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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Hello, I'm really pleased with my E-Z Que Rotisserie ready feature.. & I'm also proud to have the only OEM Rotisserie ready ceramic grill that cooks with the dome closed. Please take a peek at the .avi (movie) by clicking on the upper photo FYI Much to my disapointment the delivery missed the deadline and our grill did not make the Salt Lake, Patio, Hearth and BBQ Expo March 9th -12th..
  2. Hello, I'm Dennis Linkletter designer and builder of Komodo Kamado, welcome to my forum. It's been a long road but I'm absolutely confidant that from a standpoint of quality of materials, construction and design, I build the best ceramic grill available. From the stainless damper top assembly to the German castors you'll find that every component and feature is the product of thoughtful design and no other grill can match my Komodo feature for feature. I hope that forum users will share ideas and be able to contribute to Komodo's ongoing evolution and development. Unlike the other forums which prohibit discussions about the competition, I want this forum to be truly pro ceramic, to welcome and promotes discussions about all ceramics and cooking on them... If you want to compare my KK cookers with the others, great bring it on...I've even included links to the all other manufacturers to help you do comparisons. I believe that all the ceramic grills fill a certain niche in the marketplace and have the ability to produce great food. I know that I could learn to be happy cooking on any of them.. it just would not be as easy, convenient or enjoyable as on my Komodo. I must admit I'm a bit lazy and I have designed my grills for ease of use and that many of my features are not necessary but a luxury. My cooker could be described as an unique shaped, extravagant, self-opening, extremely well insulated, tiled BGE with a lot of bells and whistles.. But remember food tastes great on them all.. I would like to ask that all posts be polite and please refrain from talking about politics and religion. If you're a diehard from a forum cult here to disturb and slander, please don't. If you like good people, great food, and ceramic cookers, you can and should register as a member of this forum. See above. So once again welcome to my forum, I hope that it becomes a great meeting place for friends as well a great resource. Dennis Linkletter Note: Images posted on the forum of KK cooks may be posted on Social media sites, if this is an issue for you please don't post them on this forum..
  3. The lil' Green egg that could... A great basic cooker with a large loyal following. The Big Green Egg Website http://www.biggreenegg.com Club Egg - Big Green Egg discussion forum. A great resource, Just don't mention Komodo Kamado... Tha's strictly off limits! http://biggreenegg.com/wwwboard/wwwboard.shtml
  4. Primo Grills And Smokers - Home of the Primo Kamado. http://www.primogrill.com A good looking apparently well built grill. Their new "coil hinge system" seems "inspired" by Komodo's spring, they say that immitation is the best form of flattery... Primo Message Board - Discussion board of Primo Grills. http://www.hwforums.com/2016/index.html A good resource, once again don't mention other ceramics... That's strictly off limits!
  5. Imperial Kamado - Home of the Imperial Kamado. http://www.imperialkamado.com Another grill claming to be the original.. with a colorful history.
  6. Kamado Company - Home of the Kamado brand ceramic charcoal grill. http://www.kamado.com An unusual history to say the least.. Production began in Sacramento, then moved to Indonesia, then back to the US, then to Mexico, back to Indonesia now back to the States and hiding behind a PO box in Las Vegas. Owner usually Richard Johnson from CA or assorted family members. Actually claims to have invented the Japanese word "Kamado" These Kamados are commonly referred to as a "POSK" Kamado.com Forum -- Discussion forum. http://www.kamado.com/cgi-bin/discus/discus.cgi Before attempting to do business with them I strongly recommend your googling "Kamado Fraud" or checking the CA better business bureau. Lots of colorful reading to be found
  7. High Temps 101 The body’s material is of the utmost importance. Harbison Walker, the industry leader in refractory products and I, designed, engineered and developed both materials and the manufacturing process for Komodo. The final product is a two-layer sandwich of a dense inner layer and a lightweight outer insulating layer. Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb heat energy. A lot of heat energy is required to change the temperature of high density materials like concrete, bricks and tiles. Thermal mass is not a substitute for insulation. Thermal mass stores and re-radiates heat. Insulation stops heat flowing into or out of the object. A high thermal mass material is not generally a good thermal insulator. How my two layer design works. When fuel is burned the dense inner layer comes to temperature (thermal Mass) quickly, it holds heat and reflects heat back towards the food. The lightweight insulating outer layer holds the heat in. The BBQs temperature is easy to stabilize and move both up and down while the insulation makes them extremely fuel efficient. These features make cooking temperatures easier to control. No other ceramic grill gives you the best of both worlds.. A dense refractory material near the heat source and an insulating jacket to keep the heat in and save fuel. The thin walled ceramics like BGE attain thermal mass quickly but also loose it quickly due to the lack of mass in the material. Put them where a cold winter wind blows and their temperature can be a bit unstable. Their lack of insulation results in heat loss as well as the outside can become very hot and potentially a burn hazard. The thick, dense walled Portland-mix BBQs like the South of the Border K might take a while to get there but they do hold thermal mass well because of their large volume of dense material but reducing temperatures also takes a much longer because their volume... Fine if you wanna wait.
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