There's a classic issue here: Anyone who tries grinding nixtamal into masa for corn tortillas using inferior equipment to at least an Indian wet grinder just gives up. The least expensive grain mills for flour (ignoring mills that require hearing protectors) are made by MockMill:
Mockmill 100 & 200 grain mills
I have an older wooden model in both kitchens. While these new models aren't as attractive, they're said to grind even better.
Use an inferior mill such as a Vitamix (I own two) or a stand mixer attachment, and you won't see the point.
Even so, there's a host of issues with freshly ground flour. I have various lab sieves (I prefer the #35) for sieving out the coarser bran, for flavor and to protect the gluten. It needs to hydrate like crazy, and takes more muscle to work. It's what professional bakers call "green" (not aged) flour, which can interfere with bread dough unless one adds 60 ppm ascorbic acid.
Nevertheless, it's alive! The germ is freshly ground, the flavor is wonderful.