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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: Rotisserie direction Went real well; glad I didn't have any fingers near the BBQ tray as it moved quickly! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Rotisserie direction Vindication woohoo I'm not going completely mad, Deej how long is your motor-socket shaft now? Hehe, I'll get out the yard stick and see! Seriously, in a few days when I actually have a moment, I will let you know. The best thing you can do is make sure it is pushed all the way into the socket side and not worry about the motor side. -=Jasen=-
  3. Still Plenty Left Folks! FYI, anyone who gets me their order by Monday @ noon, it should go out that day. Otherwise it will be late Friday before I can get by the post office again. Still have some materials left to make some more plugs. It has a short shelf life until it gets cured, so I am going ahead and casting up as many as it will make. -=Jasen=-
  4. Re: Rotisserie direction Yeah, that was happening to me too till I made a longer motor to socket shaft. Dennis, you might wanna think about increasing that just a little. -=Jasen=-
  5. Everything's better with a little butt rub and a rest!! -=Jasen=-
  6. Very nice looking cabinet! But you better be careful, looks like it has potential for being a mold breeding ground with that other charcoal in there - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  7. Hmm, I hear crickets chirping in the background! -=Jasen=-
  8. Yeah buddy, you got robbed of the better half of a porterhouse steak and the bone! -=Jasen=-
  9. Re: Wire Access Plugs Nice. I'd just leave them through it and pull the plug out afterwards (no threading each time), then plug with a solid. Are you drilling any out for FOUR probes as well as 2? (think guru competior + maverick) Yeah, leaving the plug on the wires was the plan, which is why I suggested one of each type to everyone in my email (the solid to ensure quick fire snuffing). Good suggestion though! No drilling here, you couldn't drill soft silicone. The only way to make these holes without tearing everything up is to cast them from the beginning. The Guru wires are tiny and the hole can accommodate many wires (4 - no problem). The only reason the hole is as big as it is, was to ensure the probes can fit through one at a time. I might also add these plugs are made to fit tight, so the port might have to be cleaned and you can give a little twist as you insert them to ensure seating all the way. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  10. Don't get me wrong, it works great. Really cleans both sides easily. But I want to get this whole SS rusting thing resolved before I say thumbs up again. -=Jasen=-
  11. Emails Sent!! Ok, I sent emails to everyone I had on my list. If you did not receive and email about the polder plug, I either have the wrong email for you, or you were missed on my list (so email me). -=Jasen=-
  12. Oh No! Ok, I might be recanting some of my previous post. It has been raining a lot the last week (I received the Grill Floss in Monday) and was checking on the pork butts when I noticed orange at the bottom on the grill floss scraper head. Got to looking at it and the flattened part of the tube where the scraper is inserted had rust and down on the blade itself. Using the magnet, I checked the handle, the bolt, the nut and the scraper blade. The nut and the scraper were very attracted to the magnet (handle and bolt were not). Now, I know lower grade stainless will be attracted to magnets, but it should not be rusting this quick. So I am thinking there might have been a mix up somewhere with materials?? -=Jasen=- FYI, quote from Grill Floss web site:
  13. Getting close! Holy Cow I forgot how long pork shoulders take to cook. I am used to cooking the small boston butts for around 12 hours, but these big ole cuts are coming in around 18 hours. Looking tasty though! FYI, peace of mind with Guru the entire time. Only lifted the lid to grab a pic and insert a couple extra temp probes to verify both sides of the shoulder were even. -=Jasen=-
  14. Clear Plugs! OK, here is a pic of the clear plugs. FYI, if there are any other folks wanting to get these plugs, I have plenty (black & clear). The minimum order of material was more than I needed. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  15. Wire Access Plugs Also, if anyone is interested, while I was making up the plugs above, I also made up one with a small hole through it to allow Guru, Stoker, Polder, etc wire to pass through. You can push one probe and wire through at a time to allow the hole to be plugged and still have your temp devices hooked up. Send me a PM or email in advance if anyone want one of these too so I can make them up (specify clear or black). I also forgot to mention in the last email. Since the clear is fairly easy to make up and several folks ended up wanting them, I am making up a batch of clear regular polder port plugs (PM or email if you want a wire access plug in clear). Also, I should call these non pigmented as they are not completely clear (more opaque - I will post a pic when that batch cures). -=Jasen=- My Guru is currently in use cooking some pork shoulders, so I had to make these pics with the Maverick.
  16. Pic! Here is a pic of a couple of the new plugs. Turned out rather well in my opinion. As soon as I get enough of them made, I will send out an email to everyone whom has asked for the plugs with all the details. -=Jasen=-
  17. There is - it's right here. viewtopic.php?t=1611&highlight= Haha, funny! -=Jasen=-
  18. It is now. For some reason I was thinking their was a sticky somewhere about uncrating it; guess not. -=Jasen=-
  19. Mmmm, pork shoulders! Well, I let the folks at work talk me into cooking the BBQ for this Saturday. We work one Saturday a month on days and that is BBQ Saturday. Usually we grab it from a local joint not too far away, but stupid me, let them sample mine and now I am stuck cooking. Thankfully there are only 12 folks on my shift in the building I work. -=Jasen=- Put it on a few hours ago! This is the most I have had in the grill so far.
  20. Re: Update Ok, this is what happens when you work on things too late at night - hehe. Anyway, after further investigating, the size is appropriate. The issue was simply the new pourable material is more flexible than the old tube silicone and therefore bulged out when trying to insert the long plug into the polder port. The easy solution was make the plug shorter, which worked just fine. After all, the plug only need be long enough to plug the hole and nothing more. So now I just have to cut down all my molds instead - still a fun task, but not nearly as much fun as remaking all those molds. -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: Another Order? Shouldn't be an issue as I had to buy quite a bit of materials to begin with. I will add you to the list. -=Jasen=-
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