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Everything posted by primeats

  1. And when in Chicago, I know where you can find the best "raw materials"!Give me a heads up!
  2. Way to go John! looks fabulous! Great pics!
  3. Several of us have done pizza's on the KK. Thin to medium crust pizza done in about 5 minutes! Best crust outside of a pizzaria!
  4. The chuck roll is an incredible and forgiving cook, and as the article provided by the Doc states, it'll feed an army!
  5. One of my favorites as well Trish! Not too salty either.
  6. you'll soon figure out the times,and relative temps with a little trial and error. Don't worry about the therm., I'm sure DL will get you one. Your gonna be the Luke Skywalker of KK's! And as other Jedi's here on this board will tell you "let the meat tell you when it's done". Your KK looks great, now's a good time to set up an exercise regimen, you'll need it not too far down the road!!
  7. I should have known from the SS pan! Well, cat's out ,looks like the test marketing staff from Bali has busy! As I only have one type of cooker, anyone out there know if there is a market for a stone of this size for any other type of cooker?
  8. And I know from experience the flavor can't be beat,warm right off the rack!
  9. The results seem to speak for themselves, so can you name the source? My pizza stone is a little small for my liking, his one looks like a better fit.
  10. All I can say is--wow! Great results and even greater ingenuity. Sirloin tip is essentially what I use for my jerky every time. What you have created could be described as kippered beef, a little thicker cut and not as dry as jerky. I can see the cure has penetrated completely, and the smoke ring is clearly visible, even on such a small cut of beef. Can't say I've used A.B's. recipe before, but it looks great. A few years ago when the Atkin's diet was all the rage we created a sugar free jerky brine, using only Montreal steak seasoning and the proper amount of pink salt( sodium nitrite). I think my wife might think I've lost my mind if I tried to do this in my KK, only because we have a smokehouse in the shop. Now if I had the KK in my deer camp, that's a different story! Your method looks incredible, not sure if Dennis hisself would have ever thought of this application!
  11. It would be a sin to toss it out or feed it to the dog. Chili? Why not!
  12. Awww Shucks! Seriously any time you are planning to come in we can all meet and see the sites! Call ahead and we'll make sure the house is cleaned up! Nothing like a party to get the house straightened up!
  13. Hey the fire didn't really go out! "The temps at 9:10 were at 147 degrees, I figure the fire went out about 6:00, nice dwell time! " After I cleaned the grates today I found that the fire really didn't go out, but the remaining fuel failed to fall into the pit like I thought it should. It was still around 180. This was about 3:00, prolly could have gone for a few hours more, and it wasn't even loaded to the gills! Oh and the meat was perfect, the largest butt was not quite fall off the bone, but was well done and chopped up for sammiches.
  14. It's in a secret hidden area at work. If your in the area and find it all I ask is you put a few bucks in the mail slot! Or a credit card!
  15. Good 'ole Iowa know how! And a healthy appetite! Drove past your place last weekend( relatively speaking...drove through Clinton), finally picked up my charcoal in C.R. from the shippment that Fetzer brought in. My family was intrigued and I left a couple boxes behind. I know their are 17 more boxes in Cedar Rapids-high and dry- I couldn't take any more. Thanks Fetz and Dennis!
  16. While posting this morning I realized I was late for work! Fortunately I live 5 blocks from the store and the boss didn't fire me. The butts went on around 5 last nite, windy rainy, and a crowded grill had me guessing at the pit temp...sans draft inducer. Notice the no smoking sign to the right of the KK ! The temps at 9:10 were at 147 degrees, I figure the fire went out about 6:00, nice dwell time! If you look closely you'll see the fiber mesh sheath that covers the end of the probe. Yep, it's done! Look at that bark!!!
  17. I think it's the same thing from Mcmaster-Carr. www.mcmaster.com
  18. Re: New Brochure I've been doing the same, this looks much better. Send me one as a pdf and I'll start handing them out.
  19. The tube is a high temp sheath that protects up to 1400 degrees. I've burned up many probes, even in the oven and smokehouse from casually brushing the cable on the heating element. Actually its not pulled out far enough this time.
  20. Hmmm, yeah that cut, unless perfectly medium rare to medium, can have almost a rubbery resistance to the tooth. But your also right that it's perfect when warmed up. All in all it looks great!
  21. Great cook! When you say you don't like the texture do you think it has anything do do with the premarinated factor? Sometimes this will give you an almost mealie sort of texture, kinda gummy. This's the enzyme working.
  22. Running out of pulled pork, never a good thing... Started around 5:00, I should have them ready by 8 or 9 on Wednesday.
  23. I feel your pain Two summers ago we lost power for for 5 days, lost a ton of product, cooked and gave a lot of it away as well. We at least stayed warm. Our prayers are with you all in KY.
  24. ...And just 'cause we're on a diet it doesn't mean we can't read the menu.
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