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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. I like it! I like it! That's going to take some thinking
  2. Claiming ignorance.. Claiming ignorance.. I never read any of this
  3. Drying the cookers The two layer refractory and insulation material still hold about a gallon per half after they have air dried. The vacuum kiln removes this water. The body is wet with water and adhesive with a paint brush before the mortar is applied for better adhesion. The mortar of course is mixed with adhesive which is water based as is the grout. Heating the cooker with the gas burner does dry them both. Common sense would dictate that it's best to try to remove this moisture before I soak/seal the grout with water and stain proof sealer.. Possibly trapping it in.. I know too much thought
  4. This might be cool.. any other ideas? I'm looking for a font that I can cut out with the CNC to the left and right of the lower latch thru the strip and then filled with grout.. This might be cool.. any other ideas? Thanks for all your help.. BTW.. We just found your top today in the storage room.. I thought it went out weeks ago.. Total brain fart.. It's now on the water.. You can have it no charge...
  5. I know it looks like too much The problem here is that you left the SCCR (Small Cook Containment Ring) in the basket.. When doing a small cook it's nice to use this ring to be able to stack a small volume of coals.. It's easier to light and control them stacked. For regular cooks, pull out the SCCR and fill the main coal bowl.. I know it looks like too much but remember airflow controls the burn/temp not the amount of charcoal. After you light this larger volume up, you will find it will be fast and easy to get to 350. When your finished cooking, close it down, this cuts the oxygen, kills the burn and saves the remaining charcoal for your next cook...
  6. Heat.. The mortar holds moisture and the grout seals it in and the grout is also sealed.. This is not much but I really believe that until it is disapated there is more heat held in the tiles.. I've been cooking on a textured the last 6-8 months.. The other day we were heating a cooker with gas and same thing when I touched it I was really surprised how hot the tiles were.. So my guess is that after a few cooks the trapped moisture will disapate and it'll be cooler to the touch.. I've been playing with heating them with gas for 4-5 hours after they are tiled before the grout to remove this moisture...
  7. Re: Tel-Tru thermometers... Now Standard! Aaah come on.. Your forgetting what company your dealing with.. Ask and you shall receive..
  8. New Four Seasons Hotel Republic of the Seychelles in the Indian ocean. It's beaches are beautiful with huge soft brown bolders the size of houses strewn about.
  9. Yup.. As you know, I've designed and built a lotta teak furniture in my day.. Over 600 containers worth to be a lil more exact. After reading the New York Times article, Pimp My Grill where they pointed out how popular the fully loaded cooking islands were and how people were spending obscene amounts of money on them, I immediately realized that I was missing the boat by not utilizing/marrying my woodworking division in the factory to Komodo. So the plan is to make everything from simple tables to fully loaded units that will have everything including the kitchen sink.. So now.. I have a dream The problem is that in the real world, I just signed on to do 100,000 sq.' of hand worked textured teak floors for a new Four Seasons Hotel being built. This of course is a dream job.. and will have me running 2 and 3 shifts in some departments, 7 days a week. Thank God I'm on Java and have access to lots of good coffee...
  10. Just like daddy, my little girl Larissa Isla now 8 months old and sporting 6 teeth dug into her first smoked meat today and loved it.. Here she is tearing into some maple brined and smoked piggy fillet.. And you thought my cookers were beautiful!
  11. Wipe your eye my friend... Wipe your eye my friend... look again
  12. I'll work on it tomorrow I'll work on it tomorrow, Sunday here..
  13. That's Curly.. That's Curly.. Assistant to Gerard, our full time gloom master who was out with a runny nose. Don't worry about Swiss customs.. If my cookers can live through US customs and Homeland Security they will not even notice yours..
