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Everything posted by bosco

  1. bosco

    Back to it

    I did two smoothies a day and ate at home only. I lost 50 lbs. I need to get back on track. Smoothies are the best, I have two go to smoothies. A greens and a blueberry banana one.
  2. bosco

    Back to it

    Yeah I just need to get in a routine again. Not cooking has sucked and I let the easy fast food way creep back in. On an up note the chicken smells awesome !!!
  3. Tiny fish home made pasta!!!! My vote put you over the edge for the win!!! It's about solid cooks not winning or losing and man this group on the kk forum can all throw down like I have never seen!!! Congrats everyone
  4. After purchasing my KKs I have found myself not as enthusiastic about cooking because I'm so excited about my new ones. It's funny something is so amazing then suddenly you find a million things wrong with it once you have something on the way. Couple that with a work partner that is a garbage can for take out I have found that I have slipped back into the I'll grab something to eat routine this year. I have made healthy choices and still haven't gained weight back but still I feel like I'm waisting money and my ability to cook. So my partner was sent to another area at work due to the needs of organization and I'm back to solo which I figure is a good start for a change. So last night I decided to get back to where I was. No take out and all left overs. And cooking healthy meals for myself again. Finished nights at 4am. Still can't sleep well but up and made my smoothie drink. I drank one a day for over a year and have fallen off the wagon this year. Fired up my Jr. This morning and have the cool fall breeze mixed with a hit of fresh burning lump!!! 5 chicken breast lemon pepper seasoning and grabbed my favourite salad from Costco. It will be a nice dinner tonight to get back into the swing of things. Although I'm super excited to advance with my new KKs, I really need to appreciate my love of BBQ and just keep going until they arrive. Im in a funk and snapping out of it today.
  5. I use to love making crazy sandwiches when I was that age!! Like father like son
  6. Fantastic. I love Mac and cheese. I can't wait to get my sous vide!!
  7. Looks good! Don't be upset about that plate
  8. I was doing great... this just set me back!!! I am dying over here now!!! They look stunning and I am in love with that table!!! I can only hope that mine turns out that nice!!
  9. We had them with ice cream but no photos. They are a great treat
  10. ^^ after a quick Google search I understand this post wilburpan lol. It's strange that it was announced so early if they weren't ready to put into production. I hope for all the people waiting patiently that they release it soon!!
  11. Is it an easy procedure? I have et to see a kk in person I just like to learn things
  12. I found the cambro 6 qt. for 15.00 with a lid hard to pass up lol. Anyways I now have the 6 and 12 qt it will be perfect. I will only use these for sous vide so I think next time I am in Toronto I may pick up a Briner. Their website has the large and Jr combo for a discounted price too. No hurry for that as I have never been a big brine guy. I need to focus on delivery of two awesome grills in the near future!!!
  13. Everything looks great. I wouldn't know where to start
  14. thanks guys, I always like trying new things
  15. I'm staying focused and haven't been anxious about the grills on the water.... Then you show me this Great looking cook
  16. Any word on that 19" purchase buddy???
  17. They were honestly lights out!!! They were crispy yet light and airy. They were sweet but not too sweet. Reminded me of German baking when I went to Europe. They were so good!! Haven't decided yet about entry ckreef. I really want to try and make bread first. But may be the entry as they look really nice
  18. watched a cook video circulating on Facebook and as soon as I saw it, my wife and I said that I should try it. I have been dying to try an apple pie on the kamado, and just never got around to it. Well today I got the joe up to 375, and added a little bit of apple wood for flavour. So here is my spin on apple roses. Turned out really good... a few things that I may do differently next time but the overall flavour was wild!! Thanks for looking and these were really fun to make. List of ingredients cut some apples into thin slices. mixed in a bath with water and a half of a lemon to prevent discolouration. Then microwaved the apples for 3 minutes to soften them. rolled out some pie crusts and cut them into rectangles mixed some apricot pure with water and microwaved it for a few minutes Ok now to put it all together. Coat the pastry in the apricot spread. Add apples, slightly overlapping them and then sprinkle with cinnamon slowly roll them up and place them in the rack there they are ready to bake!! Throw them on the kamado at 375 and hit them with some smoke and let them go for about 45 min. I went slightly over that but keep an eye around the 40-45 min mark. Brought them in and let them rest for a few minutes then took the out of the rack. And last but not least... sprinkle with icing sugar. The mix of the smoke and the sweet from the apricot pure, apples and icing sugar was a home run. The pastry crust was crisp and really good!!! Man I will do these again and again and again !!!!
  19. That looks amazing!!! I struggled with the tile choice but Robert simply asked me... What was the first one that caught you're eye. I have always loved the pebble tile and it was a no brainer for me. I won't sit here and pretend that I didn't change my mind a thousand times!!! Hop to see you stick around, this forum is a lot of fun!!
  20. Congrats I went harvest gold. Very close can't wait to see it!! Nice Coke machine.
  21. Good for you!!!! Kill that cook skreef
  22. yeah that is a good one, think the same as the one I can get here.
  23. i am going to order a brining bin. I saw one a the local BBQ shop a while back.
  24. I bought the Apple Watch and returned it. Just not there yet. I hear the new software update has helped. I will buy a second gen for sure
  25. I went to the store and returned my 20qt 5 gallon container. I replaced it with a 12 qt square cambro for now. They were sold out of 6 and 8 and are expecting them in the next month. I will probably order the 6qt to have as well once it is in stock. The 12 qt is actually a really nice size
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