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Everything posted by primeats

  1. Welcome home Dennis, I'm sure your Mom is in her glory. Have fun with your reunion activities, Golf outing, parties on the beach, bonfire, I'm sure there's a BBQ goin on somewhere, and with your backround I bet you've been put to work! I had a great time at my reunion, but couldn't wait to get back "home". Sometimes things remembered are best just remembered! If you have a free moment give me a call,has to be cheaper than the last two!
  2. Just let me know, next month I'll be out more than I'm in, Camping at Rock Island in Door County Wisc., trap shooting day with the Boy Scouts Execs., and finally, my 2nd annual safari to Lake of the Woods in Ontario for a week of "fun". I may even bring bullets this time.
  3. Those fresh dogs looked tasty. What all goes into them when Don't ask, if you really want to enjoy them!! All kidding aside, these are all beef( like regular ground beef, around 75% lean) It's a spice formulation from P.S. Seasonings in Northern Wisconsin, same place I got the smokehouse. A little too spicy for the kids, but most everybody else likes them, and if I add a large amount of garlic, and stuff them into a larger casing, we've got knockwurst!
  4. This was the first cook on "Enterprise" too chicken to move the thing down the steps. As a matter of fact it took a header right down three concrete steps, nothing happened. Until I opened the lid and shut it, the darned thing split right in two...Just kiddin Dennis all is well! This is the display model from a few months ago, and I thought it'd be a great time to cook outside, and with our local streetlong Ridgefest/Oktoberfest, what a great way to spark some interest. Had to use my grills from home as someone needed a set for their new cooker,Dennis you called in the nick of time a couple of more days and they would have been soiled! The sauce is just a private label from Newlywed Foods, sortof a knock of of your favorite commercial sauces( some people actually think we bottle it here). Don't know if this has the soft grout or not,how can one tell? And the inside is caramel colored from the charcoal and cherrywood chips. The ribs were deelicious( I actually sold one still hot!) My butch couldn't eat any today..Friday.. some left over Euroean tradition(actually Catholic) that was never rectified in Poland while it was under Soviet rule. He's gonna have some for breakfast tomorrow though!
  5. Here are the promised ribeye photos, not Wagyu, only lowly USDA Prime. I think that animal ate pretty well. A little heavy on the solid sections of fat, but the intramuscular fat looks nice. Have to grill them some other night, ribs tonight and Brats and beer at Oktoberfest tomorrow night. Guess who gets to work a double shift on security!!!
  6. A preview of tomorrow's festivities, and some previous cooks for our local NBC affiliate's morning news segment on August 31st. Spatchcock and ribs While they were cooking this was goin on at the shop--all beef wieners! The maiden voyage of the Kooker Enterprise:"Twas the night(okay it was daytime)before Oktoberfest on Ridge Road! And while the ribs were cooking outside, we smoked these pork loins inside in the smokehouse: [/ur Rib tips done right before closing, Heeyyy! there's some missing! Spell check is down again so bear with me!!
  7. In the words of a Monty Python sketch: " I don't want to catch anybody not drinkin' ". Guess I'll fall off the wagon this weekend,again.
  8. Ok , gotta hide this post from my wife, it's exactly what she wants me to build. Guess I don't have enough projects going ,#1 is to install the hammock that got destroyed by the microburst last year( that I probably won't be able to enjoy anyway-I know, boo hoo hoo)
  9. Found another ez-que basket http://cgi.ebay.com/E-Z-Que-Cradle-Roti ... .m20.l1116
  10. Larry, when you can make me drool, you know you've nailed it! That looks like one of the finest tri-tips I've seen yet, and grilled to perfection! Who was the producer?
  11. I've had great results with Snake River Farms, some of the finest American Wagyu. Unfortunately my distributor can no longer supply me with regular amounts of top quality Wagyu. I've had mixed results from Kobe Beef America(KBA). Found another supplier of USDA Prime though, and all naturally raised-no bad stuff, grass and hay fed, grain finished, Creekstone Farms from the Kansas City area. Busy weekend, so no photos yet...but I promise! Let me work on a tritip price give me a pm with your zip code for a shipping quote.
  12. Wow, that's a trophy! I sell some bags of charcoal "Not labeled for retail sales"! Like it needs a nutritional chart or something!
