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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. New Grill Floss Arrived! Well, I received my new Grill Floss today. Very pleased as this one is a lot different than the first one. The scraper head (which was my main concern) is definitely SS this time. So, we are back to a thumbs up rating again!! Thanks Mike @ Grill Floss! -=Jasen=-
  2. Hopefully everyone who ordered Monday or earlier should be receiving their plugs in today or tomorrow (well, except you PaulR - hehe - I suppose it takes a little longer for you). Everyone that has ordered since Monday, yours went out today! Thanks everyone! Still have a little silicone material left, so if there are still folks wanting them, email me! [email protected] -=Jasen=-
  3. Yeah, they sure were some good tasting pork shoulder!!! Both my sauces were a big hit too; well ok, mainly the mustard one - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  4. Hey no problem, glad ya'll are happy with them! -=Jasen=-
  5. Well, you hope that is the case, but not always (as they could suggest the bulkhead). While the small straight inducer needs silicone to hold it in (a little more work and time till use), I like the flush look of it. But you might have to ask them for it, instead of them suggesting it. Here is a pic of mine with the inducer sleeve inserted: viewtopic.php?t=1479&start=0 - scroll down through the pics. Here is a pic of a person who used the bulkhead: viewtopic.php?t=1218&highlight=bulkhead More links discussing it: viewtopic.php?t=674&highlight=bulkhead viewtopic.php?t=633&highlight=bulkhead viewtopic.php?t=657&highlight=bulkhead -=Jasen=-
  6. Jasen, you reckon the charcoal baskets in the latest versions are closer to the burner than before (on the gen I models?) Since Dennis (I'm also guessing here) did not include the gas burner in the ultimate package (due to lack of people requesting it (they're not lazy/smart like some of us )) I don't think he would lower the height to accomdate the burner? than again maybe he did Thanks Dennis!!! Due to the larger door on the older grill, I think the burner was somewhat higher than it is now. -=Jasen=-
  7. I am gonna take a guess here since Dennis is not around. We had talked a little while back about the flame height on the burner and how far it was from the charcoal. This may have been his way of getting the charcoal closer for faster ignition from the gas burner. Also hold more lump. -=Jasen=-
  8. The Guru rocks bud! The Procom is the one I have and love it. Yeah, yeah the KK can do just fine on it's own, but it is even better when you can remotely monitor and control it! Go for it! -=Jasen=-
  9. You forgot to add alcohol to the mix! -=Jasen=-
  10. Very Cool! Very cool, now this is the kinda response and customer service expected from a good company and give them the thumbs up again!! -=Jasen=-
  11. Ok, everyone who has ordered these plugs up through today, I shipped them all out today - whew! Thanks everyone and I hope they will suit your needs just fine. I still have some left of both kinds / both colors and will continue to sell them until I run out! Then that is it! Please PM or email me. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  12. I like my fried egg on a fried pork chop - hehe! Though that particular pork chop is smashed flat, dipped in egg, then bread crumbs and called schnitzel - Mmmmm. Then I put a fried egg on top (I cannot remember the name for it, except Mmmmmm). -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Anniversary on "Your" forum.. Trust Deej to install all those femmy emoticons! Ah, better! I had to dude, we got two femmy's posting here (that we know of), so I gotta make them happy too! I also forgot about the third one, Gerard also posts every now and then. -=Jasen=-
  14. Re: Reply from GrillFloss So there you have it...Stuff happens, but its the way it gets handled that makes the difference. Grillfloss is showing the type of CS we have gotten used to at KK. That was a bit confusing to me? They are going to want us to mail back the rusted stuff? Eh, how the hell is that scraper head going to fit in a standard envelope (unless you smash it flat - as it has a 90 degree head on it) and I find it hard to believe it will be one stamp after I just mailed a bunch of polder plugs, which weigh less, yet cost a lot more than that to mail. Not to mention I need a whole new grill floss as there is no way to clean all the rust out of the flattened SS tube now. FYI, I sent the pics last night to House of Fire and I am waiting to here back from them. -=Jasen=-
  15. I think this is the thread you asked about the rostis motor to socket shaft length...right? Well, I can tell you what it will be with the motor I have, but I wonder if the battery motor might be different (as in the depth it goes into the motor...as that will change the max length). Anyway, mine is 3 3/8 ". Easy to measure, just push it all the way into the motor and measure the distance between the end of the shaft and the grill as you slide it down on the supports. Naturally you need a little working room. -=Jasen=-
  16. Well, they look good from what I can tell! I like it spicy too. I don't wanna hear any whining about sleep, I still have not gone to bed since 3:30am yesterday (well, there was a short nap at work - hehehe). Changing up from day shift to night shift can be a pain, so it is easier to stay up. Now, chop me some BBQ! -=Jasen=-
  17. Well, I think this pics sums it up! Now let's see how the manufacturer handles it. Remember, I just received this thing last Monday and did not even put it outside or use it till Tuesday. I have since cleaned it once with a SS brush, forgot to take pics, left it out again till today and this is were we are. -=Jasen=-
  18. Yeah, but a week off every month and a month off every year makes up for it! -=Jasen=-
  19. I forgot all about that stuff. It is a good SS cleaner and I have some around here somewhere for cleaning the brewery equipment. Thanks for reminding me; I will try that next time I have to clean the rotis. Since I don't have a big enough sink, I might use one of my old fermentor buckets to drop it in with the TSP solution. -=Jasen=-
  20. So it's up to you then, to cook us all dinner right? -=Jasen=-
  21. Good question..here's a question: What valve???? Whats you see is what I got I just bought the convertor (last section before the hose) so I could connect the burner to a standard aussie gas hose. I will look at your pictures to see if there's enough detail to see the difference. After I go back to the shop there's always the method of removing the gas burner (not my preference though!) Trust me, hehe, you can see all the detail you want in these pics: viewtopic.php?t=1515 . But those are not the parts Dennis sent. My valve and hose are very different (yeah, I can't leave nottin' alone - hehe), so you cannot compare. Tony Oliver has a post on one of the burner threads that shows Dennis' valve (I would search, but I am out the door to work now). -=Jasen=-
  22. Yeah, I noticed that area gets very warm as I leave mine in too. You need something with more surface area to dissipate the heat. Just curious why you did not use the valve Dennis sent? That would greatly reduce the heat at your hose. The more surface area between the burner and the hose, the better. Good thing the gas wasn't still turned on - eh? -=Jasen=-
  23. I might point out that the magnet test is not a guarantee of SS or not as lower grades of SS will stick to a magnet. So I would not want to give the impression that is a 100% sure test. But that coupled with the fact the lock washer on the nut is covered in rust along with my blade having rust spots is a good indication. I am willing to bet someone pulled a fast one here and either sold the company inferior metal. I find it very odd that the nut was non-magnetic, yet the lockwasher was not (and they are attached together). The product seems very nicely built and I seriously doubt the Grill Floss company would intentionally put something that will rust on their product. -=Jasen=-
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