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Posts posted by Poochie

  1. 9 hours ago, David Chang said:

    @C6Bill the weber go anywhere was my gateway drug to the world of bbq. nice looking steak. kinda what i wanted for dinner but my wife said no..

    anyway baked another shokupan loaf in the normal oven. this really is gourmet wonder bread 😂



    Beautiful loaves! Is there a reason you didn't bake them in the KK?  When you do use it, what temperature do you bake your bread?

  2. Cherry is one of the more mild wood flavors to use. It works fine for pork and chicken but for beef, I'd stick with oak or hickory...mesquite if you like an "in your face" flavor. I don't use the smoke pot. I use wood chunks directly on the lump. If you can count them, you don't have enough for a LONG cook. The photo shows the typical amount I use on long cooks. And the photo only shows half the firebox. 


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  3. When I have a long cook...like brisket...I hook the Fireboard 2 to an AC outlet. I've never tried to do a battery test to see how long it would run with the fan going,

    But to your other questions, YES the BBQ Guru fan will plug directly into the Fireboard 2 DRIVE. If you got the regular Fireboard 2 and not the drive version, you're going to need a drive cable ($79) to run any fan. 

    I did go back and see if I said the drive version at the beginning, and I did. ("Cheesehead nailed it. Fireboard 2 drive. And the bonus is that you can still use the fan you have with it.")  So I hope you did get the drive version.

  4. 23 hours ago, 5698k said:

    I’m in Abita springs, I’m not sure it would be cost effective given the cost of gas right now..but I’m willing!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You're a little over 2 hours from me. I'd have to get a trailer too but that can be done. I have no idea how much we'd have to get to make it cost effective.

  5. a quart of water

    1 teaspoon of cure salt/pickling salt

    black pepper to taste

    2 tablespoons of sugar or turbinado sugar

    2 tablespoons of sea salt

    1 teaspoon of turmeric ....turmeric will give them a yellow cast but it has a great flavor

    • Thanks 1
  6. I tried another experiment using a thinner typical store bought pizza stone that I already had and held the KK at a steady 450 degrees. Once the stone was 450, I put the pizza on and cooked it for around 12-14 minutes. The top cooked just fine and the crust was crispy. I used half 00 flour and half bread flour.  I can't make a round pizza if my life depended on it. That pizza has a lot of pepperoni on it hiding under some goat cheese and mozzarella. 


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