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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Hey Rorkin, thanks for dropping by. We are a relatively new community and quick to roll out the red carpet to anyone who wants to join in and participate by posting some interesting stuff. So, start tickling those keys my friend.
  2. Curly

    Weight on Porch

    I've got a very similar porch and we have people over often. I saw my mother-in-law and her 2 sisters standing together very close talking and that's as good as 3 KK's in one spot. Not to worry mate
  3. Well, we're trying to get our own forum going though, recipes an all. Lots of posts over there on how to fix stuff though
  4. I was really thinking about getting into knife making...a little damascus steel blade with a mammoth tusk handle would be sweet. But everytime I see a really cool homemade anything I want to get into it...thus I'm not. But it seems sweet...a friend of my brother's makes knives and made him a really cool one with a antler handle. I have to much work to do on the cabin...leave me alone with the more cool hobbies Just the welding stuff alone is something I really want to be able to do.
  5. Brian, welcome to the forum. Come on in and participate by posting pics/recipes and just enjoying the company.
  6. Ah, poor, dear Sanny, you may have tasted a bit of the kool-aide There's much hope for you though, I can see it
  7. I'm not a good one either. Everything I buy seems to always be blue.
  8. Welcome bugs, are you kidding, they suspended your account...for what
  9. Curly

    Website Suggestion

    You tell him Sanny
  10. Curly

    Website Suggestion

    Greg, We need to fire Drunk_J....seems his job is starting to interfere with his stuff over here
  11. Curly

    Website Suggestion

    Little starter home in the bay area huh? Yeah, joint home-ownership, that would make the girlfriend more like a partner. Nothing more than a symantics issue here, that's all.
  12. I have pondered on that myself.
  13. I've had a couple of these Olive Oil dispensers and neither of them have been very reliable or have lasted all that long. Anybody had any good luck with a certain brand? The 2 I've had were both pumps that seemed to not give a good spray for long. The spayer eventually went from a nice wide spay to a single line of oil. Williams-Sonoma.com http://tinyurl.com/jmd2t
  14. Fantastic, now you have to provide it in the first post, that shows our choices, and since we are getting different choices, we need to be able to change to one of the new ones. I wanna change my vote to #4 You think you could let my purdy little girl have some airplay up there, fer DJ's sake
  15. Curly

    Website Suggestion

    Sam, hmmmm, are you currently seeing anyone Just kidding, you've seen my purdy girl, I ain't budging. I like that advice though, but I was clamming up on that one. Figured if he wanted to let her wear the britches then that's his right
  16. That would be a great survey thingee. Kinda like the Lump database that made you famous on 7 continents, but this one will absolutely send your fame to other solar systems Just remember us, your boys who let you in the backdoor of the other place. Throw us a bone once in awhile. Cause we have a revealing pic of you
  17. Yeah, can we try the new idea?
  18. Where's our Humor section? WHAT WAS I THINKING All of these are legitimate companies dealing in regular products and services, but they didn't think their domain names through. Some of them are prime candidates for the "What was I thinking?" award.... ALL these websites actually exist, selling something totally benign (and work safe, in case you're wondering). 1. A site called 'Who Represents' where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name is http://www.whorepresents.com . 2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at http://www.expertsexchange.com 3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at http://www.penisland.net 4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at http://www.therapistfinder.com 5. Then of course, there's the Italian Power Generator company at http://www.powergenitalia.com 6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales: http://www.molestationnursery.com . 7. If you're looking for computer software, there's always http://www.ipanywhere.com 8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is http://www.cummingfirst.com 9. Then, of course, there's these brainless art designers, and their wacky website: http://www.speedofart.com 10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at http://www.gotahoe.com
  19. Midway BBQ. They also have all the meat laid out so I guess it's BBQ/butcher. They've probably been here 50 years or more. It's really considered Buffalo, not Union.
  20. Ahhhh man, the wife bought 4, 1 inch pork chops from Midway. Drunk_J, your wife knows about Midway since she's from Union. $7 for all 4, we could each only eat 1 they were large. I used some of Dizzy Pigs new Raising The Steak rub on them...they were so freakin good
  21. You jest jealous is all
  22. I've got 2 racks of babybacks for supper tomorrow. Haven't thought much about lunch...maybe spatchcocked chicken since it's been all over the news. Gonna be working in the garage all day so may as well have the cooker going all day too
  23. Dang people...funnel cake...if you must
  24. Inacoma, have you been cooking? Need some more stories man! What have the neighbors done, chained you to the KK and started bring meat to you to cook?
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