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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Porkchop bist du einen Nena fan??? DJ porkchop is only saying good things about you, no worries... Although I doubt that you'd be happy with just a little bit (to drink) 99 bottles of dark beer on the wall 99 bottles of dark beer..... Well, I thought I picked out something about singing and 99 dark eyebrows - hehehe - so I guess I was close? hehe I guess that is what you call, lost in translation. Anyway you look at it, I love their food and their beer, so I guess I should learn their language so I can visit. -=Jasen=-
  2. Them there is fighting words!!!!! Your treading on thin ice there MacMan! You anti-porkarian! Come on Porkchop, back me up here! -=Jasen=-
  3. Well, it's not really Superbowl Que, but how about day before Que? Also, got a really nice pot of red beans cooking! -=Jasen=-
  4. Don't forget, we need pics of your first cook in the cooking photo section!!!! It's the LAW! -=Jasen=-
  5. Ok, what does etwass and bischen mean? I only know enough German to get my ass kicked while visiting - hehe. One of these days I am actually going to break out the Rosetta stone language software I have and learn. -=Jasen=-
  6. Wait, another new name crossed my mind - Dunkel. You know it will have to beer related with me, but is also means dark in German. -=Jasen=-
  7. Um, Rib Ninja would be RN buy my spelling?? Too many college frat parties lately PC? And I prefer Drunken' Ninja now - hehe! Or maybe I will call my grill Stout or Porter, that might work out better. And please get rid of that hideous avatar - jeez - a hell of a thing to do to a guy when he first wakes up - argh! hehe -=Jasen=-
  8. Damn, don't we have some anti-Mac spray around here somewhere?? I keep doing everything I can to stomp out all the vermin, but they still sneak in under the cracks! Hehe, nice looking cooker marco polo! I would keep her sub-critical for a few cooks, just to be on the safe side for sure! Popular choices are always Boston butt or whole brisket for some good break in cooks (sub 250)! If you have not had brisket in a ceramic cooker before, your gonna go crazy when you do - fantastic!! And as a right of passage, we expect full photo coverage of the event too! -=Jasen=-
  9. Wow, 3 hours??? That is all??? Man that is a great deal. That was why I quit with my old dehydrator, as it took forever. I would have to leave my old one overnight and rotate racks too. I might have to seriously consider one of those then. My wife just saw the dehydrator and the jerky pics; she is not convinced and requested samples too - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  10. Man that thing is nice. Just curious, about how long is it taking, about what temp and do you have to rotate racks any? I am seriously considering getting one. The oven has always worked good for me, but if this is easier / better, I am all for it. Thanks for the pics too. -=Jasen=- Opps, just noticed the big 145 degrees for jerky in the photo.
  11. Yah' date=' I hear they self destruct from neglect, if they don't get smoke and 'que in them within 12 hours of delivery. Hate to have that happen, after all the work you went to opening the crate. [/quote'] That's OK, I'm only 3-4 hrs away, I can come pick it up for rehab It fits my color profile Oh, so now your saying you color profile - huh?? Ok, I think we might need more council here - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  12. So DJ, I just recently ordered a variety of that Hi-mountain cure...unfortuneatly Chubby found the package on the porch before we got home and he ate the one I wanted most to test (Bourbon BBQ Blend). But I had some that survived But I didn't realize you can add it too your liquid marinaids. I was talking to another guy that uses it dry by putting the meat in a large baggy and shaking the heck out of it to get it equally on all the meat....and then letting it sit (still dry) for 24 hours or so. So the liquid doesn't do anything negative to the cure process huh? Oh that should be good. Dry cure and dog slobber - hehe. I have tried most of the Hi mountain cures, but always come back to original or peppered and add a good heaping teaspoon of red pepper to it. I lay out all the cut jerky meat on tin foil, shake the mixed cure on it, flip it, shake again. Then stack it all and place it in bags for the fridge. I do not know why the guy would say that the meat liquid has a negative effect on it. To me, it would help it spread the cure since most of it is water soluble. Most curing products that I have used can be made into a brine or used dry. -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Dohh! Water??? Man, this is at least a 3 beer job!!!! Ok, not so much a job, but that is what we tell the wife. -=Jasen=-
  14. I would think a 5 gallon bucket idea would be no problem as all that is needed is a simple airlock (basically just like you described on the other thread discussing steaks. But the issue I have with it (the same issue with my steak draining container), is that they are not very sturdy and could not stand up to very much vacuum at all. That is why the foodsaver containers are so rigid. So I cannot see any benefit to vacuum verses just tossing it in on a 5 gallon bucket. Now on the vacuum verses non vacuum marinade. While I also have never had a test batch with some marinaded and some not, I have noticed that the 1 hour vacuum marinaded seemed to have marinade inside the meat when cutting into while eating. The non vacuum 1 or 2 hours marinade was not noticeable. Now of course, this was on meats not drained as described in the draining topic of the technique section. As meats properly drained absorbed the marinade whether under vacuum or not. Cruzmisl, I would not toss out the idea of just using a foodsaver bag too. Before foodsaver, I always marinaded my jerky in a plain old large zip lock bag. Once the air is removed (from either), you have 100% contact with marinade and meat. Once in a while (when I get a beer out of the fridge or something - ok - more than once in a while then - hehe), I just flip that sucker over so it does not sit on one side more than the other. 24 hrs later and I am making jerky. One thing though, the jerky cure I use is a powder, but once it mixes with the juices, it turns into a bit of a liquid. Also, how about some pics for us of your new machine and jerky???? -=Jasen=-
  15. They also make a nice square marinade container too. $12 at Walmart. I cannot imagine tumbling the food would in liquid would be any better than just completely submerging it; just use a little more liquid. Though there is a cool factor with it. -=Jasen=-
  16. Re: Anyone ever use one of these?? Have seen them but never used one. Though for that price you could get a very nice foodsaver system. It just would not rotote the meat. Hehehe, maybe use a food saver canister and one of those cheap rock tumbler setups??? hehe FYI, I love my foodsaver. -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: Rotisserie Chicken I always liked the BBQ flavored rotisserie chicken at Publix. It is BBQ flavored with a dry rub. The closest thing I have found to it is Chef Paul Prudhomme's BBQ Cajun magic ( http://shop.chefpaul.com/index.asp?Page ... &ProdID=74 ). While I have not tried it on a rotisserie, it taste pretty good in the oven. I also very much like the basic smoke season and Rox's Rub I posted in the recipe section ( viewtopic.php?p=2318#2318 ). Please post pics for me to drool over too. -=Jasen=-
  18. He could send it my house instead, but I am not sure that green tile would match very well I am pretty centrally located, so Lake Wales is nearby (50mi South). It is not green tiled, remember the vote, I switched to the black tile. But you are right, I am sure green would not match the pink tile your other grill goes with - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  19. Redneckville - hehe. Let's just say Curly would fit right in with the old junk truck in the front yard - hahahahaha! -=Jasen=-
  20. True that. So wanna go in halfsies with me on the new chain? -=Jasen=-
  21. Ok, ok, ya'll talked me into it. I'll take a few million out of petty cash and get right on that - hehe! Look for one in your area soon! -=Jasen=-
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