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  1. They are amazing little birds and their aerial antics are second to none! A modern jet fighter could not do those maneuvers.
    3 points
  2. While I was gone today Mrs skreef took a picture of a hummingbird. It landed on the porch next to a bag of Royal Oak Lump and tried to feed on the bar code. Silly hummingbird the feeders in its normal place in the garden. It was a very impromptu picture taken with her phone from a good ways back so not the clearest. Also if you look closely you can see 3 or 4 different spots where he pecked at the bar code. @MacKenzie I knew you would like this one.
    2 points
  3. Tee hee. We need some rules around here. No one, but no one, is allowed to use the five letter word that gets @ckreef so riled. If you are in any doubt, the word starts with a b and ends with a k. All good here and thanks for stopping by @churchi. I am like a kiddy in a sweet shop but am restraining/entertaining myself by bothering local cocochar suppliers now. Just waiting for the day when an email from Dennis drops into my mailbox with photos of my new best friends.
    2 points
  4. Chicago style is biscuit like crust with uncooked sauce. Papa Del's is a much thicker bread-like crust with a cooked sauce and roughly double the toppings.
    2 points
  5. Hummingbirds don't crash unless it's into a piece of glass with woods reflected in it. Even if it dive Bombs straight at your face, don't move it'll never hit you although it'll come in so fast and close you think it's going to hit you. I believe It was just sitting down on it's rump since it had nothin to grab onto with it's feet. She snapped a couple of pictures and having gotten no nectar out of the bag of lump it flew away. No worries I'll keep the feeders out for another month or so incase there are any on a late migration.
    2 points
  6. I've read that they are attracted to the color red, which is why most feeders are that color and/or you put red colored food in them. Probably why it was attracted to the RO bag. I haven't seen that many this year here. There was one flying about the neighbor's apple tree a couple of weeks ago, but that's been about it lately.
    1 point
  7. It is a boneless rib eye roast. Will give it a shot and update you with the pics next week! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. No @MacKenzie. It just landed there. And he sad down. Pecked at the bad and kept looking towards the grill. Lol
    1 point
  9. Papa Del's inspired (NOT Chicago style) deep dish. A little more work to do on the crust, but the sauce is now spot on.
    1 point
  10. Had to look that one up. Will definitely give that a go next Yakatori adventure.
    1 point
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