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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Nope this ain't my cook. Guru is have a pizza challenge and this is one of the entries. I thought it was so unique you all would want to see it.
  2. The driver is only obligated for curb side service in most cases. If you are nice and slide him a tip you can usually talk the driver into a bit more.
  3. ckreef


    My general thoughts are pick one (dome or grate) and stick to using that. I only cook by dome temperature and haven't used a grate probe in the last couple of years. I have Thermoworks Smoke probes installed in my domes where the analog thermometer would go. I only did that because I'm lazy and don't want to get up and walk to the KK's to check temperature. Once you learn how your kamado behaves using either grate or dome temperature than it really doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you stick with what you know.
  4. My wheels are turning. In the WFO they talk about putting a pan of water in there to create moisture. I'm thinking dumping ice in a preheated CI pan would be more effective.
  5. Fantastic looking loaf. What did you do to create all the steam?
  6. Maverick stepping up their game. Very nice.
  7. That was a bit over 5 cups. I froze them in 2 packages of 2 1/2 cups each and gave the overage to my son. This coming Saturday I should be able to harvest about the same amount. Maybe a batch of Blueberry BBQ sauce and small pie. Might try canning a double batch of Blueberry BBQ sauce so I have a little to pass out. Haven't done the canning yet with Blueberry BBQ sauce but it should work fine. We'll see how much I have to work next weekend.
  8. Mistake turned out decent. I'll make a long stupid story short. Saturday night I mixed up 2 batches of dough to rise overnight. Sunday I fired up the WFO. When it got up around 750* I went inside to start stretching and building the pies. That's when the realization hit me...... I had used bread flour in my Neopolitan dough. Oh crap! Can't cook bread flour at my target 800*. I regrouped, let the WFO come down in temp and cooked the pies in the 550*-600* range. They actually came out reasonably well. I'm blaming the multiple Saturday night adult beverages on the mixup I did want to mention that although I made the pies Mrs skreef cooked them. Turning them as needed, raising them up into the dome and pulling them when done.   The pizzas were Sunday lunch. Also cooked a beef pot pie for Sundays dinner. 
  9. Last year we had a late freeze that killed our entire Blueberry Crop. This year the winter was decent. A very rainy spring followed but a few hot sunny days. Mrs skreef picked our first harvest of the year. We only have 2 bushes but they are really big bushes. She got about 5 cups of Blueberries. We should get 3 or 4 times that many before it's all over.
  10. LOL - I actually bought a handmade (in Portugal) ceramic baking dish. It was really, really expensive but it did come with a free WFO
  11. I surely didn't need one but when has that ever stopped me If I based my purchases on need there would be a whole lot of stuff I wouldn't have including my KK's as I had a reasonably useful kamado when I bought those.
  12. TY MacKenzie it is a fun adventure for sure. Probably going to go at it again tomorrow.
  13. The probe end is pushed into the tube about 11 3/4" so it's basically reading the inside dome temperature. I have a really nice peel I got from GIMETAL. And of course I also have a wooden peel for launching the pies. Now I just need Mrs skreef to finish some landscaping.
  14. I got a couple of new accessories for the WFO. The first one is not really new just repurposed into a new accessory. I cut my old pizza peel down. It is now a coal rake/ash scoop.  My second accessory is a remote temperature gauge. It came with an analog gauge in celsius that the people who sells these ovens fully admits it's a piece of crap. When you pull out the gauge there is a brass tube that runs to the inside of the oven. That tube sticks out on the inside of the oven by about 1 1/4". Looking at the length of the temperature gauge the thickness of that front wall is about 10 1/2" That is being replaced by a ThermoQ Bluetooth version with a high temperature flexible ceramic probe rated up to 2,200*f. It is 10' in length. Here is the installation of this unit. At some point in the future I might shrink wrap the cable in black or gray. This is Bluetooth connected to a tablet. The Bluetooth range easily reaches the porch where I sit. It'll reach into the house but not quit to the kitchen counter. This is the live probe display. Of course I had to start a small fire to test it out It also has a graph mode. At around 9 minutes I pushed the fire to the side and added more wood. At about 18 minutes I once again added more wood. Since I wasn't cooking anything I didn't want to waste any more wood so I just let it ride at that point. Very, very pleased with this purchase. This is basically waterproof and built like a tank. It can accommodate 2 probes and has a wide selection of probes. It's not cheap but worth every penny.
  15. You are most welcome. Glad I could help you out. That was pretty quick shipping. Do me a favor, wait until week of June 18th before shipping. Going on vacation that week and I don't want to be gone when the package arrives.
  16. Late to the pizza party but it looks tasty. I will say I've never forgot about a low-n-slow.
  17. Wow that is a serious oven there. Do they let you play with it? That sausage looks like a huge amount of work but I bet very tasty.
  18. The pizzas were the King Arthur Artisan dough cooked at about 550*. It's a high hydration dough so I cooked them on pizza screens which I'll never do again. They sort of cooked into the screen (almost impossible to get the pizza off the screen) and the bottom didn't brown right. I should have just used parchment paper. I wanted to try the King Arthur Artisan dough but I think I'll just go back to the low hydration Neopolitan dough I used last weekend. Easy to work with and launches straight off a wooden peel. As for your flooring tiles I think I would go for the higher heat tiles. They would probably still be OK with lower Temps but would the lower temp tiles be okay for higher Temps? That's the question I would want to ask the company before making the decision. You definitely want the tiles with the greatest versatility since there are many other things you'll eventually want to cook.
  19. Going to post WFO money shots in this thread. If anybody has a WFO/pizza oven please feel free to post your money shots if you just don't feel like doing a complete cook thread. Had a long day cooking in the WFO yesterday. (while low-n-slow in the KK's). Had the WFO fired up for about 8 hours.  3 pizzas followed by artisan bread and then buns (for the low-n-slow pulled pork). The pizzas needed a slightly higher temp (and no more using pizza screens). The bread and buns needed a slightly lower temperature.   For a grand finale Mrs skreef put together a lasagna in my new terracotta pan from Portugal. I love this pan. It has a nice glazed interior. Lasagne went on covered in foil. WFO was cruising along at 400* with a hot bed of coals. Rotated at the 20 minute mark. At 40 minutes it was looking right but it needed the top browned. Threw a couple of small logs on the coals. Waited about 5 minutes for the smoke to stop. At this point I had some nice flames dancing across the dome. Mrs skreef reached in there (with a welding glove) and pulled off the foil. 3 minutes later a nice browned top. Sure glad I didn't wait for my 5 minute timer to go off. This instant broiler action worked really well. Next time I'll set the timer for 2 minutes. 
  20. Awesome looking whole fish cook.
  21. Strangely enough I've never put rub on a snag. Will give that a try next time. Looks good.
  22. When Aussie suggested spreading a thin amount on a piece of toast he meant a really thin spread. Not peanut butter amount, not even regular butter amount, the absolute thinnest amount you can spread on toast. BTW have a glass of milk on standby, you're going to need it - LOL
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