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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Don't talk like that. I only wish that was me - LOL
  2. I didn't understand that either. Call Dennis you might be able to order one.
  3. We love lane packing. Although it's been a few years since we did the u-pick strawberries we go every year during peach season. Watching the packing operation never gets old for me. It's about an hour drive from home.
  4. I use to go to Lane packing every spring for u-pick strawberries. I haven't been in a few years. Will have to try and go within the next couple of weeks.
  5. Great looking KK. I have a 16" KK. Definitely a bit bigger than the mini max.
  6. Interesting you say that and I totally agree especially around the sides. A year or so ago Dennis asked people to chime in on this exact situation. The majority thought the design should remain as is. I thought it should change to smaller gaps along the sides as it couldn't hurt. I do think Dennis made some fire baskets with smaller gaps around the side. To get it you had to buy an extra fire basket.
  7. Great looking pizzas. I'm about to strip apart my Blackstone. The stones are awesome, I need the ignitor for my gas burner and....... I'll cup the upper unit off and end up with a nice rolling cart for my Akorn Jr or griddle.
  8. I definitely caught that too and would very much like to see a unboxing thread.
  9. Interestingly enough they don't even have the stone covered version on the Portugal website. It is either so new they haven't updated their website or it's a special version they are doing for Authentic Pizza Ovens. The video shows the cork covered one. They are nice but I think the stone covered one looks better.
  10. I've never used a offset. Gas grills then straight up charcoal grills then kamados. Now look where I'm at.
  11. I too thought it was a really great video. I especially liked him culling through the bricks to find just the right one and also the cement sprayer was pretty kewl. Watching that video definitely swayed me to these as opposed to other options. Also the stone finish fits in with my somewhat rustic garden area.
  12. I definitely don't need them sinking and will keep all this in mind. I am trying to do this on a limited budget because I have a lot of other stuff going on this summer - I think I already blew that idea - LOL.
  13. No building or covering for now. Something to think about in the future. Living in middle GA we don't have to worry a lot about freeze/thaw cycles. It only got to just barely freezing temps a handful of nights this past winter. The chimney extension and rain cap just slide on for now. I was thinking about maybe installing a couple SS screws to assure it stayed in place during a big storm. I doubt they would blow off but they are an odd size and a bit expensive so I don't want to take any chances.
  14. Nice crust. That is all. LOL
  15. I have a couple different piles of sand around the yard that I can use for the pavers but I do need to get a tamper.
  16. The weight maybe close but this was definitely easier on the wallet. It was also an easier sell to Mrs skreef. Not sure she would have gone for a 3rd KK (4th kamado).
  17. I keep a cooler permanently installed in the back of the car. Where I live any ride to the grocery store is somewhat of an adventure.
  18. I'm really excited about this too. Never really thought I would spend the money on a WFO but then again thought the same thing about my 2 KK's. Going to get this together as quickly as possible but some of the delay has to do with funds. Trying to get this accomplished out of extra paycheck funds not savings and there is a bunch more to buy.
  19. I'm going to use this thread to document my WFO Installation for anyone interested. It'll probably get an update once or twice a week as progress is made. I'm guessing this is going to take 4-6 weeks before we have ignition. Let's get started. I figured we need to start with a before picture for future comparison. I scrounged around the yard and came up with some extra pavers. This should be enough for a small work area in front of the WFO. If I come up short I could probably scrounge up a few more. Removed a fence section and relocated Mrs skreef's rose bush. Just outside of that opening will be a 3' deep work area using the pavers from above. The WFO oven will sit behind that with a small counter top off to the side to put hot items on. On Saturday we went by a large landscaping supplier. We have our building blocks picked out and will buy them towards the end of the week. I do have an underground electrical cable (for the pond pump) that I need to dig up and reconfigure. In the end I'll have electricity out at the WFO. This is going to be a pain in the rear but it basically needs to happen before I can really move forward (hopefully next weekend). Stay tuned more to come.
  20. TY Tyrus, my plan will incorporate a small wood storage area under the oven and a small counter top next to it.
  21. Did you get a bottle of their limited edition Ghost rub? Works really great on hot wings.
  22. Welcome aboard - you picked an awesome color
  23. The veal Tomahawks I got last time were about 2" thick. I reverse seared them to md rare. Deeeelicious!
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