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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: Turkey "Crab Cakes" Ok Cookshack, while not from Maryland, I am pretty sure this is blasphemy! haha If the Firemonkey was still alive on this forum, sure he would have already posted that fact.
  2. Re: We were hacked again.. ARGH.. Hi-tech rednecks! Hey did you access my bank accounts with my freakn password info? They are drained dry! Oh never mind, wife is on a spending spree. How about add some back to it? -=J
  3. Re: Forestlumps charcoal (spammer post conversation) Oddly enough, everything is working great for me now. Guess the forum gremlin is picking on someone else now. -=J
  4. Re: Banned Well, there are currently no banned IP or usernames. Just a few obscure spammer email domains and specific spammer emails that are banned. If you are browsing with any kind of anonymous surfing or IP hiding software or through an anonymous web service, try turning that off or don't go through that service. Obviously spammers use those too and those can get banned or disallowed access. Other than that, must be one of those gremlins playing with the forum host software settings. Everything has been working fine for me. If I had to guess, the forum software wised up and starting banning those apple play toys! hahahha We will know for sure if Dennis is banned too. Sorry, couldn't resists. -=J
  5. Re: Banned Curious, could you try to access via your cell again and see if it is still banned? Thanks, -=J
  6. Re: Forestlumps charcoal I did use the report button from the forum. Thanks for the info. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD Yeah, I noticed there were forum flags, but oddly enough they were not set for the spammer. The forum is acting very, slow and all sorts of errors. Dennis needs to get his forum software dude to get this crap fixed. Anyway, just FYI. I am going to split these posts off this thread since we are way out of the realm of the topic. If I can manage to keep a stable connection open long enough to do so.
  7. Re: Forestlumps charcoal Do me a favor, instead of replying to obvious spammers posts, just send me a quick PM with the username or a link to their post. There is also a flag option on the forum too. But the PM sends me a email as I don't always get a chance to look at the forum every day. BTW, is the forum acting strange to anyone else? I am having to log in several times and resubmitting posts due to errors. Odd. Thanks, -=J
  8. Re: Charcoal choices? Wow, that is a great price on the Royal Oak. Walmart is ~$6.40ish for a 8lb bag. If my memory serves my right (which isn't as often lately), RO makes BGE charcoal or at least used to. And I believe that was per Whizzy's web site. Wish I had a local place with that good of a deal. Unfortunately at the moment, lifting a 17lb is out.
  9. Re: Charcoal choices? Royal oak. Because it is abundantly available at any of my local walmarts. It has always worked well for me. We also have cowboy at Lowes, but it has too many odd objects in the bag.
  10. Re: Beef Brisket cut - Point or Navel End? I always request the packers cut, which is the whole brisket (flat or navel and tip combined, along with the fat cap). The flat is great for sliced brisket and the tip is for pulled. To me they cook better combined. But to each his/her own preference. Your meat supplier might can get it whole for you if you ask. There is a packers cut pic in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=1667&highlight=portrait
  11. Re: 16.5" KK Table Top is on the water! Very cool Dennis! There have been numerous people requesting these. How much grilling space are in these? How about a pic of the inside? -=J
  12. Re: More like survival training than a holiday.. That is funny about Famous Dave's. I had never even heard of him or the restaurant until one opened year a few years ago. Needless to say it has long shut down. Guess he just wasn't famous enough. Sounds like you had a fun trip. More like work. You seem to handle it much better than I could have. One week is about my maximum survivability. There's no place like home, there's no place like home!!
  13. Re: Re-Newed my Vows and on a US Road-trip Hey Dennis, remember the two reasons I gave as to how you could be so lucky (which I doubted either was true)? Well I came up with a third that must be the right answer, only trouble is I don't see the white cane anywhere with her? Sorry, you know I had to bust on you some (more). hehe Congrats again. -=J
  14. Re: Hell explained Nice to see there is still a little humor left around here!
  15. Re: Pretzel Burger Buns Calorie counting on a BBQ forum is clearly against the rules! Save that for the tofu forum. Think your area is slow to get things, try living down here in Georgia. Probably have another year left before we get it. Thank god for the internet. When we repealed the 6% cap on beer and allowed real beer to enter the state, I figured the world was about to end.
