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Everything posted by primeats

  1. My daughter hiked the Inca trail to Machu Pichu last year, the cure there was to chew on coca leaves, can't remember the altitude, but she was a little weary during the hike and very pleased at herself after the journey( at 20 wouldn't you be?). During our stay in ColoradoSprings a few weeks ago, while I was at BBQ-U, my wife took the Jeep to Pikes Peak, got out and walked around and nearly had a fit of vertigo! Fortunately she made it back to show me the pictures! Bring us back some recipe's Dennis! Can't wait to see some photos of you with Sai and your Mom!
  2. I shoot for 8 to 10 hours, it usually "jiggles" when I take them off the grates, good luck!
  3. Often wondered about using walnut wood to smoke with. I have used the oils from the dried hulls to stain a gun stock in my youth. I learned to use rubber gloves, that stain doesn't come out easily, and I had to work in a grocery store meat dept. at the time(as clean up fortunately!)
  4. I think my brain hurts! Common sense,all things in moderation, and get plenty of roughage( my Grandmother Winnefred Barnett)!
  5. Very entertaining! I'll have to find my charcoal chimney now!
  6. Looks like burgers, chicken and possibly ribs over an open fire, although storms look imminent for Eastern Iowa this weekend. Guess we may have to spend our time in our tent by ourselves playing cards, just like our honeymoon on Cape Cod 24 years ago(Ok, we stayed in a villa then, no tent. Come to think of it we didn't have a deck of cards either)
  7. Maybe just the sear grill could run 12 to 6 if not the main grill? I think it 's easier to clean the grates if they run this way too, if you use a brush. The hinge could be on the side on the main grate kinda like the Weber grates currently are configured. I'll be quiet now and pour myself another Martini,without those pesky olives, they make me sleepy and Denise says they make me snore! Happy Fourth everyone! Going camping near my old stomping grounds on the Wapsipinicon River( Think I may have a Fifth while we're at it!) Geeze, I hope the FBI isn't reading this, now I'll never get to be a Congressman! Although I could be Governor...hmmn!
  8. OK! I confused myself after waking up from a nap! "Leave the grates in the 12 to 6 position?" ( they are in the 9 to 3 position now!)And I just voted to move them to the 9 to 3 position! Damned blue cheese olives!
  9. Pan fry the big ones and throw back the little ones... Steely Dan
  10. I use an aluminum foil 1/2 steam table pan under my KK all the time. I just pull it out when I need to empty the ashes out. I would love to see the cooking grates running from 12 to 6 oclock instead of the current 9 to 3 config. Not a BIG deal, just would make the flipping and turning of product easier. I'm sure it isn't the most efficient way to manufacture them however.
  11. Have you ever made a cover for a Weber Ranch grill? I think I need one,one for my little used gasser as well,dimensions to come.
  12. Think ya can build one of the 5'x14" units?I'll give you the dimensions to fit my pig cooker.
  13. Nice choice with the pecan, brisket looks great!
  14. Thanks Keith,Premium Standard Farms baby back ribs, or Prairie Grove Farms ribs. Very meaty and enough fat to make them a success! I just finished some leftovers that were hiding in the fridge...cold, no sauce, now off to the beach!
  15. Keep cooking on the Weber, it's a great grill,when the KK comes you'll wonder how you ever got along without it! We just added a Weber Ranch to the collection,(for grilling hot dogs and brats in front of the store...it's too wide to fit between the buildings!)big and bad, might make a nice fire pit on the patio next to my KK! Gotta love a girl who wants to buy me another cooking implement!
  16. Ditto, and the new water resistant model is even better.
  17. Geez Doc, did you post pics of you brining a turkey in your mop bucket again?!
  18. Men...we like to think we are usually the sum of all things,more being,well, more and therefore better,so of course your hubby wanted the larger size. No one here will think any less of either of you!
  19. The threat of rain was looming, didn't want to bring the KK to the studio,we would have had to negotiate 100 ft of soggy grass. I was forced to use a gasser, but at least the items that were cooked were done on the KK. And I have it from an impeccable source that the turkey breast recipe is one of Mick Jagger's favorites! Now if we can only get his personal chef a KK... Here's a link to the segment...http://www.wgntv.com/news/middaynews/lunchbreak/
  20. Dennis, I was about to call EZ-Que for a large basket for my pig roaster, now I'm hesitant to place an order if they're BK. Anybody know if they're still supplying anything?
  21. Soapstone would be best for acids(remember the old high school lab tables and sinks...soapstone),but they scratch easy, I like granite. Or matching tiles to go with your KK!
  22. primeats

    Moving a KK

    Very nice idea to keep the crate! at least the bottom! It would have been very helpful if I had done so when moving mine to and from the studios! As it is now I do get some really long stares and double takes when you see my Wrangler with the KK in the back still puffing away!
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