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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Yup, only two days left sadly. I go back to work Friday night. But that just gives me more time to think of new stuff! hehe -=Jasen=-
  2. Ok, I know, no pics so it didn't happen. But anyway, I imagined I cooked some hamburgers today and used the Dizzy Pig Cow Lick season on them. Man, they sure seemed delicious for figments of my imagination! Was just too hungry to go get the camera from upstairs and I like my burger hot off the grill....so I can live with it being imaginary! -=Jasen=-
  3. Bracket and Hook Ok, I ended up finding a piece of scrap that was almost perfect already. Only had to it, drill a 7/16" hole and clean it up some. While I was there, I decided I needed another "S" hook for the grill too. So I bent one to fit there too. Yeah, I got one of those head light things too and they work great for working on a pipe under the house or somewhere dark. But I will stick to having a fixed light for the grill. -=Jasen=-
  4. Tomorrow!! Man, I would have figured for sure you would have offered them lots of beer in the middle of the night just to get that baby in place! You disappoint me man! hehe Nice looking cooker dude.....enjoy! BTW, try to use imageshack if you can as that other one is not working very well. About half the pics are not showing up. I am going to disable as soon as I can remember how. -=Jasen=-
  5. I wish our Publix carried them. The only local store we have in which they can be found is Fresh Market. I sent them an email asking WTF about everything showing out of stock (though the traditional Jerk still shown as available). -=Jasen=-
  6. Well, I did not really think about needing one of these till I brought out the LED grill light tonight. I had forgot about it being up in the cupboard. Anyway, just rigged it up with a simple bracket tonight (cannot see in the pic), but tomorrow or one day very soon, I will make up a nice looking bracket to attach to the side bolts to give a nice place to mount those LED grill lights. I probably will not need it after I get side tables, but who when I will get those! hehe It will be a nice idea for anyone not getting side tables so they can have a place to mount the grill light. Man, will the accessories never end????hehe -=Jasen=-
  7. Well, I took some country ribs or pork fingers (whatever your grocer calls them, looks like sliced boston butt to me) and coated them with the Dizzy Pig Firewalk season. Very good season and probably the hottest one they sale. I would make them again for sure, though this is not my favorite Jerk season as that honor goes to Walkerswood jerk ( http://www.walkerswood.com/ )! I did splash them with some Walkerswood hot sauce after chopping. Wish I had some allspice wood (pimento) to use in the fire, but I at least tossed in a few dried allspice berries while smoking (this would have been a good place to have a smoke bomb). https://shop.pimentowood.com/ -=Jasen=-
  8. Well, even Curly can at least look at pictures! And for anyone possibly making this timer for a KK, around 90 secs seems to work well for the timer setting. Also found that moving the alligator clip on the mount to the opposite side of the switch as I had it and turning it 90 degrees made a perfect mount inside the triangular area on the upper portion of the KK hinge. -=Jasen=-
  9. I find that by the time I st. louis the spares what's left for eating is about the same $$$ as the babybacks (I don't like the tips... too greasy so I chuck them). So I go for spares when I want a more meatier rib. Oh, I love the tips They are great in beans! I don't bother paying for baby backs (maybe if I were grilling them or something I might), gotta have my spares and St. Louis trimmed. Heck a lot of times our grocer already has them trimmed too. -=Jasen=-
  10. Thanks for reminding me, I was supposed to check out my stash for SS mesh wire cloth today - opps. I doubt I have any long enough for the cradle though, guess I will have to visit my friendly neighborhood metal supplier soon! I love roasted jalapenos and this would be the ticket! -=Jasen=-
  11. So, hmm, your gonna be gone the next two weeks right? hehe -=Jasen=- Very nice looking setup!!
  12. Hey PaulR, I could not get to my basket right now, full of charcoal. But it looks to be 1/4" rod and I think the spacing is probably 3/8". I did notice on the 3/8" grates that another 3/8" rod fit perfectly in between (maybe he uses a 3/8" rod as his spacer on the welding jig?). Anyway, I forgot to take a pic, but to the below pic I added another set of the shoulder struts at 90 degrees opposite the first set and it holds much better now. So I think when I finally make the SS version, it will have four leg struts on the bottom to support instead of two. -=Jasen=-
  13. Reset Switch! Well, I guess since I have not used the timer till now, I didn't think about adding a reset switch to it. Boy that makes things way less aggravating. There is a reset hookup already on one of the end terminal strips. Just run a wire from the ground, to a momentary contact normally open switch and back to the terminal. Now if I just need to peek in the lid and don't need the time cycle to stay active, I can just hit the little switch on top and the fan comes right back on. -=Jasen=-
  14. Hehe, I tried your tip today of the 3/8 wrench. I gotta admit, that is a good tip as it works. Though it took me forever to find the damn thing. It is always the last wrench you find, when you are looking for it!!! But hopefully my grill floss will be here soon and I won't worry about it. Guess I am stuck making my own ash scraper. -=Jasen=-
  15. My grill sits right next to my back porch where we spend a lot of time. So very low noise was important to me and this one fits the bill. Also, in my opinion, way better built than the noisy battery operated version. Anyway, hope it helped someone make their decision. -=Jasen=-
  16. Ok, I finally got the new rotis motor in today (guess they didn't ship it back out to me as fast as they said they would - oh well). I am still happy they even let me swap it. It is almost silent. Waaaayyyyy more quiet than the battery operated motor. I also tried to stall it by placing the square shaft in the motor and holding it by hand; not even a noticeable change in sound or speed! One thing though, Firemonkey showed me this link to a motor yesterday and I gotta say, had I not bought one already this would really be tempting! http://www.rotisseriemotors.com/model_dl.htm -=Jasen=- Here are some pics!
  17. Everything Ordered! Well, I finally got everything ordered yesterday. Since I have not heard from anyone saying they prefer clear, I am taking that one off the table (as it would not make sense to set up a pour just for one or two clear plugs). Give me about two weeks to get the stuff in, make them and I will get with everyone who has asked for them. -=Jasen=-
  18. Man that is funny, while I was not thinking of the troll mod, when I scrolled down, that is the first pic that I was outraged about! Argh, sauce on a grill....hehe. Nah, can't say I have never done it, but it is not an often occurrence. Usually on chicken though. -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: A little Tweaking Well, I will try to remember to measure later, but as you can see from the pic, it is pretty wide. Probably the same spacing as the grill grates (I know that info does you no good yet - hehe). While I would like them a little closer as I loose a lot of good pieces of charcoal. On the other side, the closer you get them, the easier it is to stop up air flow with small grates. So it is a balancing act to make it just the right size. -=Jasen=-
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