  16. Re: Amusement Park Turkey Legs While that recipe sounds awesome, I have a lazy person's recipe. Disney World in FL turkey legs didn't have any sweet taste that I noticed (but that was many years back), just salty smoke goodness. So I used this basic smoke season from "Home Book of Smoke Cooking Meat, Fish & Game". It is something I always keep on hand and love it on poultry anyway. So after using it and smoking 4hrs or so till tender at 250-275, everyone loved the turkey legs and that became our standard, lazy way of making them. Basic smoke season is on this thread - viewtopic.php?f=26&t=338 Man, you had to bring up corn dogs. Now if someone could get me a good corn dog (Cozy dog) recipe, I would be very grateful. For the life of me, I can't make a decent one and absolutely love them (fresh not frozen crap). Not a single place in my city makes fresh either.
  17. Re: Smoking wood Stopped by Wallyworld today to grab a couple of bags of Royal Oak and noticed they are carrying way more smoke wood types than normal. There must have been 7 or 8 of the small chip types. And they added apple to the chunk selection along with the hickory and mesquite they normally carry.
  18. Re: Steak Tips Looks like you have great experience to me. You are cooking a beautiful steak, exactly how you want it. That is what it's all about. Techniques are just different tools on the cooking tool belt. Everybody has their favorite tool and none of them are wrong if you get the results you desire. Now why did you have to bring up the pork chops. Sitting here at work, getting hungry thinking about them.
  19. Re: Steak Tips No idea on the dome temps as it is only shut if I am not at the grill while bringing it up. Otherwise the lid is open during the cook and bottom damper either completely closed or small opening on daisy wheel (after the fire properly spreads). My steaks and chops are 90 secs per flip, 4 flips for the sear marks and two flips for burgers. My high temp grill (use one for grilling and one for smoking), has the older shallow charcoal basket. I can grill several times on a basket of charcoal, not heaping over. Grill it hot and fast, then shut her down. And like you said, absolutely wonderful to have so many ways to accomplish the same cook. Try them all and go with what taste best and is the most comfortable cook. This is just one of the many reasons the KK is the best grill out there!
  20. Re: Bacon Taco? Actually never heard of Dukes.. Probably new or an east coast thing.. No, not new (100 years or so) and not really an East coast thing, just not a West coast thing...hehehe. Well crap, guess if nobody else is going to be the lab rat here, I will have to make some soon. Can't really feel the chimchi thing happening on it (no good source here), but maybe some arugula with a jalapeno cilantro vinaigrette.
  21. Re: Steak Tips I have been using the sear grill over the charcoal basket for many years, like everyone is describing. But there is also one more factor that can be added to help control how fast your charring the steaks. You can actually control the raging flames at the sear grill by shutting off the bottom damper completely (after the charcoal is well lit), leaving the lid open. In a few minutes, the fire will settle out to intense hot glowing coals and give you a little extra time for that perfect steak. If you need more char, open it back up some. You may have to try a few times to get your timing perfect, but once it is dialed in for your preference of thickness, it works every time. I also do pork chops the same way. Anyway, just one more method to add to the toolbox. And wow, there are some beautiful steak pics on this thread. Raw and cooked! I am hungry, too bad it is 4am.
  22. Re: Bacon Taco? Guess that just means you can't get the good stuff in Indonesia huh?
  23. Re: Bacon Taco? You ruined it with the damn miracle whip. Everyone knows you have to use Dukes!
  24. Re: Bacon Taco? The recipe actually has you grilling pork belly (with an Asian style marinade) instead of cured bacon, with cilantro and kimchi. Supposed to be a real popular food truck recipe. But hell yeah, a bacon and fish taco sounds killer too. I make fish tacos all the time with a jalapeno and cilantro white sauce. Halibut would be great, though I typically use orange roughy.
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