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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. For those who have a Publix, they also offer non molested poultry - though I cannot remember if it was their brand or another. -=Jasen=-
  2. Guru Probe Sleeve Info!!! Lets get the legal matters out of the way here; I am not saying these test results or my methods will increase your Guru probe wires beyond the manufacturers recommended temps, nor do I guarantee your results will correspond to mine. So take it for what it is; my opinion and experiences. I believe I have increased the Guru probe wires flame retardancy from zero to approximately 30 secs without doing major harm to the probes. I ordered both the 1/8 and 1/16 sizes of fiberglass sleeving mentioned in the above post. After receiving the material, it appeared they sent me two of the same size (1/8). After correspondence, they sent me out a second shipment of what they called 1/16. Now I have 3 sections of sleeving that all look the same to me, so I cannot definitively say what size they have sent. I would suggest ordering the 1/16 sleeve. Ok, using a standard butane lighter and holding the flame approximately between 1/2 (on original probe wire) to 1/4 (on insulated) from surface, the original probe wires melted into a nice black blob in about 5 secs. After adding the fiberglass sleeving mentioned in the above post, at 30 secs I observed only mild surface deformity on the probe wire with no degradation on the TC wires located inside the teflon insulation. At around 45 secs, the outside insulation was soft and after examining the inner wires noticed the inner insulation had begun to fuse with the outer probe insulation but had not shorted the leads. I would certainly not ever want to use a good probe past 30 secs of continuous flame; realistically you want zero flame on the probe and this additional insulation is simply meant for accident protection. The sleeving was white (which is not big deal) and since it is going to get smokey, I decided to attempt dying it black. Well I did not have too much confidence normal dye would penetrate fiberglass - that turned out to be mostly correct. As you can see from the pics below it did darken, though I contribute that to residual dye left in the weave which was not washed out thoroughly. To prevent the cut ends of the sleeving from unraveling, I suggest tucking the strands back inside the sleeving. This seems to work well and is also a technique I have used for years on my welding fingers (fiberglass sleeves used to protect your fingers from hot surfaces in addition to welding gloves). I used small hemostats to hold the strand, push it in and release which worked well (and before the comments fly, they are for soldering purposes only - hehe). Someone who has a wife that knits or knits themselves (Gerard??) may find some tool involved with that could work well - no idea - just a guess. Yes, the sleeving does add considerable thickness to the wire size. This should be no issue to the KK as the polder port is large enough to accommodate the increased size. Two is no issue, three not a problem, four will fit (no guarantees - but should based on measurements) but no smoke is gonna leak by - hehe. I hope this info helps anyone whom has had a probe ruin on them resulting from flame up. -=Jasen=- I forgot to add that whatever size this ended up being (I am calling it 1/16), it fit perfectly over the probe tips without desoldering any of the connectors. Thought I would mention that since my earlier post indicated it might be necessary.
