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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. You would think, but some things that should be simple here are not... Our DIY shops are the size of convenience stores in the USA... They think power strips are the new extension cord. I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could figure something out, but the end result is not likely to pass inspection for aesthetics by my wife. Cords, waterproof housings, etc. etc.
  2. Thanks for trying to help. I did some googling and probably more effort than I'm willing to expend. But props for pulling all that together for your own use...
  3. My powerline wifi adapters don't work well with powerstrips / surge protectors, I've tried. Outdoor extension cords and availability in Singapore aren't quite the same...we are on 240v, things are a bit trickier (and the potential to really light yourself up much greater).
  4. Suggestions????? Put a small KK on board and do two of your favorite things at once (probably not legal, but what the heck).
  5. Cookie

    Ham Sammies

    Good stuff. My father-in-law had a heart attack about 20 years ago. Local fire & rescue saved his life. From that day forward he has catered every Christmas dinner for the on duty paramedics, fire, and police officers working the holiday. You guys are cut from the same mold...nice to see there are still a few good people left in this world - many own KKs.
  6. I know we had some folks try the smoke tubes, but did anyone try the maze in the KK? I just found about 40 packs of pellets of all sorts that I forgot I received as a gift a long time ago. I prefer using chunks, but I have some interesting pellets I'd like to try (wine barrel, Jack Daniels, herbs, etc.). I have a Dutch oven smoke pot but it does not put out enough smoke for my taste. The foil pouch method also lets me down whenever I try it....again, not enough smoke. The videos for this maze for dust/pellets look pretty good. It seems the maze could sit directly on your heat deflector during a low and slow and the heat below shouldn't be enough to cause any extra burn or ignition of the pellets. What do you think? Anyone tried the maze? The appealing part to me is that it can be lit at both ends and in the center for a stronger profile and will still burn for 2-3 hours. Just looking for a short-term solution to use up some of these pellets, then back to the chunks.
  7. Cookie

    Ham Sammies

    Man, you make some killer stuff, but where are the pics???
  8. Nice cook...our butcher always has boneless legs of lamb and I never know what I'd do with them and always opt for something different. Inspirational.
  9. Good Lord....if you are married or attached, I hope that person is spoiling you rotten. Those are some mad skillz Mac.
  10. Thanks, the powerline extenders that I'm using throughout the condo below will work, but when plugged into a power strip, the signal seems to be really sketch (no surge protector in the strip). I can't get it plugged directly into the outlet due to the weatherproof housing. There is no way to run an Ethernet cable unless I go over the wall and in through a window below. My wife says 'no' to that one due to aesthetics. One idea I thought of yesterday was taking my old iphone, buying a prepaid sim that has a data plan, and turning on the wifi hotspot feature. Again, not ideal as it will cost me extra money on an ongoing basis.
  11. If nothing else, the Brock book would do your coffee table proud... It is a big and beautiful...and for me, the narrative was excellent and took me to a place much closer to home than Singapore. P.S. If you like cocktails, check out 'Death & Co'. Second favorite received for Christmas thus far: http://www.amazon.com/Death-Co-Classic-Cocktails-Recipes/dp/1607745259 Also worthy of the coffee table. Cookie
  12. What kind of bit is in the drill?
  13. Cookie

    Corn ears

    What a great reason to pound a six pack!
  14. Cookie

    Corn ears

    Seems logical, although I'd want to know that the plastic was BPA free if doing it on a regular basis. Boiling water can make plastics release some bad stuff - so our baby books taught me a few years ago.
  15. There is that bread again....I'm going to make some of that this week. All looks good.
  16. Beautiful cook. PS - Anyone besides me look at those steaks and think "butt and legs???"
  17. I received a stack of cookbooks for Christmas and have been working my way through them (mostly reading, some cooking). So far, this one is my favorite: Unfortunately, I don't have access to 85% of the ingredients in most of his recipes here in Singapore, otherwise I'd cook this one front to back. Highly recommend. Cookie
  18. Now if someone could solve my wifi problem...
  19. I love seeing multiple dishes being cooked on the KK at one time.
  20. Love the veggie tray too - and kudos for not cooking them on the sticks with the meat...how many times have we all had burnt veg because we had to cook the chicken long enough to be done Or in the case of beef, vice versa for me....overcooked meat because of uncooked veg.
  21. I've tried coffee and guava. The coffee is good; however, it pretty strong stuff. You have to be very careful with the coffee as it is easy to ruin a cook if you use it like hickory or other 'mainstream' woods. Guava, for me, was at the other end of the spectrum, not a whole lot there, but maybe I didn't use enough. Peach is currently my favorite smoking wood, and I buy it here: http://www.fruitawoodchunks.com/ Cookie
  22. I don't have one, but I'm also a gadget guy and have almost pulled the trigger on many occasions. I have logistical issues (if anyone has any ideas to resolve, please let me know). I live on the top floor of a low rise condo in Singapore. Our roof terrace is home to our KK and grills. If I'm going to have the fan system, I want to be able to access it via wifi / the internet while away from home. There are models out there that do this, but the roof is 12-18 inches of concrete. My very powerful router sits in the living room, directly below my KK, and I cannot get a wifi signal - literally 10 feet away. I have wireless range extenders throughout the condo because all of the walls are concrete as well (difference between USA and Singapore building - nothing in Singapore is built with wood / dry wall). I have an electrical outlet on the roof, but the housing is one of these waterproof things and I can't find an extender that will plug in. Even if I did, it would be exposed to the elements and it rains off an on here in the tropics. I'm prepared to build a waterproof housing for the fan control unit - if I can find a way to get a signal. The only idea I've had is to buy a mobile hotspot and put it in the waterproof housing with the fan control unit; however, the plans here are not cheap and on a per use basis, it wouldn't make a lot of sense. All that said, once you get to know your KK, you'll know what settings will hold what temps for hours on end. I started losing temp control about 18 months ago. Dennis convinced me to replace my main gasket. It was easy and I've been back to rock solid temps ever since. Cookie
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