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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Peruvian spice rub tri-tip baby carrots air fryer potatoes chimmichuri
    5 points
  2. ☘️🍀🌈 Not doing anything super special here. A couple of Irish Ales. Bangers & mashed for dinner. A nice Jameson's after dinner.
    1 point
  3. haven't used my kk in months.. i can still hit my temps without apps 😅
    1 point
  4. @wrandyr Sourdough 200 g Sourdough starter 330 g Water, (90°F to 110°F) (start with 275 g) 500 g Flour (425 White and 25 Whole Wheat to start) 11 g Sugar 12 g Salt 50 g yellow cornmeal, for coating the paper Stir together all of the ingredients except the cornmeal and salt in a large bowl. starting with 450 grams of the flour and 275 grams water. Let the shaggy mess rest for 20 minutes covered. Then add remaining 50 grams of flour 55 grams of water and salt. Let rest an hour then stretch and fold. Stretch and fold two hours after that. Then refrigerate overnight in a sealed container. The next morning let the dough come up to room temp for a half hour and stretch and fold one more time. Then place loaf in a floured Banneton bowl, covered for 4 hours. It should become nice and puffy. Gently poke your index finger into the top of the loaf, if the indentation remains, your bread is ready to bake Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 450°F Put parchment paper on a cookie sheet, and cut to shape for dutch oven with tabs for handles. Put the cornmeal on the paper and gently roll the loaf on to the sheet and score the loaf however you like. Immediately put it in the oven. Put loaf in oven and turn temp down to 435. Bake the bread for 35 minutes and remove lid, then cook an additional 15 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when you tap it on the bottom. The interior temperature of the bread should register about 205°F on a digital thermometer. Turn the oven off, crack the door open, and allow the bread to remain inside for 10 additional minutes; this helps the crust crisp. Remove the bread from the oven and cool it on a rack. And wipe any additional cornmeal off the bottom.
    1 point
  5. Beautiful day here in the Boston area so I decided to make a batch of chicken breasts. I’ve been dealing with some blood pressure issues lately so I haven’t been doing as much of the good stuff as I had in the past. I’m just trying to teach myself moderation lol But tomorrow I’ll be making an exception and making a nice porterhouse 😁 Anyways todays cooking and a little BB32 eye candy too 😉 My lady friend wanted to try some chicken with just salt and pepper, they don’t look too appetizing but it’s what she wanted so it’s what I made for her. Anyways, happy cooking everyone !!!!! PS, the sourdough is a whole grain sourdough. I’m almost offended that everyone likes it better than my typical extra tangy loafs. Don’t tell them but I do too lol I use KA Super 10 and the KA Harvest Grains to replace 100 grams of the APF
    1 point
  6. My oven has a bread proof setting, works great 😊
    1 point
  7. You need a bread proofer. Or you're a hack. 😏 You mill your own flour, right? RIGHT???
    1 point
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