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Everything posted by bryan

  1. Will this help? www.ezythaicooking.com
  2. bryan


    Hey Jackie After you take them up wrap them in a towel and massage them a little to loosen the skin. Take out of towel one at a time for peeling.
  3. bryan


    I might suggest that they are laid on a towel and a X cut through the skin for steam release. Then put in rotisserie wrapped with wire (to keep them contained). Roast on KK @ 400 for 20-30 minutes. The skin will split open at the cut and be dark in color when done. Peel while still hot. (easier) Can also be enclosed in foil w/holes. Note: If X is not cut they have a tendency to explode. (escaping steam)
  4. 1 ramp set (like used to load garden tractor on truck) 2 pieces of 2x? 1 sheet of 5/8 plywood 2 short nails Attach 2x? pieces in slide area on bottom of ramps. Lower tail gate. Drill one (1) nail hole through each properly spaced out ramp flap and into the tailgate. Put nails in holes to hold ramps in place. Cut plywood to fit length of ramps. Lay plywood on ramps and roll KK onto the truck. DIY SKID for KK cut plywood from above 3 2x4's to fit plywood (2=length, 1=width) screws to anchor 2x's to plywood 2 large screw type eyehooks rope/cable/come-a-long Screw the long 2x4's length wise on bottom of plywood so as not to interfere with ramp use. Screw short 2x4 on top front edge across width of plywood Screw eyehooks close to ends of short 2x4 Load KK Attach rope etc through eyes and pull KK to location (lawn tractor works) Hope this helps and is posted in correct place
  5. How about the legs going through the grills with cross bars to control how deep they (legs) can go? If the grills were jig made all will fit without a problem. The back legs could be bent (horizontal) to catch on bottom of grill rods to stop lift and stabilize the unit.
  6. U2PLT wrote: One thing I wish was that I had are vertical separators to match the size of the extra KK shelves that are available with the KK. Neat idea. Thanks. I always convert all down under area to pull out drawers for pots, pans, lids, cans jars, spices etc.. The boss won't let me convert the area under her sink. Guess she likes using the first 6-7 inches. Works for me.
  7. RE: My OTB Gen 2.2 is a finished product. You have done a great job. I don't know what else you could possibly do to enhance the Komodo-Kamado. It is light years ahead of anything else on the market. Thank you Dennis. Cook_Shack
  8. WOW that is one nice looking bird. I to would like the cooking info.
  9. Cruel is tearing up my cooker. In Pensacola a man was just killed while breaking in a home. No charges filed. Don't stand near the bear.
  10. I'd rather have the wish I hads with a big cooker than Have the wish I hads with a small cooker. (Today I can always put less on the grill.) This is Olympic time Go for the GOLD. Be happy every time you see or speak of YOUR Komodo-Kamado. I think I am probably the only one here who thinks the small unit is not necessary and most buyers will end up wanting to upgrade. 1st class only cost a nickel more and in this case takes care of business.
  11. I would think you will find your answer in a movement control devise that activates sprinkler, light radio etc. that hopefully will startle them away. Always improve the system bears are fast learners when it comes to eating. One thing you cannot do is out run one of them. It is for sure bears follow their noses, and are more than capable of breaking the unit bolted or not. I would contact the game warden face to face and explain the problem. He has your answers.
  12. Could be the draft door is open but there is no draft (just a dead air space.) Like the age old question what do you put in to a bucket of water to make it lighter? holes
  13. I am still collecting my pennies to order a cover - FROM YOU!
  14. It only cost a nickel more to go for the 23 inch KK. Half a bag (5Lbs) of lump charcoal will last over 20 hours. It's a one time purchase. Go top of the line and get the very very best you can afford. (With this unit a little strain is worth a whole lot of glad I did's)
  15. When there is a fix I need one.
  16. New search Eng. http://www.cuill.com/ Is new and is said search more sites than Goggle
  17. bryan

    Chuck Rolling

    Are there instructions for other primal cuts? Cook Shack
  18. bryan

    Lid Falling Apart

    Lid Falling Apart Looks to me like someone was propping open the lid instead of adjusting the tension nut. Cook_Shack
  19. Roti birds..for crisp brown skin all over.. Hey Dennis How about a little more info on times and temps for us nubbies Willie
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