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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Great! That is great! Now be sure to get us some pics!!! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: POPCORN!!!! MICROWAVE!!!! I actually have an airpopper somewhere around here. But I guess I am just not a popcorn connoisseur! -=Jasen=-
  3. Re: But I am still mad with you.... Yes, ya butt! Damnit, damnit, damnit! Never had any, but the food network did a show that had that place on it. At least get me a doggie bag! I believe their ribs were directly cooked over open coals in kinda a oven looking pit (they open a door in the wall which had a coal pit and racks above it). -=Jasen=-
  4. Re: Hot tubbing steaks - why not microwave 'em? How dare you! That is just plain wrong! I hate microwaves, unless I am at work and forced to use the damn things. At home, it is for popcorn and the occasional reheat of an already dead dinner. Even if I am forced to the levels of having to eat a frozen dinner, I will always avert and use the oven if at all possible. -=Jasen=-
  5. Yeah, yeah sure! I'm hoping monkey boy beats the living crap outta ya is what I mean Yeah, yeah sure! -=Jasen=-
  6. All right, break this up! Don't make me have to come here and get all AlanZ on y'all! Hahahahaa, opps, did I say that out loud. Bad me, bad me! -=Jasen=-
  7. The problem I have with the concept is the grill imparts flavor, so pre-cooking the meat is taking away from the grill contact time, which I would think removes some of the grill flavor. But I think it does have merit. What I have read and experimented with good results, was T-rexing the steak for 60 seconds per side, then placing them on a cold plate to drop the temperature so the muscle relaxes again (supposedly during the high temp cook the muscle meat knots up - hell mine would too -hehe). Then by the time the grill cools to dwell temps for the remaining cook, the steaks have relaxed and will be more tender. So this seems kinda a reverse of pre-heat method you describe. -=Jasen=-
  8. Your just excited thinking about the two of us rolling around and tussling - yes, you are! hehe Both of you! -=Jasen=-
  9. Don't Try To Re-Open A Tightened Hot Damper Top! Well, the title pretty much says it all. If your grill is thoroughly heat soaked, and you tighten your damper top closed, don't try to re-open is as the gasket could be loosened from the heat and fall off. Wait for it to cool first or do not close it tight. Again, this thread covers it - hehe! Was a darn good thread, wasn't it? hehe -=Jasen=-
  10. Don't Clean Your Grill at 1100 Degrees! Here is the thread that covers it! And some really nice pics of BBQ and fat lazy dogs! - hehe -=Jasen=- viewtopic.php?t=1004&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  11. Re: NEVER DO THIS.... Mea Culpa Dennis, Mea Cupla:smt022 I'm sorry! I had no intention of doing that high temp and it had been between 220 - 350 degrees for 6 days straight, non-stop, 144 hours But...the gasket came off before my mistake. It was at around hour 118-120, I closed the dome completely for around 30 minutes to drop the temp from 350-225 and when I loosened it the gasket loosened too. It was just flopping around during the 20 hour butt cook so the high temp had nothing to do with it. Also it was not a "full bowl". That photo above shows about 1/4 bag left..I'd estimate 1/2 full bowl FWIW. I pledge allegiance to Gigantor, Never to cross that 800 line again. Hehehe, that is funny. Maybe tightening the top damper and then opening it back up while hot ain't so good an idea either? This sounds like another item I should add in the KK411 Things Not To Do list! Yup, with all y'alls trials and errors, I am gonna breeze into mine when I get it - hehehe - thanks! But I am still mad with you for posting those great pictures of yummy BBQ! Thought the wife is at least speaking again - sometimes though, the reverse can be a blessing - hehe - shh, I did not say that - hehe ! -=Jasen=-
  12. I figured you got that name as a kid playing with fire and set someone's field a blaze or something - hehe. Oh yeah, I am really worried; please don't hurt me monkey boy - ! -=Jasen=-
  13. Still playing the single player game first (it is good), though I did try one online game once. But I am almost finished then I can get practiced up - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  14. Re: Hey now... You brought it on yourself! -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: blah blah blah blah blah... Mr. Jealous? I will call your wife (Santa) and tell her that you have been bad and don't deserve a 360 for Christmas - hehe!!!! -=Jasen=-
  16. I hope that camera has a shaded lens? hehe Ok, I could not resist at least one. -=Jasen=-
  17. Re: Maybe it's just you... Ha ha, I'm just trying to make sure you're riled up enough to put up a decent fight... as sad as it will be... Bawahahahahahahahhahaha - that is too funny. I have to let you get close to winning a round every now and then just to keep you playing! Then I just snatch the rug right out from under you! hehe -=Jasen=-
  18. Re: Wow... You like roasting butts don't ya? And you quit being jealous of my Smokey Joe like Curly. I can't help it that it looks better than that monstrosity in your backyard! -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Maybe it's just you... Your just mad cause you know your gonna get beat down at Halo 2 tonight! -=Jasen=-
  20. Actually it was already; his question was what can I use to re-attach the existing gasket, my answer was high temp silicone. Curly actually interjected the wrong answer thereby confusing the situation - darn ya! So go back to sleep at your computer Majestik and as you need the rest for the ass kickin' your gonna get tonight at Halo 2!!!! -=Jasen=-
  21. At our Sam's, you gotta ask for the Boston butts and the brisket. Our Sam's sux and I tossed the member ship renewal the last time it came. -=Jasen=-
  22. Actually, I was talking about using the high temp silicone to re-adhere his existing gasket, not to form a new one. -=Jasen=-
  23. I hate you man. I am sooooo jealous right now. And the wife is mad too as she was walking by and saw those pics and wanted some of that wonderful looking que!! See what you done, now I am in the dog house cause I cannot make any. Tell your dogs to scoot over, I will be their soon. -=Jasen=-
  24. Re: This Noob Suggests..... In your dreams. I started life as a dignified and skeptical baby. Your really Stewie Griffin, aren't you? -=Jasen=-
  25. High temp silicone will do the trick. You can find it at most auto part stores! -=Jasen=-
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