  13. Kurobuta pork is the Japanese name for a heritage breed of pork called Berkshire. Prized for hundreds of years in England by the royals, it was a gift to the Japanese delivered by Oliver Cromwell, if I remember corectly. It's also known as black pork due to the black skin(duh), the finest dried hams made from Berkshire pork comes from Spain and Italy (and now Iowa!)Prosciutto, Serrano and Jamon Iberico. The fresh meat is purported to be juicier and has a distinct flavor that I'm not real fond of, a little too pungeant to me, I prefer Duroc pork myself. _________________
  14. It was described as from Dupont somewhere else...REMEMBER?!
  15. Oh, ok, you can either cut them and make them St.Louis ribs or cook them whole. I've cooked the rib tips, thats what you get when you cut the ribs straight down at the point where the cartilidge meets the hard bone, the "joint "looks like a little knob, a good sharp knife will easily navigate through. Barbecue them along with the other portion of ribs,or save them for later. My wife like to cook them up in a big pot of spaghetti sauce.
  16. here's the link http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/index.ssf ... thispage=1
  17. And by the way...Johnies Jammies fit over the rotisserie motor, once again, nice work John. Gotta love that "Dupont" sunbrella fabric!!
  18. Jasen... help!!! Gerard's gotten into the catnip again!!Just kiddin dude you're obviously a very well rounded individual
  19. Not sure what untrimmed ribs are, it may be just a layer of fat along the first 2 or 3 inches of the racks, you could cut it off, but why not just cook them?! Your times sound good.
  20. Hmmm, I've known some pretty uptite and disagreable folks here on the North Shore, and it's always the 2% that you remember, not so much the 98% of the really great people. If money isn't the root of all evil it may be the way people have aquired it. Most of my clientelle could buy and sell me several times a day, but it's usually the people who have made it on their own steam that are pretty decent, most of the "old money" folks can be pretty nasty. It used to bother me, but as my wonderfull wife keeps saying, "just smile and take their money"! I'd have to say most midwesterners would probably fare well on the personality poll. Send a link or PM to the article if you can
  21. Welcome to the family Larry, no matter what you're cookin' on we'd all like to help you out and learn from you as well. We don't care what you have, we just don't like to bash the competition, it's sooo rude!!!
  22. mine arrived today around 2:00. Went home from work to install it and thoughts of a turkey breast spinning around inspired me. All I need to do is attach the bracket on the KK and it should be good to go...Wellll life isn't always so simple now is it! The shafts from Dennis were about 1/8" to long, had to grind down the spring loaded side so it would barely slide in. Next the motor mount bracket had to have the holes modified to fit on the SupremeV2, I burned up two cobalt drill bits but got 'er done. Next the spring loaded shaft was not going to fit in either opening no matter how hard I tried, the spring was compressed in such a way as to be larger in diameter than the openings in the bearing on the KK and in the motor( the motor came from my Sam's Club gasser, very heavy duty) Once I put on my readers I could see the spring was screwed on too far and had ridden up onto the shaft(my fault!). Next the mounting plate on the motor had such a wide space between the shaft opening and the outside of the plate the shaft was woefully short, the spring could not advance the shaft far enough to reach the bushing on the KK.Well I fixed that problem by hammering the crap out of the mounting plate to make it flush with the motor housing, did such a nice job the threaded holes would no longer accept the screws that came with it,no problem, just got out my tap and die set that I've used maybe twice in my life, and attempted to re-thread the holes--it's now about 3:45, Denise asked politely " Should I just put it in the oven?". boy that stainless is pretty tough stuff! Gave up on threading the holes and just screwed the damn thing back together with sheet metal screws. The opening aligned with the KK bearing, close enough for govt. work, started it up and the motor is still too far away! Nuts, thought I,(actually thought of another couple of phrases, actually said them under my breath,but this is a pretty polite forum so you can imagine) Remembering someone talking about using a rubber band to rectify this situation, I now understand what trouble they were facing. Not having a rubber band that size and not finding any zip ties long enough I fabricated a clip out of some old stock aluminum that fits between the mounting bracket and the KK..it fits if you put the washers on the two bolts first and then put on the motor mount. the clip is shaped like a squared off letter "J" and is about as thick as a slice of very thick bacon( hey,I'm a butcher). It works very well now, no slop at all in the movement of the shaft and it's now 6:30, the store closed half an hour ago, and the turkey is done. Had to run back to the store to take out the jerkey that's been going since 10 this morning Very good batch if I do say so! Finally got to eat at 7. Didn't get a chance to cut the promised ribeyes, maybe tomorrow. Spell check is down , so bear with me!
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