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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Just got back from holidays... (did anyone miss me?) And the plugs arrived in good order! Thanks! Hey bud, had a good vacation I take it? Glad you received your plugs in good condition, I was a little worried since yours was the furthest shipment. This makes no sense, but go figure since our postal service is a government thing, but your plugs were the cheapest to send. I questioned the postal worker (to no avail), but your plug was .23 cheaper than everyone else's plugs to mail - hehe - weird. I guess to save money on shipping in the future, I should send it via Australia - hehe. I am hoping that everyone received their plugs by now (from the first round of orders, those ordering later may still be in transit)? -=Jasen=-
  2. I have a nice beef skirt steak and Sanny just reminded me about the Mojo marinade, so I think I will do that - Mmmmm! Might even decide to go ahead and make it into fajitas if I am not too lazy to make some salsa to go with it! -=Jasen=-
  3. I will disagree on the opinion of ceramic not cooking better than metal! While I have often said, if you know what you are doing, you can cook on anything, that doesn't mean the cookers are equal by any means. Metal cookers are nowhere close to retaining the heat and burning with the efficiency of ceramics. So why does make the cook better? More thermal loss means more charcoal consumption to maintain the same temps which in turn leads to hotter fires and more moisture loss (along with more work too). A good cook can cook on anything, but ceramics make everyone a good cook. I have cooked on ceramic, concrete, thin metal, thick metal, pellet feed, gassers/charcoal/wood and open pit grills/smokers and all of them bring something to the table. But I have found NONE better at ALL cooking tasks than ceramics. I believe the reason the OBT is supposed to better is with heat distribution. The Classic, with it's concentric shape, creates a laminar air flow pattern around it's sides which creates a low flow area in the center causing an area of lower heat (though you still get plenty of radiant heat). With the OBT and it's eccentric shape, you break up the laminar airflow reducing the dead center cool spot. Naturally using a heat deflector in a grill with the food directly above the fire, your going to get an area of reduced heat verses not using one and getting an area of increased heat. But the OBT is supposed to reduce (not eliminate) that fact and unless you have 20 or more temp probes, there is no way your going to accurately depict the differences between shapes. -=Jasen=-
  4. My brewery looks better than that thing! -=Jasen=-
  5. It has actually been around for a while and is pretty small for the price. -=Jasen=-
  6. Yup, the kill plug that comes with your Guru. Or if that is no longer around, you can purchase another one from them for $4.95 plus shipping and that is listed in there web store (don't bother with the $14 adjustable plug). -=Jasen=-
  7. Getting purdy fancy with your quoting there Curly...eh? hehe -=Jasen=-
  8. I assume since you are talking remote, your thinking about the Procom. Yup, no problem through the house. Basically whatever distance you received at with your 900Mhz cordless phone is about what you can expect out of the Guru since that is the frequency it operates at (and get rid of those old 900mhz phones if you still have one..some interfere with the Guru receiving the signal). But I love my Procom and think you will too. Just dump in the charcoal and go! Some may say not to do a break in fire, but I suggest it. It is too easy not to do.....and tasty too. Dry rub and Boston Butt sounds spot on! -=Jasen=-
  9. Which is why I recommended a Boston Butt for the first cook since it is very forgiving if temps do rise, where a brisket is more for when you learn your equipment! But the ribs also sound like a good idea. My intent was mainly for him to stay away from high temps for a few cooks and the Boston Butt offers a nice long break in! -=Jasen=-
  10. Fine, didn't believe me, I see how you are! hehe -=Jasen=-
  11. Man it looks real similar. Wish we had a pic of both together...Whizzy...got any any left from Santa last year? hehe -=Jasen=- He wouldn't think we loved him if we didn't give him crap!! Kinda like Gerard; he likes it!
  12. I would do a couple of low and slows first just to be safe with a new grill. Generally Boston Butt is every one's first recommendation since it is very forgiving and will do wonders for seasoning the inside of your grill - hehe. It will be immediately obvious after that first cook that your grill has been devirginized! -=Jasen=-
  13. My point was I emailed HOF, they said they would handle it, they never responded again - enough said in my opinion! I will smack you down later on Xbox live - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  14. Yup, I forgot to mention a temp - hehe - thanks Curly. I do the same, very hot (sear grill). I like the Dizzy Pig Swamp Venom season on mine. It is basically similar to a blackening season. Mmmmmm! -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: Cooking salmon
  16. There, now it can be in it's proper place since it really had nothing to do with the actual product! -=Jasen=-
  17. I would keep checking it as I was tightening (open and shut) instead of just tightening it with the lid open. The reason I say this is it takes more spring tension to pull up a half open lid verses one opening from the full closed position. If you get too much tension on the spring it opens too hard. I always hold my hand on the handle when I open it anyway, but you don't want to take a chance of popping it open, the lid getting away from you and have hard hitting opening. -=Jasen=-
  18. Nobody is mad here Sanny, we just like to argue (it's a dude thing). When we are mad, we just smack each other down on Xbox Live (though it is usually me who does the smacking - hehehe)! -=Jasen=-
  19. My product failed in the first week; I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out I wanted a replacement! I actually emailed HOF the week before and they requested pics. I emailed the pics to them first. Then when I had no response, I emailed the manufacturer to handle it (after you posted that you contacted the manufacturer). Granted I did not wait around long as I wanted this situation handled quickly, but I did not hear any further communication from HOF. I find this hilarious, if this were Walmart or Best Buy, would you be saying I should not return it through them???? From now on, I want you to return anything you buy with a problem through the manufacturer and not your retailer!! -=Jasen=-
  20. Ok, I don't care, even if they are a reseller, they never got back with me about my problem. So if what you are saying is true, I should never go back to Best Buy when my purchase fails in the first week? No, I don't think so. That was whom I purchased from and they should have been in direct contact with resolving my issue....so I think I was being very fair. Bottom line is I had to go and email the manufacturer for a purchase that failed in the first week instead of the person whom sold it to me. So y'all take that for what it is worth! -=Jasen=-
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