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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Pulled Pork buns. For bread in a WFO it's all about timing your fire management with the dough proofing time. Getting better at that. You want a small bed of coals at the most relying mainly on residual heat. 400* happened just as the buns had 1 hour proof time.
  2. Looking good so far. P.S. Changed the title for you
  3. So much for having it all in a summary thread - LOL Love me some Brunswick Stew. Pulled Pork from part 2.  The different components go in at different times along the way depending on how long they need to cook for. This is the very beginning.  Smoke rolling throughout the cook.  Fresh corn about to go in. I had a few other pictures but they were way crappy. Anyway towards the end the pulled pork and okra went in. Total time open top in the KK just shy of 7 hours at 300*.  Yup final cook is definitely going down tomorrow. Also I have a few gorgeous veal chops about to go on for tonight's dinner 
  4. Awesome looking steak. Great job.
  5. Great looking ribs Aussie. My rib cook coming tomorrow.
  6. Ate a little with some hamburgers last night (had to taste test it One of the better versions I've made.
  7. It's been a while since I've won a challenge. Trying hard with this one.
  8. To get back on topic, love the covered area you're setting up. My KK's are on my covered porch. It's nice to sit out by the KK's and watch it rain with the smell of Q in the air.
  9. Cooking for family of 2-3, you'll use the 23" more often then you'll use a 32". Bigger is not better. The proper size for the majority of your cooks is better.
  10. Got to have baked beans for a Homemade BBQ Dinner. Note on the left the two homemade BBQ sauces from part 1.  Smoked with Rosemary, Thyme and Basil pellets. I'm calling them Cowboy Beans because the first time I smelled this smoke it reminded me of a camp fire like cowboys would sit around at night. I only loaded up the pellet hopper about 1/3. Just wanted a few hours of smoke. The Smoke ended about 3 1/2 hours into the cook. Here it is at 4 hours. Starting to look right. 7 hours at 300*. Consistency is spot on and beans looking good. Part 4, tomorrow. 
  11. Decent looking pizzas even if they weren't exactly how you wanted them to turn out.
  12. The salsa was uncooked. Normally I'd chop everything up, mix it up and straight into the refrigerator. With the cold smoker (no fire at all) I would have the salsa sitting in a grill at 90* ambient temp for an hour. Probably didn't need to worry about that but thought keeping all the fresh ingredients actually cold for the hour of smoke before going in the refrigerator was the right thing to do. I might be a little paranoid but better safe than sorry.
  13. TY Foothill. Q - it tasted good tonight but a few days from now after the flavors had time to mingle will be the true test.
  14. Had a little time to waste today and was bored so I thought I would give this a try. A simple uncooked salsa cold smoked using Rosemary, Thyme and Basil pellets. These aren't the exact ingredients as I did some substitutions along the way, but they're close. Chopped up, mixed up, and put in the KK for cold smoking. The bottom pan has a layer of ice in it to help keep the upper pan of salsa cold. One hour in the cold smoke stirring every 20 minutes. The end product. Made a slightly bigger batch than I intended but that's okay cause I love dipping chips in this style of salsa. A little heat and a little smoke. I'm going to guess that it will be a little hotter and a little more Smokey after it sits in the refrigerator a few days.
  15. A couple of years ago Mrs skreef won a Kamado Guru challenge and the prize was the Steven Raichlen book Sauces, Rubs and Marinades. I need to cruise through that book and see what's good.
  16. Your in good company around here. I for one have 6 outdoor cooking "grills" and I use all of them on a fairly regular basis. After my latest WFO purchase I swore to Mrs skreef that would be the last. But you know there is one more I've wanted for a long time, even before I got the KK's. I'm breaking the news to Mrs skreef gently - LOL
  17. Yes that's on the list for consideration. Only problem I can see with that is not a lot of probe options. My other choice would be another Thema Q - Blue. All the probe options I could ever want and you can get probe extensions. Plus one app would graph that unit and my WFO unit at the same time. But it does come with a $300 price tag. No hurry to make a decision as the smoke still works for the basic function of monitoring my KK's which is 95% of what I want it for.
  18. Very nice setup and like others have said, great unboxing pictures. I am like you, went from an Akorn to a KK. No point in any stops in-between. You're going to love it.
  19. Yea this really pisses me off. I don't even like the cats. If I had my way we'd get rid of all the cats except Sandstorm (the only cat I know for sure didn't have anything to do with this). The Smoke was on a metal stand thing about 4' off the ground. They knocked it off that and broke the screen on the main unit.  Well it still works but no easy way to set the alarms (I guess that's okay as I rarely set an alarm). You also have to be careful how you turn it off to make sure the main unit is really off. Eventually I'll replace it because I use this for my dome thermometer on my 2 KK's. Just not sure if I want a direct replacement or want something different. 
  20. Great video. Really let's you see what a monster the 42" is. The sponsor plack at the end looks good too.
  21. We've only just begun - stay tuned.........
  22. Part 2 - Pulled Pork using the mop from part 1. Of course while that was going on I had to make me a Ranier cherry cocktail or 3. Just to cool off on a hot Sunday afternoon That's it for now. Part 3 should happen Thursday or Friday.
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