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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. It's late, feeling no pain, have to work tomorrow, going to bed now. Will post the review tomorrow.
  2. Squash, shrimp and chicken skewers done homemade teriyaki style. Will post a lump review soon, right now enjoying an after dinner cocktail.
  3. Just now fired a chimneys worth up. Will know shortly.
  4. They have many different flavors. Just need to look around a bit.
  5. Nope not the color red. Communist "Red" that is. Lump charcoal from Cuba. I was on the Fogo website one night when the little chat customer service box popped up. I never use those boxes but I was feeling a little squirrely that night. "What is the absolute hardest, longest burning lump you have that's not super huge pieces?" well about 1 minute later there was a live person on chat. After a brief discussion of my particular application (for use in my Yakatori grill), Marabu Harwood Lump imported from Cuba was recommended. I bought a bag. Here it is. This is about 25% of the bag dumped into the box. Definitely heavier and more dense sounding than the RO I had to compare it too. Will give it a go in the Yakatori grill tomorrow night.
  6. Not sure what one grill motor you are mentioning but the 4pm05 model is the one you want. They make a bigger motor but it's really overkill and just not needed.
  7. Well it looked kewl but it's a flawed design concept. If you watch carefully the side of the chicken where the bottom basket bars are never really flips over to be parallel to the fire. The other side is parallel a good bit of time. It is somewhat cooking the chicken from one side.
  8. There is no such thing as too much lump. With nothing else said my guess is you have the top vent almost wide open. All your heat is going straight out the top vent. Close it down to 2 maybe 3 turns open at the most. Trap some heat inside to get up to high temps. I've gotten my KK's in the 800*-900* range although I don't recommend that. For 500* I never go more than 2 turns open on the top vent and I cook at 500* all the time.
  9. If she would have brought her sisters over to help supervise I would have felt like a state road worker - LOL
  10. Not only was she supervising she also took to the shovel and filled back in the holes I had dug
  11. Flipped the breaker off on the pond electricity. Dug up the wire, reconfigured it a bit then reburied it. Made a couple of temporary connections so I could turn the pond back on. There will be an outdoor electrical outlet/box at each of those posts. Won't install the electrical boxes until the very end.
  12. I like the mortar and pestle but I really love that cutting board
  13. For this project yes, a kid in a candy store. Generally speaking NO as I hate landscaping/yard work.
  14. Turn it upside down on a nice flat surface. Using a angle grinder with a masonry wheel, score my cut line reasonably deep. Then using a wide flat chisel pop the cut at the score line. If all goes as planned it'll break along the score line leaving a natural break/cut on the top when I turn it over. If all goes wrong I cry - LOL.
  15. Went and bought my "counter top". Almost a perfect size, I'll have to cut 8"-12" off the far pointy end. Nice and rustic and no issues putting hot CI items down on it. Best part only $23 Beech Tree Supply, Warner Robin's, GA. A totally awesome landscaping supply company, I'm just not into landscaping. Sounds like too much work to me - LOL
  16. There is one at the pond electrical box. Will swap that out to position it closest to the electrical feed
  17. Some of these updates hardly seem worth posting but it's all I have for now and it is progress. Now that I have a decent measurement I'm hoping to go and get my rock slab counter top tomorrow.
  18. Well it rained all day. Took the opportunity to go buy some parts. Got a 4"x4"x8' to give me two short fence poles. Also bought the electrical parts I need. This week coming up I should be able to set my fence poles, dig up and rebury my electrical run. I don't want to install the new electrical boxes or the fence pieces until I get the blocks and pavers set in place.
  19. I really like the Ghost rub. I'm about to finish off my first bottle and have another bottle ready to go. Works especially good for hot wings.
  20. Pizza looks good but it does look a little small and lonely in the last picture - LOL
  21. Good pictures Bruce. I think you outdid yourself this time. Looks yummy.
  22. Nope but I'm willing to haggle a bit if it seems like I'll get somewhere with it. This is a totally kewl landscaping place. Way cheaper for everything compared to the big box stores and family owned. I'll snap a few pictures when I go later this week to pickup my "counter top".
  23. I didn't have enough time after work today to get anything major accomplished but I did want to do a test fit of the blocks to see how everything fits in the alloted space. The front pavers will be set down in the ground flush with garden stones. The stone stand will be on a cement footer and obviously built up taller. The oven will sit on the left side with a wood storage area below. A slate (?) counter top will be on the right side. It will sit one or two courses shorter and measure approximately 30" x 40". There is a small storage area underneath for probably a kindling bin.
  24. It was a great score. I went there with $500 as a good deal (in my brain). Walked away at $450. Yea I was happy
  25. Went and picked up my building blocks this week. 16" x 8" x 4". 90 blocks per pallet. I really only needed 1 1/2 pallets but they had 2 nice wrapped pallets sitting there. I figure if I bought both pallets I could get a deal and I can always find a use for extra blocks in the future. Started talking to the man in charge about cutting me a deal, he was willing to play ball. I told him since he was cutting me a deal I'd write him a check instead of paying by debit card to save him the 3% processing fee. In return he didn't charge me sales tax. Win, Win all around. 2 pallets, 180 blocks, $450 total. Oh Yeah. At HD or Lowes this would have cost $700 + tax. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow and it's going to rain all day Sunday. At the least this weekend I'll go buy what I need to reconfigure my electricity. We'll see what happens.
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