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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Hello! Welcome to the forum. One of the great things about these cookers, there are not a lot of accessories you need as Dennis includes almost everything you need. The upper/sear grill and gas start are about the only two accessories available. The supreme OBT seems to be the most popular model since it is all stainless, precision CNC cut metal and comes with two main grill levels. -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Sorry, no pics Just curious Curly, you cannot just unplug your mem card from camera and plug it into the computer - then just drag and drop your photos? That is how I do mine - I tossed the crappy software that came with the Nikkon. I use ACDSee to view and Imageshack free tools to resize and upload. -=Jasen=-
  3. Re: Merry Holidays Bahhahahahhahamamahwahahwahha! Just wait and see what is missing from your place when you get home!! Just remember: You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel. Mr. Grinch. -=Jasen=-
  4. All I gotta say is "Bah-Humbug"! -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: Hello from Paul Hello Paul! Glad to see you found our forum. Yeah, all of us admins have been celebrating this little holiday - you might have heard of it - it's called Christmas - hehe! Just for info, if you are trying to contact the owner Dennis for info about a KK, he is on holiday and might be a little longer than normal getting back to you (but he will). -=Jasen=-
  6. Only while you're sleeping; so my snoring doesn't wake you. BTW; What's the quote trick? When I use the quote button, the system inserts "Quote:" (in bold text) in the message; however, when you quote you seem to have text control; like "johnnyboy wrote:" instead of "Quote:". Tricks baby, tricks please. The difference is whether you use the quote button from the list view (which is what this is) verses what you are using, which is the quote function while in the post/reply view. In other words, while you are reading my message, look in the right upper corner to see a quote button - use it to show it was quoted from me (or whomever). -=Jasen=-
  7. I am quite sure Curly doesn't drink - hehe. But since you quoted me - hehe - you must of missed my sarcasm! -=Jasen=-
  8. Nice choice of beverage with that lovely side of beef? I suppose the diet part is to counter the effects of Que, huh? hehe I suppose that is about right, 1 can diet soda nullifies 30lbs beef! -=Jasen=-
  9. Merry Christmas! Have a good holiday in Bangkok and try not to get into too much trouble, er, don't do anything I would do?? hehe -=Jasen=-
  10. Re: Where's da beef.. The cooking general and technique fits the bill for food related topics! Only under actual recipe sections are we trying to keep the threads straight! But thanks for mentioning. -=Jasen=-
  11. Pulled beef...what's chipped, same as pulled? Well, since I do not have one of those claw thingies, I use a cleaver - so chipped or cut verses pulled, but basically similar. -=Jasen=-
  12. Looks like as good a place as any to post! That is a great deal for a backup fan considering this is the replacement fan (minus the damper and port plugin) for the Pit Viper (10cfm) fan which is currently running $52 if you have to get the whole unit from Guru. If I did not already have those 9 cfm fans in my computer parts junk, I would be all over that deal! But anyone using the Pit Viper (10cfm Guru Fan) should seriously consider getting one as a backup! Would suck if one went out on you when you had a big cook planned and your used to being under Guru control! -=Jasen=-
  13. If you do a search for the kit, you might find a couple more web sites that sell them, I just think that was the cheapest. Also they sold the kit in a already built form too. As far as size, it is not that small. I noticed I did not post the box dimensions, so I will grab them later and post. I got the box at parts express along with the mercury switch. But as you can see comparing it with the base station, it is not that small. Yes the rat nest. First off, I had no idea where I would need to mount the box when I made it, so I made the cable long for fan out, the existing fan cable was already long so I left it (also not knowing where the mount was taking place). It was not until I put the thing together that I realized the perfect mount was on the back of the base. Also the microswitch cable is long as I have no idea how far it needs to be to clip at a good spot (I do not have a KK yet). And lastly, one plan was to put the microswitch inside the box and have the box mount on the grill; but this worked out much better than that. So as a result, you can pretty much get rid of all that cable behind the unit, I just left it since I did not have measurements. Not to mention, I really do not care as my Guru port is being placed on the rear of the grill. Once my base rain cover is on (zip lock - hehe), you do not even notice the wires. Anyway, enjoy the project and let me know of any improvements, as I am sure there could be. -=Jasen=-
  14. Re: Speaking of dry ice.. anyone know a good place to buy it and how to pack it so the post office doesn't have a cow? How many days will it last? Is FedEx necessary? Inquiring minds wanta know! Our local Walmart sells dry ice. When I receive orders from Igourmet.com, they ship their orders in an insulated box with dry ice and/or reusable freeze packs (depending on season) and they are good for a couple of days (2 day Fedex). However, I would be a lot more leery of pork that arrived a little warm than cheese, so toss in a little extra dry ice and you should be OK on a Fedex 2 day express. -=Jasen=-
  15. Dude, maybe you could weld some kinda browser together for us...that'd be neat wouldn't it? Man, I feel all geeky like ya'll now that I came up with a groovey idear Dude, go back to sleep at work again! -=Jasen=-
  16. Just tested the newest Netscape and while it did not smear the screen, it just did not bother to load it until it was completely finished - which took a while on some threads. Man, I have not used Netscape in many, many years - now I remember why. -=Jasen=-
  17. Well, we can at least agree on that one thing anyway - hehe. Doesn't mean I am gonna go bite my nose off to spite my face (and buy a mac) anytime soon. In life, sometimes we balance some necessary evils for a greater good! -=Jasen=-
  18. Yeah, you sell mine, but you give yours away! I guess we know who has the better butts! -=Jasen=-
  19. It never smears on my Mac. When I'm at work on Windows XP Internet Exploder then I get the smears. The smears stop for me after the page has completely loaded but if I scroll while the page is loading I get the smears. Well I imagine it doesn't; I mean how hard is it for that mac to show stick figures? -=Jasen=-
  20. You know Fetz, the best person to ask here is Firemonkey, as he gives butt away all the time! -=Jasen=-
  21. Yeah right, your just to chicken to get online. Probably really have not even bought it. And that kinda crack maybe, but it's your crack - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  22. That conjures up a new vision of a crack head. Being this is Firemonkey we are talking about, it could go either way! -=Jasen=-
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