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Posts posted by MacKenzie

  1. Basher, we had a similar situation here a few years ago, the trapper caught the racoons in town then brought them out to the country, just a short distance down the road from me and let them go. One day I caught him doing it and waited for him, that was the end of that.  You are only allowed to release them on Crown land. It hasn't been nearly as bad since that stopped.

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  2. The last time I set a live trap to get a racoon I got a skunk. It took me a while but I did get it out without getting sprayed. When I saw a skunk in the cage I asked the neighbour for help because I though he'd caught them before. I was mistaken and he had never caought and was too afraid to deal with mine. That left me no choice, I must admit it took me some time to get the courage up and to figure out what I was going to do. That's the trouble with  traps, You never know what you are going to get. I think you are on the right track by calling someone in to deal with it. I hope you don't have any more.


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