's the money shot. All in all a very simple but wonderful meal. SMWBOI was happy, Cailey and Gracie were happy, and I didn't catch my death of cold wearing wet and cold clothes. Thanks for looking. Please remember the good Citizens of Moore in your prayers as they rebuild, again.
    1 point
  3. HELP.. I'm using a online service to come up with a new logo for Komodo Kamado.. Will you please give me your feed back on these? Thanks in advance! I've asked the artist that made the first one with the red flame in the KK to make it in all caps too.. http://www.designcrowd.com/vote/iveoutsourcedlogodesignworkvotingformyexistinggrillsmokerwebsitebusinessvotingpoll
    1 point
  4. I must be a lightweight; I only buy 100 lbs at a time! Robert, I'll toss in some local heritage porkchops and some fine KY bourbon to that party!
    1 point
  5. Very nice. You will do the KK proud with your excellent cooking skills.
    1 point
  6. Charles - you'll figure it out in due time. The universe unfolds just as it should!
    1 point
  7. Charles - just how do you think I wound up with TWO KKs? It's an addiction I tell you!
    1 point
  8. Me too, but I need more people to pick the same one
    1 point
  9. My bank was nice enough to save all of Dennis' information just in case I want to send him more money. I laughed at the bank lady and told her no worries, it won't be any time soon. LOL
    1 point
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