  3. Yeah, Boston Butt looks good, but I want some of the grill too - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  4. Re: It's 8 AM and the Stoker Says.... Dude, you soooo have to get me pics of your grill! That is the same color scheme I am getting! -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: Calzone Those look delicious Sanny! -=Jasen=-
  6. Firemonkey, I have used it a couple times for smoke wood. Thought it was a nice mild smoke, kinda like apple. -=Jasen=-
  7. Quick update. I purchased the 1/16 (8819k41) & 1/8 (8819k42) fiberglass sleeving from the above McMaster-Carr link and will let you know what size works out the best. Ended up going with the fiberglass as it is very cheap (25 ft of each size including shipping for $13.75) and was able to test a small piece I had on hand (finger protector for TIG welding). Using a small propane torch and passing it across the surface, it held up amazingly well - only melted slightly on the exposed fibrous ends. I hardly think we will be using them anywhere near those conditions so this material should hold up well. Hopefully it will be in by next week so I can test it and see. More info then. -=Jasen=-
  8. I know, I get seduced anytime I see a nice rack and legs too! -=Jasen=-
  9. I actually thought is was funny as hell! If you read the underlying print here, it says, "If you would have just read Dennis' post, you would have known this was in it" - hahahaha! -=Jasen=-
  10. Hey Porky, I think you just got slammed - but in a subtle way! hehe -=Jasen=-
  11. Funny how I was thinking the same thing....about you - hehe - dance for me meat puppet!!!!!! -=Jasen=- Here I'll fly the F8F Bearcat that I personally modeled. This is what you will look like after I'm done with you. Now where is my Naan! Oh golly gee - I will accept your challenge! But alas, my Commodore Vic 20 is up in the attic; might take me a little while to knock out the cob webs and get it running this program! hehe -=Jasen=-
  12. Funny how I was thinking the same thing....about you - hehe - dance for me meat puppet!!!!!! -=Jasen=-
  13. Those look good, though it looks like you are grillin' them and not smoking them as I see some serious fire under there? Nuttin wrong with that, just somewhat different. Do you ever cook the venison ribs low and slow? How about leaving the rack whole? Just curious, guess you like those tasty crispies on all sides? I used to eat lots of venison ribs growing up, just cannot get them as often anymore (do not hunt anymore). Usually when friends give me deer, they are already at the meat processor and for some reason, never give you ribs around here - not sure why. -=Jasen=-
  14. Try the microwave for 30 seconds. Just wait I'll get even with you yet. Buy an Xbox 360 - that will show me - hehe! Oh wait, Mac does not make a console! -=Jasen=-
  15. I think healthy non-flaming debate is good. This has actually been absent on the forum for a while now - so I like it! Plus, it is a good source to learn from - thanks! I still thing the highlight of the thread was my ribs!!! -=Jasen=-
  16. So, how long do you have to hold the milk in your hands before it is hot hand milk? hehe -=Jasen=-
  17. ThreeDJ16


    Good. It's a far better use of your time. I'll second that! Though I am sure we will get bashed once they all stop watching it - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  18. Oh yeah, I am also still mad people are commenting on animal feed and not my delicious ribs posted one page 1 of the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really do not care what that pig was feed, he tasted great!! -=Jasen=-
  19. Those are cool, er, or hot - hehe! Another suggestion are those insulated bags like the pizza delivery dudes use, except much wider. Don't have a link, but mine came from Sam's - they work great. Good for keeping hot foods hot or cold foods cold without the need of an additional source at the required temp. Sometimes I fill the excess air space with towels. Also have one in my vehicle to toss in my frozen/refrigerated goods for the trip home; especially when other stops are necessary on the way home. These things are huge and can hold loads of food. -=Jasen=-
  20. Wooooaw! Remind me never to make fun of your cooking - hehe! I think Sanny's comment was intended towards processing of deceased animals back in to the feed supply (google search turns up many related articles). I think they are imposing feed laws now to protect against that practice. It was indicated that was a major reason mad cow disease spread. Junk also would be rightly named for growth hormones used in the industry to bring animals to slaughter faster. I know local folks whom own poultry farms (raising them for a major US poultry label); they have told me in no uncertain terms that growth hormones are used (there is a ridiculous rate of growth from biddie to bird). I have no clues on organically grown critters; I am sure they are feed very nutritional food, ranged free and unstressed (until they are killed). But for the billions of other animals produced by large industry, I have seen first hand, it is production first! Is is all truly safe, who knows for sure, we may in another 50 years know something different. Am I scared to eat it, hell no! Give me some tasty critters to cook up. As far as I am concerned, we have a great, healthily supply of top notch foods. Oh yeah, this somewhat ties the asbestos comment to the 'junk'. How many years was asbestos legal and used before we knew it was so bad for us? Better question, how many more years after we knew it was bad before something was done about it? Anyway, I am not into the superbowl (yes, go ahead, I am expecting flames over that one - but my wife loves that fact), so I felt like shooting the bull (hehe) with you Samatha! I am also not fanning flames here, just do not think there was anything that derogatory meant. And also, everyone has there own opinions, fact or fiction. -=Jasen=-
  21. A slab of beer? Aussie unit of measure for beer? hehe Come on, like you didn't expect this from me?? -=Jasen=-
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