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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Burn in fire two happening as I type this. I'm hoping to do a pizza cook next weekend. Fingers crossed.
  2. ckreef

    Oh oh

    Regardless of what type of cook you're doing always start with a full basket of lump. What you don't use will be there waiting for your next cook. BTW - dinner looks delicious.
  3. TY amusedtodeath. Mrs skreef has been a really great sport about my crazy cooking adventures. After she endured buying 2 KK's nothing seems that crazy anymore - LOL
  4. TY tekobo. I'm probably going to do a test pizza dough this week since I'll be using a new recipe. Want to make sure I have my ducks in a row before pizza night.
  5. 19 on Monday 5/7. He wanted to go Mexican and celebrate Cinco De Mayo. We went to the best Mexican restaurant in Macon, GA. The restaurant was in crazy mode. We got there at 3:30 pm and still had a 20 minute wait. Sure glad we went early.
  6. It really is a fantastic project. Over the next couple of weeks we'll put the finishing touches on it. There'll be more pictures coming in the future.
  7. Everything was done and pictures taken by noon. Didn't want to post them until I had a first fire picture. After we cleaned up we went to town to take my son for his birthday dinner. When we came back from an early dinner I lit the fire, took the final picture and then posted them.
  8. We worked as a well oiled team today. Everyone did great with the job they had. Had my son do everything from turning the truck on, turning on the pto, putting out the outriggers, linking up remote control, using the boom/crane then shutting everything back down. He had fun with it and learned something in the process.
  9. Here we go. Very exciting day. Mrs skreef manned the camera. My son worked the boom/crane while I guided it into position. The entire operation went as planned without any issues. The first fire. Once it got going I pushed it to the back. I need to maintain 150* for 5 hours. Should be interesting. It's been a long tiring week but so glad we've started the burn in fires. Next week going to lay the pavers. If I get my act together I might be able to cook a couple of pizzas next weekend
  10. ckreef

    Oh oh

    Looks great. Really nice location you have it in. I would have a full, full basket. Start this process when you get up so you have all day to do it. Also what are you going to cook during the venting? Although the venting can be a bit smelly it all happens on the outside of the KK so anything on the inside is not effected. I would go with leg quarters. As you're coming up in temperature stop at 400* and let it sit there for a while. Throw some leg quarters on and cook them for an hour or so. Eat lunch then continue on with the venting. No need to waste all that heat.
  11. I only bought Marabu for one purpose - the Korin. Lit in a chimney starter and allowed to burn until totally orange there was no smell or flavor left. I will buy some black bags for KK use. I was never interested in the super premium as extra large pieces tend to burn funny be it low-n-slow or high heat.
  12. Are you talking about the black bag Fogo premium? I'm about to order 2 bags.
  13. That's brand new. Less than 8,000 miles. The boom/crane is rated for 12,000 lbs and has wireless remote control. I'm going to let my son (the gamer) man the remote joy sticks while I guide the oven into position. He's really excited about playing with "heavy equipment". Mrs skreef is going to man the camera. I have a little of finishing stand work to do in the morning then we fire up the truck. Super excited.
  14. Once a month or so (yea I'm lazy) clean the filter. Once or twice a month I'll drop a garden hose in there and let it overflow for an hour or so giving it a water change. Feed the goldfish or not you can't kill them if you tried. That's about it.
  15. 3 years ago I put two Iris plants in my garden pond. Neither bloomed, one died. Year 2, the one left perked back up but no flowers. Finally year 3 we have our first bloom to welcome the new WFO. Look carefully you can see the goldfish in the background.
  16. I too like the little shelves. They were not planned. The idea popped into my brain as I was laying the stones and seeing just how everything fit together. The small upper shelf 8"x8"x4"H should work good for holding the infrared gun and keeping it out of direct sunlight. I do have a couple of tweaks to make tonight. I shouldn't have to work tomorrow so I'll try and set the oven in the morning. If I can get that accomplished I should be able to do 2 of my 5 initial burns this weekend.
  17. TY @MacKenzie, I'm really happy with the counter top. Looks much better in person. At some point I'll grab a ladder so I can get a good overhead picture.
  18. Made arrangements to bring the work truck home this weekend Ready for the oven. I added 2 small pocket shelves as I was going along. The counter top/hot work surface. Should be an awesome post Saturday or Sunday. @Tyrus we are dead level left to right. A little high front to back. 1/4" in 4'. I can live with that considering Mrs skreef finish skimmed the cement by hand. I'll give her an A+ for the job. Of course the camera and my unlevel yard makes the perspective look a little screwy.
  19. Sort of thinking I need to come home from work early again today. Cough, cough - I'm starting to feel a little sick - LOL
  20. ckreef

    Oh oh

    Great pictures. I really like the soccer ball picture. Puts things in perspective.
  21. Internet connection at the office went down this afternoon. Nothing for me to do in the office without internet. But I had something I could do at home Just shy of half way done with the stand. We'll call this a 1/2 ton of work. The other 1/2 ton should happen tomorrow evening. This is my station for cutting 1/2 blocks. I need 1/2 blocks to stager my joints and properly interlock the blocks together. Also received a few items needed for this adventure. 12 lbs of Caputo 00 blue bag flour (this is supposed to be the best). Also an infrared temperature gun.
  22. I think it's going to be a pretty kewl counter top. Just needed a work space where I can potentially sit 500* pans down without worrying. Fits right in with the rustic theme I have going on. It's a deep not wide counter top so I'm probably going to buy another/smaller slab and make a back upper shelf. That slab weighs around 60 lbs after cutting off the end and only cost me about $23.
  23. Yes, very relieved. I was going to do a dry cut with an angle grinder and masonry bit. I was a little worried as that was the best slab the landscaping place had and I didn't want it to crack in a funny way. Once my neighbor offered up his awesome tile saw most of the worry went away.
  24. I have a little more prep work before I dive head first into building the stand. Tonight I cut my "counter top". Here is the before picture. A rock slab counter top, just a little long. I screwed two pieces of wood together clamping the rock slab. These are actually saw guides so I can cut from both the top and bottom sides and have the cuts parallel to each other. I borrowed a friend's tile saw. It's a small circular saw with a water jet and a thin, diamond encrusted, blade. I made 2 passes on the top side then flipped it over and finished the cut with 2 passes from the bottom side. This is an awesome saw. Cut through it without issue and did a great job on the cut. Here is the after comparison picture. One step closer to final completion.
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