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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Yeah, but that is per probe. The proCom has 4 probes, so I still need 12-16 ft (might could go half with someone). The stuff I found is pretty damn extreme (direct flame and 2600 F for forges and ovens). I am hoping I can find something a little more moderate for a cheaper price. That was just one example. Here is a link to the extreme stuff (only the 2600 F material on this web site had a suitable size sleeving) - http://www.cotronics.com/vo/cotr/fc_sleeving.htm . -=Jasen=-
  2. Royal Oak - 10 lb Bag for $5.27 @ Walmart I was at WallyWorld tonight and saw Royal Oak priced for $3.49. I do not know if that was a season close out price or what, as they had a couple of pallets full. I did not pay attention while everything was ringing up, checked when I got home and naturally I got charged the regular price of $5.27. Oh well, I only grabbed 2 bags, but thought I might mention in case other Walmarts are doing the same. -=Jasen=-
  3. I am sure he knows best, but I have had no issues wrapping them in heat reflective tape (not for greater heat tolerance - only for the occasional flame lapping at them). But I bow to the greater Guru and subtract my recommendation of wrapping them. I still hate the foil bridge as it is damned inconvenient. Also for info, I have found a ceramic over-braid that would do great at protecting these suckers, but it is freakn $76 dollars for 25 feet - ouch. -=Jasen=-
  4. aameduri, just for info, I can vouch for the sausage at Jacobs. Steve pointed me in that direction months ago and they were great (huge but great). Matter of fact, there is a pic of the sausage in my Red Beans and Rice thread in the recipe/sides section. -=Jasen=-
  5. Oh great, so I gotta give you a nickel now Whizzy? hehe One other thing that might be nice; since you already have the data on the ProCom, add it to that chart. I know they are not close in price, but it would show all the features available on the more advanced model in one easy place (just for comparison with the other models). I like that chart, very nice! -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: Burner NG Conversion No problem. Let us know if you need anything else. Just for info, we would love seeing some more pics. If I remember correct you had a gorgeous covered outdoor cooking setup. Gives me something to dream for anyway. -=Jasen=-
  7. If you vent the grill, it is gonna let more air in and raise the temps. Using lean meat, it is gonna dry out, so I would not worry about that. While ceramics keep food very moist, that is generally because there is a lot of moisture already in the food; fat and collagen, not water. If you want to vent it, your gonna have to use something with a constant heat source not affected by the addional air flow. One alternative would be to create a smoke/heat generator external to the KK, such as with cold smoking. You could use a weber smokey joe or other small grill and pipe it over to the kk with a foil hose. You could then open up the KK more to increase airflow. -=Jasen=-
  8. Re: I guess no one else is childish enough to comment but: Hehehe, I don't know about that!! -=Jasen=-
  9. Here are a couple of links to more info: viewtopic.php?t=725&highlight=drill+size+natural+gas viewtopic.php?t=933&highlight=drill+size+natural+gas viewtopic.php?t=629&highlight=drill+size+natural+gas
  10. Re: BTU Rating It is just the jet orifice (entry as say) that needs drilling. There are a couple of threads here of folks whom did just that. I will locate one and post it here when I find it. But from what I recall, Dennis said the burner is about 20K. Just remember, you can always drill out larger if it does not work, but it is a lot harder to fix if you drill it out too much. -=Jasen=-
  11. Here ya go - http://www.sausagemaker.com/index.asp?P ... ategory=23 ! Some folks use this to dry out the jerky, some use smokers or ovens. -=Jasen=-
  12. Man, I want some jerky! Anyone here making jerky in their KK? Must be nice to find a butcher that will cut that up for you and understand what you want. Sadly, there are no butcher shops around here; just grocery store meat departments. Nine out of ten just gave me a blank stare when I asked them to cut 1/8 thick slices with the grain. Now, since I bought a commercial slicer, I just buy the center round and cut it myself. Works out cheaper when I buy the whole roast. Plus I get a lot of use out of the slicer with turkey, ham and salami. -=Jasen=-
  13. Just for others info, I would take into account the weight of the cradle (and how much you can put into it - especially if getting the larger one) when deciding which motor to go with. I have power at my grilling area so it is not a concern and would go with the heavier rated unit. Would rather have a unit rated at higher than my maximum use and not need it, than need it and not have it. I plan on trying pork butts and brisket on the thing, so I want power!!! Though if I did not have a receptacle right there, I can see how nice the battery unit would be nice. -=Jasen=-
  14. Just from what I have read, you can get an AC adapter for the battery version. The big difference between the two is the torque. I think the battery/ac adapter was rated at 30 lbs and the straight ac at 50 lbs. So if you are getting the big cradle, might wanna think about the straight ac only. -=Jasen=-
  15. Damn that looks good. You are getting some great usage from that rotisserie too! -=Jasen=-
  16. You will have no problems finding dead animals there. There are wonderful Harry's (Whole Food) Markets all over the place and then the massive Dekalb Farmers Market ( http://www.dekalbfarmersmarket.com/ ) - OMG what a place! Man, what I would give for either one of those type places around Augusta. Just the produce section is bigger than most of our grocery stores here. Well, luckily we have at least one good German restaurant here in Augusta. Guess I will just have to stick with it and find something else next time I am in Atlanta (not like that is hard to do - hehe). -=Jasen=-
  17. Hey, how about some pics of all that fun?? There are some of us whom are still having to live vicariously through the rest of you (though that number is getting smaller fast). -=Jasen=-
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