Hello everyone,
Haven't got, or even ordered a KK yet - I have a similar hurdle to jump as others seem to have had to - or as Dennis has put it to me the "song and dance routine".
I wanted to build a wood-fired oven about 7 years ago but Mrs RokDok was not keen on me using about a square yard of her flower bed, so tried to make a mobile one and once I'd screwed 16 heavy duty castors to an oak sleeper base and built it up to working height I realised that I'd already accounted for 650 kg of my 1.5 tonne weight limit before even starting the dome.
It took two years of negotiation, the refurbishment of two bathrooms and the purchase of a (used) mini cabriolet for me finally to get planning permission.
This must be the most expensive piece of real estate ever.
Four months and a lot of mess and noise later (cutting each firebrick radially vertically and horizontally) I finished the 3.5 tonne oven.
It's great - we use it mainly for pizza, takes an hour and a half to heat up and will stay warm for a day or two but it really only gets used in the summer.It's an event and focus for a gathering.
I've used a 23 " Weber for 25 years now and use it as often as we can- got the hang of putting food on so we have an hour clear so we can to the pub (next door! ) for a couple of beers before eating.
Being a bit loquacious here.. sorry.
A couple of friends have got BGE, and the thought of having something that we could cook outside over winter, and that also was going to increase the range of what could be cooked was appealing so I ordered a Buffalo kamado.
However it is not in stock and whilst I was trying to explain to Mrs RokDok what it was she had somehow got onto the KK website.
I'm hopelessly hooked.
I do a bit of home-brew and love the Blichmann gear - turn to jelly when I see something beautifully made, well engineered and using the best materials.
I can cancel my Buffalo order easily, the job is to persuade Mrs RokDok of the absolute necessity and life or death importance of getting a KK.
I've spent the day looking at sofas.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ones that we bought when we got married 31 years ago apart from a bit of squeaking, a few stains and the odd handful of feathers which appear from them each morning.
Wish me luck.
I'm going down the pub now.
I need a break, it could be fabrics tomorrow.