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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. There's a whole thread on here somewhere about chockin you KK. Better safe than sorry for sure.
  2. She left out the drama of the driveway tacos. Last day to enter the taco challenge on Guru. We are all expecting any entry from her but where is her entry? Nobody knows about the KK. I keep pushing her to just unbox it and do it in the driveway. Don't tell anyone just do it. Well, work kept bugging her all day long. At around 10 pm with just enough time to get the tacos entered she pulls off the cook. And finally the cat was out of the bag. KK has a KK.
  3. Spring? We're on the boarder of full on summer. 2 days ago it was 85* and sunny.
  4. Dennis sorts his multi colored tiles so the KK's are more uniform in color. My 2 KK's are Terra Blue tiles that were sorted into the more blue pile. KismetKamado's are the same Terra Blue tiles that were sorted into the more Terra pile. It's also kewl that Dennis takes pictures of all the KK's. That way you get the exact KK that you saw in the picture not something "similar".
  5. Might have to give that grinder a try. I have a few different grinders and don't really like any of them.
  6. We now have 2 hummingbirds. 1 male and 1 female.
  7. Welcome aboard. You're going to have to show them the driveway tacos.
  8. They are about 1 month early but I figured that was going to happen since we had such a mild winter. Just one so far but feeders are cleaned and full. Sorry no pictures.
  9. Good use for that sticker. I wonder if anyone will ever mention it to you.
  10. I love the color. Nice setup.
  11. Well I was the one who let KismetKamado know we owed you a certificate. I like the new certificates better so your delay got you a better certificate. I figured you would put some strange poisonous bug in with berries that would ruin my taste buds and make me a crappy cook forever - LOL. That would have been a fate worse than death.
  12. Wait a minute....... I am a challenge administrator and that was actually my challenge idea. So all this time you were plotting a fate worse than death for me? .....do tell........ LOL
  13. Fair assessment but realize it's not just Kamado Guru. I've felt the same way on this forum on more than one occasion. But I realized it was just one member not all the members as a collective body. So I just ignored those situations and carried on. If I didn't do that I would have quit posting on this forum a long time ago.
  14. They were a bit salty. I think if I could reduce the time on the salt block they wouldn't be as salty. We'll try again.
  15. Salt Blocks seem to be a one trick pony. Walmart had one for $20 and I've always wanted to give it a try. I figured it's one trick would be scallops. I had a few scallops and a few extra large shrimp in the freezer so last night was test night. I slowly heat soaked the salt block to 500*. Seasoned the scallops and shrimp with purple crack and lemon mrytle. Scallops got 3 minutes per side. The on grill picture is a bit of a mess but that's 4 large scallops and 6 extra large shrimp. The scallops had a nice sear. The texture was spot on at md rare. They were a touch salty so next time I'll go 600* and 2 minutes per side. Seems a bit of a gimmick but a reasonable way to cook scallops and they get seasoned automatically by the salt block. This morning 10 hours later the salt block is still warm to the touch. Once heat soaked I do think you could pull the salt block off the grill and table side cook the scallops if you were looking to wow some guests.
  16. For me stuffed shrimp has always meant super large shrimp butterflied open with a dollop of crab stuffing on top. Will have to give what you did a try sometime.
  17. Great looking salad. I knew you couldn't resist a salad challenge - LOL
  18. ckreef


    It use to be all about winning for me. I've even won one challenge just by picking a combination I knew everyone would vote for (ribs wrapped in pig candy). Now, although I would like to win, I cook something new, unique, pushes my cooking abilities or teaches me a new technique. I do try and put forth my very best. The challenges are a bit more satisfying now that I'm not worrying about winning.
  19. Definitely not your typical stuffed shrimp. Great cook all around.
  20. TY Bruce the spring rolls were definitely the star of the show.
  21. ckreef


    We'll keep our eyes out for this one.
  22. It's definitely easier just not as fun as smoking the neighborhood out - LOL
  23. I have made my own in the past (and that was probably me) but would want to redo my retort if I really wanted to do it on a regular basis.
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