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Posts posted by MacKenzie

  1. On 2/15/2021 at 6:20 AM, tekobo said:

      Best baked beans you have ever tasted?  They must have been good.  Can you wangle a copy of the recipe for us?

    I did and here it is.

    Baked Beans from Tanya

    Add to 1 pound of softened yellow eyed beans:

    1 medium onion

    1/4C crumbled bacon

    ¼ C +2T maple syrup

    1/3C +2.6T brown sugar

    3T molasses

    3T ketchup

    3t dry mustard

    1t salt

    1t pepper


    Soak or parboil beans (around 60 mins or so) until they are soft. It there is too much liquid in the pot use a ladle to scoop some off but save it in case you need it later. Do not rinse the beans! You just need enough liquid to just cover the beans. Add all the above ingredients and bake at 350F for 2 hours or so, if you need more liquid use what you ladled off earlier. You can also use a lower temp. and a longer time. Depend upon how you like them.



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  2. I planned this to be a KK cook, in fact had the KK all set to light but a friend called to say she had some homemade beans and brown bread for me. How could I resist so decided to do a quick cook of the Miso Chicken inside the house and eat it next day.


    The best baked beans I have ever tasted.


    The chicken was very good but I know that it would have been much better done on the KK, next time.



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