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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. ckreef

    Pizza Weekend

    Great looking pizzas.
  2. For those who won - I like the Dinosaur Sauce. It's a tomato based sauce with a vinegar kick. Sort of a cross breed between a tomato based sauce and a vinegar sauce. I've tried to make my own version lately but it didn't come close.
  3. Really nice looking table. Does the top go on with the Konro still in the table? It takes a few cooks to figure out how much charcoal for the different cooks you do. Learning that is part of the fun to me.
  4. At this point it's probably a daydream. Me and Mrs skreef got 95% complete on our game room refurbish while on vacation last week. Next purchase is a pool table and a reasonably decent one ain't cheap. Maybe I could get me a new tablet for Christmas. I will keep a Bluetooth keyboard in mind as I definitely want a keyboard.
  5. Great cook. It looks delicious.
  6. Lately I've been thinking about upgrading my tablet too. Was looking at the s4. I'm interested in the keyboard cover also. I guess I really need to see one in a store. If you get it definitely post some pictures and a quick review.
  7. Really great looking pig. Came out perfect. Sounds like you had fun and a great learning experience.
  8. Um No - LOL Couldn't be a box as you wouldn't be able to get to the vents. No issues with heat and the gap I have. If I did it over I would have a smaller gap and still not worry. My only real suggestion would be to put a small piece of fireproof mat on the bottom 2x6's just in case a small piece of lump somehow fell out of one of the vents. But this isn't a grill you leave unattended.
  9. I'm sure if you have a carpenter he could make the cutout and line it with finish wood to look awesome. Just leave 3/4"-1" gap all around for heat issues as these can get really hot if you get it rocking. He could also make a matching top. Me and Mrs skreef are off all next week to work on the indoor project. I might try a wood finish on the Konro. If it looks like crap I can always fall back on the SS idea. Who knows, we'll see what next week brings.
  10. Your foil top sounds like my cardboard top. There's a member on Guru that makes custom SS tables for kamados. He does other custom jobs and he's not overly expensive. As soon as my current indoor project (almost done) is over I'm going to contact him. I'll post up the details when they happen. With you in Canada you'd probably have to find someone north of the boarder.
  11. @MacKenzie the pictures you wanted. My table is made out of 2x6's and I had this table long before I had the Konro. The cutout hole itself gives about 1 1/2" of clearance on all sides. That was a little too much and if I did it again I would only have 3/4"-1" clearance on all sides. Just make sure you account for the handles on the ends. Installing it the way I did left the Konro sitting just shy of 1 1/4" above the table. For me that was the perfect height. After making the cutout I installed 2x6's on each end on the underside of the table. I then used two 2x6's to span the length with a gap in the middle. The gap was mainly to give me more width on those boards so any ash that falls out the vent falls on the 2x6's not on the floor. Obviously you don't want to box in the long sides because you want to be able to reach under there and change the vents although I basically run mine with the vents wide open. As a disclaimer: I'm not a carpenter. I have enough skills and tools to get by but that's about it. My goal eventually is to get the hole lined in SS and have a SS top that slips down over the Konro. Currently I have a cardboard top which works but looks like crap.
  12. Most people fill the fire basket full of lump then start one (or sometimes) multiple areas of the lump in the fire basket. How you light the lump is personal preference. I use a MAPP torch but a starter cube or alcohol soaked cotton ball will also work. Low-n-slow you only want one very small area of lump lit to start with. For high heat grilling or baking some people would use a chimney starter but I never do.
  13. The meal looked good all around and I love grilled peaches and scallops. Just not sure SV'ing scallops would add any benefit. Scallops are one of those thing that only takes a couple of minutes minutes at high heat to be done. Without SV'ing and just seared over high heat by the time a scallop gets the proper color it's done on the inside. Next time just trust your cooking skills and sear them until done.
  14. Fresh Market is where they have the U5/6 shrimp. Most everything in there is super high dollar but those shrimp are a reasonable price. I don't shop at Fresh Market often as my wallet cries every time I do but it is the bomb of high end grocery stores.. Sorry to hear yours closed.
  15. I can only get the U5/6 every so often. This summer Fresh Market has had them all summer and only $12.99 per lb. I usually go for the colossal. They're still big enough to stuff. Interestingly last summer small lobster Tails were on sale the entire summer $5 per tail (we ate a lot of lobster tails). This summer $7-$8 per tail.
  16. Yes 5 shrimp to a lb. I love the super large shrimp.
  17. Thats what I was thinking. I just don't have the space for a double length table.
  18. That was actually way easier than I thought it would be. Give me a day or two when I get home from work earlier and I'll show you the skinny.
  19. TY @MacKenzie it was one of the better Detroit's I've made. I think I'm finally getting a grip on the WFO.
  20. It's been a "Lord of the Flies" summer. It's finally cooled down a slight bit (85*) and the flies have disappeared. Time to crank up the Konro (especially after all the Marabu talk). On the menu tonight:  Sashimi grade tuna, First cut NY strip steaks, U5 shrimp (the way shrimp is supposed to be), Zucchini, Pineapple, Lettuce salad w/ Japanese Ginger Dressing, Rice, and finally Honey, Ginseng green tea. The main lineup   Everything dressed or marinated   Marabu lump almost ready to go   A few action shots. The tuna was the star of the show. I wasn't sure how that was going to work on the Knoro the way I did it. Came out perfect. I stopped paying attention for a minute and slightly over cooked my NY strip. (md not md rare). I only have myself to blame as everyone cooked their own food. Anyway all around a killer meal. 
  21. It would be worth a try but I sort of question the trimming of mangrove bushes. Mangroves are what keeps islands and coast lines together. Without mangroves an island would wash away. That is why there are very strict rules in FL regarding mangroves. I don't know about Thailand but this seems like something that could be abused to the detriment of the the people who have to live with the after effects. OK let me get off my semi political soapbox.
  22. That's interesting. Says it comes from Thailand Mangrove that has been pruned back.
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