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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. That's crazy Aussie Ora. I could buy a bottle and send it to you and all total wouldn't even cost me $32.
  2. Cschaaf, you know you're always welcome anytime We'll even stop by M&T Meats on the way out and set you up with some veal Tomahawk steaks. The very best cut of steak you'll ever experience.
  3. You really don't want to layover in ATL. One of the 2 busiest airports in the US every year.
  4. Don't give away my secrets - LOL Just have to do the final trim work before I'm willing to post. Soon.
  5. If you ever have an extra long layover at ATL let us know. Me and Mrs skreef will grab you up, feed you some (hopefully) awesome pizza and deliver you back just in time to catch your connecting flight.
  6. ckreef

    23 or 21

    I fully understand this. My new WFO is really Mrs skreef's. I bought her a new oven I'll never say anything different......... To her face anyway. (maybe she won't read this) Heck she told me if I divorced her I could have the KK's but she's taking the oven. LOL BTW since it's an oven the WFO doesn't count as a purchase. Just an upgraded cooking appliance any they don't count.
  7. Early fall after I've had time to learn this oven we'll have you two over for a small pizza party.
  8. TY tony, I'll try not to disappoint. And I have a bunch of non pizza ideas too.
  9. TY Dennis. To be honest the handmade Artisan approach to this reminded me of KK's. After owning KK's not just any grill will do. Also it's firebrick, covered in refractory cement, covered in rockwool, covered in refractory cement then finished with the stone. The different layers with insulation in the middle also reminded me of KK's. It weighs 1,500 lbs. Work has a brand new service truck with large boom that I can borrow to set it up on a stand. Went to a local landscaping supplier today. They have the perfect building blocks for making a stand. Will go buy 2 pallets worth next paycheck so I can get moving on this project.
  10. It will definitely be a fun new adventure. One of the last items needed to complete my BBQ cooking arsenal. I have another recent purchase, just not ready to post that one yet, but really soon.
  11. Yea one day I'm going to buy that book. It comes highly recommended.
  12. Okay true confession time. The radiator reservoir had split a seam. It has a water sensor in it so if it doesn't hold water the truck shuts down. All modern trucks are like this. A new water reservoir, 6 bolts and 4 hose clamps and the fix was complete. Not exactly master mechanic but I can turn a wrench if needed. Authentic Pizza Ovens is another great business similar to KK. When you call you get to talk to the owner Penny. A pleasure doing business with her and my nightmare had nothing to do with them.
  13. As you know I was living a delivery nightmare for 3 or 4 days. Glad I'm finally awake and it's over now. The WFO does require a 5 day burn in cure cycle before you can really fire it up. Day one a 140* fire for 4-5 hours. For the next 4 days you increase the fire temp every day and let it ride for 4-5 hours. This is to drive out any residual moisture in the refractory cement from deep inside the walls/floor. It should be a fun 5 days learning how to control the temperature while maintaining a fire.
  14. I've wanted a WFO for a while now. It was @bosco's recent wfo cooks that pushed me over the edge. Me and Mrs skreef had been saving up the cash to pay off our final credit card debt. Used that cash to buy the WFO instead. Oops still have that credit card balance. It's OK it's on zero interest for the next 8 months and we'll get it paid off before then.
  15. LOL - I just looked up your location. Not only can you covet it but one day you can take a ride and I'll let you play with it Definitely wanted the extended chimney with rain cap. Keep the rain out and the smoke from blowing directly in your face. Both are really high quality made out of SS. A bit pricey but since this was made in Portugal it has a funky chimney dimension that's not readily available in the states.
  16. I'll see if I can post up some links later this weekend. My pizza game is ever evolving. I'm hoping to really take it to the next level with this new acquisition.
  17. Don't let this story fool you. I hate doing mechanic work. When I was young I worked on cars. Too old and make enough money not to fool with that anymore. I'll work on my motorcycle only because I don't trust anyone. It all came down to a quick/easy fix wasn't going to get between me and the WFO.
  18. I can't wait either. Going to start working on the garden spot this weekend if the rain doesn't get me.
  19. It was handmade in Portugal by a company called Impex Fire. I purchased it from Authentic Pizza Ovens in Scottsdale, AR. They have a time lapse video of a similar model being made. Very impress video. A fair amount of refractory cement goes into it along with a inner layer of insulation.
  20. After purchasing 2 KK's I wanted a WFO that had a similar Artisan look to it. The moment I saw a picture of it I knew that was the one.
  21. It was coming home with me one way or another especially after basically sitting around all day waiting.
  22. I am really excited about this. About the only thing that comes close to unboxing your first KK.
  23. Ordered a WFO from a company in AR. Delivery was going along as expected until it got to a local delivery terminal/company. There it sat for 3 days. They wouldn't answer their phone or respond to emails. Not a peep from them. Yesterday about 1:30pm they called. We're about to deliver your pizza oven in an hour. I laughed at them since I was 2 hours from the house. Ohh - they decided to deliver it today instead (so much for delivery appointments). I would be the last on the truck making it the first to deliver. I stayed home from work today patiently waiting. Around 9:30am got a call. The guys screwed up and put it first on the truck making me the last delivery stop. Fine! As long as it delivers today. I went to work for a couple of hours then once again came home and patiently waited. At 3:30pm got another phone call. We have a problem, the delivery truck broke down on the exit ramp to your house. I have the part needed to repair it. Any mechanics near by? Otherwise we're going to have to tow the truck out of there. WOW, not so fast! I know I can solve my problem and I'll try and solve yours. Bring the part to the truck and I'll bring tools. So basically using my tools, me and the driver fixed the truck and my WFO finally arrived at the house. The bright side of the story is the owner of the delivery company gave me $80 for helping fix his truck and the WFO was sitting in the yard just were I needed it - LOL Here is the broke down truck. That's my orange tool box. Also notice the trailer behind my car. That oven was coming home one way or another. So here it is finally arriving about 6pm. Look at the determination. I didn't know Mrs skreef was snapping pictures. I was a little preoccupied. The red thing is a 4' level for size reference. The inside. The door, thermometer and free ceramic baking dish. This thing is huge. Can't wait to build a stand and get it fired up. I also ordered a SS chimney extender and rain cap. More to come over the next month or so.
  24. After giving you that list of possible issues I guess I forgot the most important one - a runaway KK - LOL
  25. Really nice ceramic dishes. I love ceramic dishes, I'm jealous!
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