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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Sure....yeah...absolutely beside myself with envy. -=Jasen=-
  2. Your obviously delusional about whom your talking about! Gerard must have his own brand of koolaid now. -=Jasen=-
  3. Yeah since I got spanked for disrupting the geek's techno discussion (imagine trying to make that thread funny!), I've been more sensitive to hijacking threads. You didn't like being spanked? Actually, the recipe sections and the tech information sections are the only ones I really try to keep clean (only try as I know I am just as bad as anyone else). It kinda sucks to be looking for information or a recipe and have to sift through a lot of other posts (and I have heard this from many folks). So while I try to organize/move some threads into categories that better fit (and placed what I thought was clear information describing each section), general type sections usually are not messed with too much by me (unless it is just really off the wall). There are also at least 3 other people with access to move threads; usually those I move, have a new post in it from me (so folks see a new post in the thread to find the new location). Anyway, just a little information I thought maybe sharing would help. Now back to Gerard bashing!! -=Jasen=-
  4. I agree, WTF Gerard. That is just weird that you have pics of young boys in bed together on your computer? Wish I was that young still! And thank you Trish for pointing out someone else being off topic! I wasn't sure at first, but that cleared it right up for me. -=Jasen=-
  5. Man, and here I thought you were gonna come pick me up? hehe BTW, using that blackening season again tonight! Got a couple of gorgeous beef tenderloin fillets and gonna wrap them in peppered bacon. Probably a side of asparagus to go with it and accompany it all with a nice petite sirah (ran across a great buy called Spellbound.....fantastic wine for the price - http://www.spellboundwines.com/ ). -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: Happy Find Huh? Why drag me into this? I've been behaving myself recently. Nicely structured sentence, BTW. You back on the pain killers, or has the announcement of the worldwide hops shortage got you down? Hey, Majestik started the Gerard trashing. I just could not help myself. Plus, it just felt like I owed you a few jabs from your past posts. Oh yeah, "Nicely structure sentence"....wow....that just really hurts....hehe. -=Jasen=-
  7. OMG, say it isn't so??? Be careful then, you could really hurt yourself. Just be glad they are not sharp as his wit; they would still at least cut butter! -=Jasen=-
  8. Fine, I see how this works. I recommend a good blackening season to you and don't even get invited to dinner. BTW, I love the stuff on pork chops, steaks and even ribs (I am sure chicken too, just have not gotten around to cookin' it). -=Jasen=-
  9. I also use RO and have had no problems going 20+ hours with no fills (though I find it is rarely necessary). My fill level is below the heat deflector supports, usually level with the ceramic fire box insert (a little heaping in the center). BTW, to add to Jairby's tip on temps; not only can you boost it at the end to finish, but you can boost it at the beginning if you like less smoke (honestly I cannot tell that much difference). That is an approach some people use with the Guru's built in ramp mode. The important temps are 140-170 for collagen breakdown. But then again, one of the best parts of slow cooking is the relaxing down time drinking beer! -=Jasen=-
  10. Actually, people tend to forget there are other gremlins at work here too! -=Jasen=-
  11. If you have plans on making your grill/outdoor kitchen area covered, there are exhaust hood/fan solutions that could solve the smoke situation. Like everyone else said, heat is not much of an issue as you can touch the outside of a KK. Look at dome clearance on the rear of the grill when open (not a huge foot print). Also not sure how you are building the deck, but support for the large weight and roller type wheels. Also anytime you are using a charcoal grill on a wood deck, keep fire safety in mind when designing (even though Dennis includes an ash screen, a grill mat might not be a bad idea on wood). Another interesting idea would be a wood deck with a recessed area for the grill where pavers/stones could be laid to make the height back up. -=Jasen=-
  12. Welcome to the forum Jiarby. BTW, we would love any recipes or tips you would like to post! -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Instant roux! By chance was it that crazy guy on youtube where you saw that technique? That is a good tip. Another tip for the really lazy, yes me, is to use Tony Chachere's instant roux. It is actually pretty good for something so quick. Their gravy mix is good too. -=Jasen=- Might not be this one, but one in this series.
  14. Alright, let's have them!! You have time to cook, eat, nap and clean up so now it is time for some pics! Here is my deep fried bird. Must say, it was the most beautiful bird I have cooked for even golden color. This sounds weird since it was fried, but the trick is to thoroughly rinse, dry and coat the bird with oil prior to frying (along with no outside season). It was brined for 12 hours and was the most juicy, tender and flavorful turkey I have ever eaten. BTW, fried turkey skin is the best yet...Mmmmm! Just wish I had picked up a larger turkey as now I barely have any leftovers for sandwiches. -=Jasen=-
  15. Hey, wait a minute. It is not dreary and raining there....no fair! I just spent 35 minutes huddled under an umbrella frying a turkey, smelling like I worked in a fry kitchen for days on end...hehe....yeah...lovely I know. But it is one beautiful turkey; pics later as I forgot to install my usb card reader since I had to build a new computer earlier this week. -=Jasen=-
  16. Beautiful place dude; I officially hate you now! Can't wait to see them in your finished outdoor kitchen (so I can hate you even more)!!! hehe -=Jasen=-
  17. Mmm, looks good!! -=Jasen=-
  18. Man, that sounds really cool. You sure your not making a punkin pie turkey...hehe. Juniper berry is kinda tough to find around here; the Fresh Market is the one and only store I can get them from, but man they are worth it. Very curious to know how it turns out and hope you post the full recipe on it! -=Jasen=-
  19. We are doing an evening Thanksgiving meal so I am about to start cooking mine. I boiled my brine 2 days ago (used the same recipe as I did on the turkey breast the other week), cooled overnight, strained it and place in the fridge. Early this morning I placed the turkey (fresh, non injected or prebrined) in the bag for a 10-12 hour brine. Shortly I will be cooking it Mad DJ style in a big ole pot of hot peanut oil! I have always injected my turkeys before frying with a mixture of strained Italian Dressing and finely ground pepper. This year I wanted to try frying a brined turkey; so I have my fingers crossed. Happy Thanksgiving folks! I am sure we all have a lot to be thankful for! -=Jasen=-
  20. Just so happens I was watching a Good Eats episode last night where Alton was cooking prime rib. He also brought up a point I had mentioned a week or so ago (look at internal temps and do not go by times). While it is nice to have an estimate on time per pound, it is just not accurate since there are too many additional factors that play a role in cook times (meat shape, fat to muscle density, cooking devices/methods to name a few). Basically he cooked at a medium temp till within 10 degrees of his desired temp. Took it out and rested till the temp climbed no more. Then browned the outside at high temps. You can probably find the exact temps he used on the Food Network web with a search for his show and prime rib. -=Jasen=-
  21. ThreeDJ16


    Hey very nice! Though, I think there is a tiny bit more room for a couple more racks - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  22. Here ya go. Just fill out the form for a free sample ( http://www.viadon.com/corks3.htm ). I was thinking STP6.5 or STP7 might work. Would really be nice if they made these large enough ( http://www.viadon.com/caps4.htm ). -=Jasen=- Hmm, just googled and found a few of the flanged caps ( http://www.abmultimask.co.uk/caps.htm ). No clues on the quantity, but might be worth a look.
  23. I have used that Mojo marinade a bunch. Very tasty for those of us too lazy to make our own. I like it on steaks or pork chops. Moved post to cooking general since this is not a recipe! -=Jasen=-
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