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Everything posted by skreef

  1. Just till they take that pin out... They probably got to wrap my whole head for that... Lol
  2. We getting there tiny. I hadn't taken any pain meds since Thursday. Just Ibuprofen.. So I feel good about that.
  3. Thank you Bruce.. Oneday, it will all be a memory and a learnt lesson at that.
  4. I went back to get the rest of my stitches out today. One of those stitches rubbed a nerve.. Felt like electrocution. At that point she still had 5 more to go.....petrified now...bout to dig a hole in my head intisipation for the next wave of pain.. The next one didn't rub a nerve....Thank goodness...she said she got them all.... Yayyy... She cleans up everything and what you know... She found another one...Dang it... This one is in the most deep and tender spot... O boy.. Back to digging in my head...good godly miss molly... Pain pain... Whew!!! Thats over... I didn't pass out or cry... Now just need a bandaid for my head... I head now to see the Doctor.. He said hes taking the pin out in 2 weeks... Just enough time for my head to heal...so after 3 hours of torture and didn't cry... I'm had to treat myself to Starbucks awesome coffee and a cake pop. Ok.. Now all good..
  5. Thank you Shuley. Yes it has been very painful. Seeing surgeon tomorrow for 1 week check up. I hope I will get a good check up.
  6. skreef

    Rack of lamb

    I think I could only eat duck done.. It's such a greasey meat.
  7. Every time Bruce comes on the radio... Ckreef got to scream his name.. I finnally learn to hold my ears when he comes on... Lol
  8. I believe it being Aussie, looking like a kanga...
  9. Hi Aussie. Did you find some green tomatoes yet? I find they taste similar to eating fried squash. Hope you can get some to enjoy.
  10. Ckreef is taking very good care of me. No complaints. Mrs. Reef's Bistro
  11. PT is scheduled. I will need it before they will release me back to the work force. Very confident I will with time. I will miss my job in the mean time. Mrs. Reef's Bistro
  12. It has been very painful. No doubt on could have loss finger.. Alot of damage. Very Thankful Mrs. Reef's Bistro
  13. Happy Birthday Aussie and many more Mrs. Reef's Bistro
  14. skreef

    Rack of lamb

    They look very good. They must have tasted great if you ate four.... Love rare chops.
  15. To be 53, I'm very surprised that this is my first ever broken bone,growing up on a farm with so much kid mischief. I was a bit of a Tom boy. The best thing for me is, I am not on any kind of medicine for any related health issues. I rarely ever have to take Tylenol. I feel very blessed to be able to say that. The only thing I really am concerned with is there is so much Cancer that runs in my family.. I pray I don't carry that gene. Mrs. Reef's Bistro
  16. My company did not wait around. They moved fast. So thankful I work for a company who put my well being top priority. Very pleased.
  17. I have been going and going longer without meds.. I too don't want the need of them no longer than I need them. Everything so far is going well.
  18. Thank you Shuley. Yes it has been very painful. Seeing surgeon tomorrow for 1 week check up. I hope I will get a good check up.
  19. Thank you FotonDrv. It was a error on my part... But believe me, I learned my lesson.
  20. Thanks everyone.. Been painful recovery but I'm sure with time I'll be good as new.
  21. Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I wanted to take a moment to thank you all. I seen the orthopedic Doctor today. I am scheduled for surgery in the morning at 7am. The Doctor said he didn't think there was nerve damage since I had feeling in my finger. But he didn't know bout my tendons and ligaments till he goes in. The x-ray is from today. Clear view of the break. Can't wait till this is all over. The best thing that came out of this is a lonnnnggg vacation. And my workmans comp is good enough to pay the bills.. I feel really good about that. I def ready for some pampering with some good food. Hope you are up to this pampering ckreef..
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