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Everything posted by bosco

  1. Wilbur that stuff looks like a great product. I will be ordering this for all my teak pieces. I hope that the cover will help limit the weathering a bit. Also, what would you recommend to keep treating it as a preventative as opposed to a refinish??? I figure, twice a year using something to help keep it sealed and clean. Dennis recommended something before which I sourced to Home Depot but I can't find where that post is
  2. man this stuff gets my heart pumping with excitement
  3. well I would have already been up for 5 hours.... what the heck is going on already??????
  4. man that is so awesome !!!! I can not wait to see this uncrated and the photos that you take. I live vicariously through each and every delivery!!! Congrats on the new grill.... but more importantly to hear that you're father is doing better!!
  5. moving past this amazing bread.... I need to know you're secret to grill maintenance. You're grills are always perfectly clean. Please share
  6. very nice ckreef!!! These look great!!
  7. Mosel tracker showed back up on screen today as it is back in range. It is in the home stretch to port klang. Should dock sometime today aroun 5 pm EST. It entered the Singapore strait. These grills are heading home soon
  8. it softens them up while they are roasting. When you go to a greek restaurant this is how it is done!!!
  9. great cook !!! Tofu is ok, I need to be in the mood for it but man that plated shot is something good and pretty
  10. here is my recipe I copied from the other forum. This is how I have been doing it for the past few years For anyone looking for a simple recipe for greek chicken and potato 3 gloves of garlic minced 1 tbsp fresh oregano or dried if you can't find fresh 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 6 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice 4 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil 3/4 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper 4 chicken breasts diced into 1" cubes Marinate the chicken for at least 2 to 4 hours. The longer the better. Soak the wood skewers in water to prevent burning prior to cooking For the lemon roasted garlic potatoes I do the following 4 large russet potatoes or 8 medium, peeled and quartered 1 cup of water 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice roughly 3 lemons 1 tbsp dried oregano 1 tablespoon sea salt 1/4 tsp of ground black pepper. I roast the potatoes at 500 degrees uncovered in the coven until they are fork tender. Thats it, serve with a nice greek salad and some warm pitas and tsatziki. I only posted because you asked about seasoning without the pre made rub.
  11. John B I had a feeling buddy... I saw you poking you're head on the KK section a few times on the KG!!! Another satisfied convert..... you are totally screwed now.... joining this site is what does it! I am so happy to see you over here and can't wait to see what you buy!!! Let me know if I can offer any input but in all honesty give Dennis a shout and he will show you the way. this is so great!!! I love that all my friends of the forum are seeing the light as I did!!! Beer is always free at my place.... John B you know where I live stop by anytime!!! Ckreef, you come up this way and we will take good care of you!!
  12. bosco

    Turbo butt

    I always love humour!!! Its all good.. nothing I can do now but wait
  13. bosco

    Turbo butt

    you guys are just cruel!!!!!
  14. bosco

    Turbo butt

    and for some money!!
  15. bosco

    Turbo butt

    I gave it a go and I must say I was very impressed with the hot and fast butt. Had a small 5 pounder and hammered it at 325 for 6 hours. I was really impressed and will do it again soon.
  16. I used fat free feta, low fat tzatziki and minimal dressing. I tried to keep it on the healthy side as best as I could. It was a great plate!!
  17. wow that it a quality piece right there!!
  18. Well I wanted Greek food... But had all the stuff to make a great dinner. Greek roasted potatoes with Greek salad and chicken souvlaki that I marinated all day. Cooked at 375 on my joe Jr. using my new Webber stainless skewers!!!
  19. I think what finally won me over to "the dark side" besides the wonderful customer service I experienced with Dennis was the fact that they make them by the each (if that makes sense). They don't have a mass produced assembly line/mechanical line. Each KK is hand made and they all come out looking amazing!!! I also love the fact that I don't read about quality control issues etc everyday. Design it well, build it right and it will always last !!! I would love to see a piece on his staff one day. I am so fascinated right now with the entire shipping process. His staff crated my grill up to withstand a war!!!
  20. you can tell men from the boys... this is so cool!!! Dennis has that special touch man. If anyone will utilize all of this... you will!!! Again congrats on the new grill, I love that they are matching!!! OCD wins again!!!
  21. Woke up with a few updates overnight. Mosel Trader headed out late last night from Hong Kong and on headed to Chiwan CN. Did its thing there and just headed out to the land of my KKs!!!! 4 day journey to port kelang Malaysa. Man this is fun!!!!!
  22. those look really cool!!! awesome idea
  23. thanks guys. I was trying to go over the shipping info tonight after work. I didnt see a key piece of info when I looked at the email at 530am. Itha Bhum shipped my order from Surabaya on the 3rd of October and shipped it to Port Kelang on october 7th. Port Kelang is in Malaysia. Now the piece of the email that I had missed is that it will be picked up on October 16th 2015 via cargo ship Mosel Trader Leg #2 Mosel Trader Port Kelang depart October 16th 2015 arriving in Hong Kong on October 23rd So I added a third boat to this journey lol This boat is currently docked in Hong Kong and appears to be leaving sometime tomorrow to head to port Kelang man this is like piecing together a puzzle. I will never take for granted a UPS tracking code again
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