  14. I'll get you a photo... I'll get you a photo today with the exact measurements of the footprint..
  15. Actually it's not a monkey.. TMI Known as the luwak, luak, musang, toddy cat, civet, palm civet and civet-cat, many people believe it is a wild cat. While it is a mammal it is actually a cousin of the mongoose. Probably it’s closest North American counterpart is the skunk with which it shares the ability to excrete a noxious odor from scent glands near it’s anus. The animal can range from four to eleven pounds and is largely nocturnal. While it is an omnivore, the luwak is particularly fond of perfectly ripe coffee cherries. Thanks to coffee farmers, the luwak has no troubles finding plenty of coffee. Once eaten, the coffee cherries take the normal route through the animal’s digestive path. The amazing thing is while the fruit of the coffee is being digested, the bean is left largely unchanged, eventually passing in the animals droppings. The droppings and their caffeine-laden content are collected by farmers. The coffee is then cleaned and the green, un-roasted bean shipped to roasters. Why would you want to drink this shitty coffee? There are a lot of theories on why kopi luwak is different. Research has determined that coffee passed by a luwak has been changed chemically. Specifically the process seems to break down some of the bean’s proteins which are known to contribute to the bitterness of coffee. So research from the University of Guelph in Canada, reported here, and further detailed in this article confirms the coffee’s chemical makeup is altered by it’s special little journey, I think it also important to consider the luwak’s own affinity for fine coffee. When coffee, like other fruit, is harvested, not all the fruit will be perfectly ripe. Since the majority is ripe and it is to be combined for use, the end product comes out well; however, if you have an animal which naturally selecting only the ripest fruit you will end up with a product of unparalleled quality.
  16. LOL.. Had me running the dictionary to look up milt... Worth the energy spent.. milt noun the semen of a male fish!!
  17. Bentriding Recumbent Bikes.. Where are you guys?
  18. Simple fix Simple fix Ask your butcher for "tube steak" Can't ya pull it out and then slip it back in? The same hole that is.. What's up with my posts today?
  19. Who me awake at 6:56am... Ok have no fear I'm not going to ask you to hammer a wedge in your prop tube... (now that just did not sound right) This is a simple adjustment or two... First, adjust the self opening spring tension so the top opens confidently and completely but not so much that it hits top and bounces back at ya.. Now the latch has two settings, auto latch and air tight.. When the cooker is firmly closed it should just catch the first notch. Then when you press down firmly on the handle and press in the latch it tightens up and slides into the second notch. Now your air and smoke tight. Both the latch and notch are vertically adjustable. Try to guesstimate how much tension you need to take up (gaskets do compress a bit at first from travel with no spring tension) loosen the two acorn nuts then give it a close. There now your cookin' PS It's best to press down on the handle when opening/closing from/to the air tight position.
  20. Yea.. Yea.. Yea.. That's because they don't have an OTB sitting in there shop.. Trust me, I can for now handle making the bracket and shafts that use their cradle and motor.. Play the video above and tell me if their version of for other BBQs is "underdeveloped".. Mine as far as I know is the only one that closes while turning... Yup I love those simple breakthroughs! You wanna rotisserie for the OBT or Classic? I'm ready when you are..
  21. Re: Please clarify... I never said anything about being standard.. only I think I'm the only ceramic/Kamado type cooker manufacturer using 3/8" stainless in their grills.
  22. Both the Guru and the EZ Que... Both the Guru and the EZ Que are ready to go.. I have the EZ Que here.. See video on the links page.. And a few customers are using the Guru.. See rgoldey's post..
  23. Is the ball in my court or their's? I guess in both.. They have drawings and I have brackets. I've sent out both the adaptors and brackets to folks who want them.. This spring I tride to get a OTb to him for the Salt lake show.. It missed it's connection in Singapore and then the show by a few days.. I really need to bite the bullet and send him one for a couple of weeks then off to Fred at BBQ guru for some more fitting..
  24. Porcelain coated grills... Cast iron or steel wire.. Porcelain coating is a way to get corrosion protection when using cast iron or milled steel. Stainless is too expensive for most manufacturers. Porcelain coated cast iron is old technology and will last a long time if not dropped, chipped or scratched with a wire bristle brush. Cast iron's physical properties i.e. thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity make it excellent for cooking applications. It's also significantly cheaper to produce and machine than SS. To equal this performance, SS grates will have to weigh much more then the CI grates. Porcelain coated steel: Most lower cost ceramics and BBQ's use Porcelain coated steel wire as a way to sell their product at a much lower price.. They will probably chip, rust and then warp and fail.. But they are cheap to replace. I think I'm the only ceramic manufacturer using 3/8" stainless in their grills, they are also found on premium grills like Weber's Summit line.
  25. Cleaning tips.. You can't drink the water here but everybody here has a maid or two I have a big plastic laundry tub... After cooks I toss my grills in with a little dishwashing soap After they soak for a day or two.. everything wipes off with a scotchbrite pad..
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