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Everything posted by bosco

  1. Well my grills missed the November 4th ship by a day. Thet had to be in Hong Kong by the 30th and they arrived on the 31st The good news is that I am confirmed for the next weekly boat to Canada. The grill will ship out November 11th on a boat called the Frankfurt express. It will arrive in Vancouver Canada on November 24th. It is projected to arrived at the Toronto warehouse on December 2. From there I need to make arrangements for home delivery. I am off for three weeks in December so I will have a very busy three weeks of cooking and getting to know my grills. The mother ship to Canada is massive!!!!!
  2. Purchase the basket splitter and cook on the lower grill is what I plan on doing. It's a larger mass so it is going to take a bit more BTUs to heat up but like other kamados the time to heat up is not very long.
  3. they look very close to me buddy, hard to tell a difference !!
  4. I have two amazing grills on the way and I have been researching traegers and pizza ovens for the past 2 days. I blame this on you tony!!! these pizzas look great
  5. Does anyone have an actifry to try this out with as well?? Would love to know how they turn out
  6. this is awesome, I mean seriously awesome!!! Anyone that knows me from the other forum knows that I am all about the multi cookers. I think that it is so great having multiple cookers for these exact reasons!!!!! This dual cook is the reason I have preached owning multiple units for years!!!!!!!!!! Great job buddy!!! I can't wait to see my 32 spinning the Christmas turkey and my 23 ultimate rocking out all the sides and the ham!!!
  7. I mean don't get me wrong... I would love my KKs here tomorrow but I really think it is cool seeing the journey home. I think that has helped pass the time. I was more anxious ordering them and awaiting the word that they were ready (Robert can attest to that!!). I am a control freak and the unknown is what bothers me. Knowing that they are shipped and on schedule, and knowing that I can follow them via a tracking website is really cool!! I almost want to order more things so that I can watch the boats and track the shipment... (almost)
  8. I love it!!! So happy with my decision to add the 32" Great looking cook
  9. well.... I am officially done with my second boat!!! X Press Karakoram has officially left port... meaning my grills are at the shipping yard awaiting the mother boat. From everything that I can tell I am looking at a shipping date of either November 4th on the Zim Rotterdam or November 11th Frankfurt Express. that is my hope at least, I guess anything can happen. My documents were all mailed to me last week, so I will be getting them soon and I guess I have to courier them to a customs broker once I get them. This is happening and so very exciting. It is Sunday morning already in Indo so I figure I will not get ship update until at least Monday or Tuesday!!!
  10. I read the entire book today. Very resoruceful. Lots of do'sand dont's for SV The table index is exactly what I wanted. Cuts of meat and thickness vs time and temp
  11. following with interest. I love a good fry, I think that I will add the acti fry next to my kitchen. Would love it if the SV got them cooked and then the acti fry would just have to crisp them up a bit
  12. There is work of some mischievous being out there doing this to me for sure!!! I cant wait to find out the name of the next boat so I have a more definitive time. If I make either of the next two NP1 boats out my KKs will hit the port of Vancouver by the 17th or 24th of November. I should be cooking by second or third week of December. Pretty crazy to think that my first cook could be Christmas dinner
  13. are you kidding me!!!!!! man this looks absolutely incredible!!!
  14. I agree!! I am extremely new to SV and don't want to get anyone sick when I cook with it. I really do not understand how one chooses a temp and time to cook a cut of meat, but now after reading the two above posts, the readings are only recommended times. I hope to find a system that works for me and really hope the book I ordered helped. I just picked my modernist cooking made easy by Jason Logsdon from the mailbox and will begin reading it. I have never really been one to follow cook book recipes, however, I am hoping that I learn techniques and the cooking table index to better understand SV
  15. I just got word that my boat just reached the port of Hong Kong about 30 min. ago. Still a far way from home but it is the next step. I should get the updated mother ship info in the next few days so I will know when exactly it is leaving for Vancouver. I checked over the NP1 Pacific route for November and there is a boat leaving on the 4th and another on the 10th. I really hope that I make the quick turn around and make the earlier boat, not sure that is possible but I can hope. Anyways we are getting there.... this is a great milestone as I know we are about a month away now
  16. This is such a great post!!! Congrats buddy I hope that you love it... them.... I want mine soooooo bad now!!
  17. oh man.... im officially jealous!!!
  18. I saw this one coming Benton lol
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